9,982 research outputs found

    The financial impact of ISO 9000 certification in the United States: an empirical analysis.

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    The ISO 9000 series of quality management systems standards, introduced in 1986, has been adopted at over 560,000 locations worldwide. Anecdotal evidence suggests that firms can achieve internal benefits such as quality or productivity improvements or that certification can help firms maintain or increase their market share, or both. Others argue that the standard is too generic to cause performance improvement but can be seen as a signal of good management. In this paper, we track financial performance from 1987 to 1997 of all publicly traded ISO 9000 certified manufacturing firms in the United States with SIC codes 2000ā€“3999, and test whether ISO 9000 certification leads to productivity improvements, market benefits, and improved financial performance. We employ event-study methods, matching each certified firm to a control group of one or more noncertified firms in the same industry with similar precertification size and/or return on assets. We find that firmsā€™ decision to seek their first ISO 9000 certification was indeed followed by significant abnormal improvements in financial performance, though the exact timing and magnitude of this effect depend on the specification of the control group. Three years after certification, the certified firms do display strongly significant abnormal performance under all control-group specifications. The degree to which the precise results vary across control-group specifications indicates that event studies should always include extensive sensitivity analysis, for instance matching by size and performance separately and jointly, using both single firms and portfolios as controls.ISO 9000; Quality management; Standards; Financial; Empirical; Event study; Compustat;

    Automated Reconstruction of Particle Cascades in High Energy Physics Experiments

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    We present a procedure for reconstructing particle cascades from event data measured in a high energy physics experiment. For evaluating the hypothesis of a specific physics process causing the observed data, all possible reconstruction versions of the scattering process are constructed from the final state objects. We describe the procedure as well as examples of physics processes of different complexity studied at hadron-hadron colliders. We estimate the performance by 20 microseconds per reconstructed decay vertex, and 0.6 kByte per reconstructed particle in the decay trees.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures. Submitted to Computational Science & Discover

    Inverse Scattering for Gratings and Wave Guides

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    We consider the problem of unique identification of dielectric coefficients for gratings and sound speeds for wave guides from scattering data. We prove that the "propagating modes" given for all frequencies uniquely determine these coefficients. The gratings may contain conductors as well as dielectrics and the boundaries of the conductors are also determined by the propagating modes.Comment: 12 page

    Managing the Unmanageable: How IS Research Can Contribute to the Scholarship of Cyber Projects

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    Cyber projects are large-scale efforts to implement computer, information, and communication technologies in scientific communities. These projects seek to build scientific cyberinfrastructure that will promote new scientific collaborations and transform science in novel and unimagined ways. Their scope and complexity, the number and diversity of stakeholders, and their transformational goals make cyber projects extremely challenging to understand and manage. Consequently, scholars from multiple disciplines, including computer science, information science, sociology, and information systems, have begun to study cyber projects and their impacts. As IS scholars, our goal is to contribute to this growing body of inter-disciplinary knowledge by considering three areas of IS research that are particularly germane to this class of project, given their characteristics: development approaches, conflict, and success factors. After describing cyber projects, we explore how IS research findings in these three areas are relevant for cyber projects, and suggest promising avenues of future research. We conclude by discussing the importance and unique challenges of cyber projects and propose that, given our expertise and knowledge of project management, IS researchers are particularly well suited to contribute to the inter-disciplinary study of these projects

    Concepts, Developments and Advanced Applications of the PAX Toolkit

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    The Physics Analysis eXpert (PAX) is an open source toolkit for high energy physics analysis. The C++ class collection provided by PAX is deployed in a number of analyses with complex event topologies at Tevatron and LHC. In this article, we summarize basic concepts and class structure of the PAX kernel. We report about the most recent developments of the kernel and introduce two new PAX accessories. The PaxFactory, that provides a class collection to facilitate event hypothesis evolution, and VisualPax, a Graphical User Interface for PAX objects

    From Poincare to affine invariance: How does the Dirac equation generalize?

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    A generalization of the Dirac equation to the case of affine symmetry, with SL(4,R) replacing SO(1,3), is considered. A detailed analysis of a Dirac-type Poincare-covariant equation for any spin j is carried out, and the related general interlocking scheme fulfilling all physical requirements is established. Embedding of the corresponding Lorentz fields into infinite-component SL(4,R) fermionic fields, the constraints on the SL(4,R) vector-operator generalizing Dirac's gamma matrices, as well as the minimal coupling to (Metric-)Affine gravity are studied. Finally, a symmetry breaking scenario for SA(4,R) is presented which preserves the Poincare symmetry.Comment: 34 pages, LaTeX2e, 8 figures, revised introduction, typos correcte

    Spectra of Discrete Schr\"odinger Operators with Primitive Invertible Substitution Potentials

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    We study the spectral properties of discrete Schr\"odinger operators with potentials given by primitive invertible substitution sequences (or by Sturmian sequences whose rotation angle has an eventually periodic continued fraction expansion, a strictly larger class than primitive invertible substitution sequences). It is known that operators from this family have spectra which are Cantor sets of zero Lebesgue measure. We show that the Hausdorff dimension of this set tends to 11 as coupling constant Ī»\lambda tends to 00. Moreover, we also show that at small coupling constant, all gaps allowed by the gap labeling theorem are open and furthermore open linearly with respect to Ī»\lambda. Additionally, we show that, in the small coupling regime, the density of states measure for an operator in this family is exact dimensional. The dimension of the density of states measure is strictly smaller than the Hausdorff dimension of the spectrum and tends to 11 as Ī»\lambda tends to 00
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