54 research outputs found
Occurrence of coronary artery disease in combination with anxiety-depressive disorders is common in clinical practice. In such patients, affective disorders significantly may cause progression of atherosclerotic processes, thus complicating the course of cardiac pathology and prognosis. Distinct markers of immune inflammation, first of all, cytokines are of particular importance for the pro-atherogenic effects in atherosclerotic foci. Endogenous opiate peptides are considered the main regulators of these processes at the neuroimmune level. Their role for stabilization of cytokine levels in evolving inflammation in atherosclerotic plaque, and during adaptation of heart muscle to stressful effects was previously shown. Despite reliable data on the role of immune inflammatory markers in atherogenesis, the validity of the regulatory role of opiate peptides in this process, questions still exist about the effects of affective disorders upon neuropeptide-cytokine status of the immune system in the patients with chronic ischemic heart disease (IHD). Another issue concerns the ranges of these changes in painful and painless forms of myocardial ischemia.Therefore, the purpose of our study was to assess the impact of severity of anxiety-depressive disorders upon the neuropeptide-cytokine status of immune system in patients with various clinical variants of chronic IHD, as well as comparisons of these changes expressed in painlul and painless myocardial ischemia.Appropriate groups were formed, then being divided into subgroups, according to the percentage of painful and painless episodes of angina pectoris: Group 1 (n = 36) included patients with chronic coronary artery disease occurring and moderate-grade anxiety/depression; Group 2 (n = 34) consisted of patients with chronic coronary artery disease and mild anxiety-depressive disorders; Group 3 (n = 20) included patients with chronic coronary artery disease without anxiety and depressive disorders; Group 4 (n = 22) represented controls (healthy persons). As based on presence of painful and painless episodes of stenocardia, the following subgroups were specified: in the 1 st group of patients, painful form of IHD was detected in 44% of cases (n = 17); painless form of IHD was detected in 56% of patients (n = 19); in the 2 nd group of patients, painful form of IHD is in 52% of the examined persons (n = 18), painless form of IHD was revealed in 48% of cases (n = 16); in the 3 rd group, the painful form of IHD was confirmed in 37% of patients (n = 8), painless form of IHD was observed in 63% of patients (n = 12). In all these groups, the following parameters were evaluated: the state of psychophysiological status determined by psychological testing, the levels of vegetative regulation (β-endorphin), the function of cardiovascular system (SMECG), and the levels of peripheral blood TNFα, IL-1β, IL-6 and IL-4, IL-10 were also measured.As based on the data of clinical and laboratory examination, we have suggested that, in the patients with chronic IHD, anxiety and depressive disorders exert a direct pathological effect on the neuropeptide-cytokine status of immune system expressed as suppression of β-endorphin, increased level of pro-inflammatory cytokines and a decrease in anti-inflammatory factors. Meanwhile, these changes are especially pronounced in the patients with painless myocardial ischemia
Efficiency validation for application of medical and psychological rehabilitation and digitalpsychophysiological therapy in regulation of atherosclerosis development at the level of neuropeptide-cytokine links of immune system in polymorbid cardiovascular pathology in presence of affective spectrum disorders in marine specialists in the Far North
Scientific medical literature has accumulated a lot of data suggesting most important components of coronary heart disease pathogenesis and hypertension to be complex triggering processes of neuro-immune and neuro-endocrine interactions. Risk factors for cardiovascular diseases at the initial stages of atherosclerosis formation cause endothelial dysfunction and trigger a cascade of immune inflammation in coronary vessels, which is based on shifting immune response towards activation of lymphocytes, with predominance of cellular immune reactions. As a rule, it results in remodeling of the vascular wall under participation of proinflammatory cytokines, shifting blood lipid balance towards atherogenicity, destabilization of atherosclerotic plaque, development of thrombosis and acute coronary syndrome. In this respect, the aim of our work was to develop treatment methods that allow, under participation of endogenous immune regulators, to change the structure of pro-atherogenic links via their interactions at the initial stages of the atherosclerotic lesion formation in chronic coronary heart disease and hypertension.To achieve this goal, 80 patients (men) were selected among the marine specialists of the ship crews serving in the Arctic latitudes and the Far North, with ischemic heart disease, stage 1 hypertension and astheno-neurotic disorders with anxiety and depressive manifestations. The groups of patients were formed as follows: Group 1 (n = 31, patients who received standard therapy with cardiotropic drugs; Group 2 (n = 29), subjects who underwent drug correction with weak tranquilizers as a part of standard cardiotropic therapy; Group 3 (n = 34), standard therapy accompanied by medical and psychological rehabilitation and digital psychophysiological therapy. Effectiveness of the treatment was studied by assessing the dynamics of parameters characterizing the neuropeptide-cytokine immune status, the markers used in the diagnostics of atherosclerosis, as well as paired relationships between them. The laboratory part of the work was represented by a set of diagnostic kits, including markers of atherosclerotic process, and test systems for determination of β-endorphin, proinflammatory cytokines (TNF α, IL-1 β, IL-6), and anti-inflammatory (IL-4, IL-10) spectrum.We have found that the use of medical and psychological rehabilitation, along with digital psychophysiological therapy contributes to optimization of neuropeptide-cytokine interactions, thus showing efficiency of cardiotropic drugs usage. It seems to correct the relationships within proatherogenic structures of immune system and pathogenetic links involved in development of atherosclerotic process in polymorbid cardiovascular pathology from marine specialists with intense workloads
Based on a review of the scientific sources, modern approaches to the treatment of patients with COVID-19 are highlighted. Indications for hospitalization of patients and data on the effectiveness of drugs with different mechanisms of action are shown, taking into account international experience. It is noted that extensive testing of remdezivir, hydroxychloroquine, lopinavir-ritonavir, interferons did not give convincing results. There is hope for the use of convalescents’ plasma and monoclonal antibodies to the virus, which, however, require careful multicenter testing. At the same time, some progress has been made in pathogenetic therapy. The indications, timing and optimal doses of corticosteroids, interleukin inhibitors (tocilizumab), anticoagulants, mainly low molecular weight heparin derivatives, under the control of D-dimer levels and other indicators of hemostasis are clearly substantiated. Antibiotics are recommended for the addition of infrequent bacterial co-infection. The article is addressed mainly to physicians who work with COVID-19 patients.На підставі огляду наукової літератури висвітлено сучасні підходи до лікування хворих на COVID-19. Наведено показання до госпіталізації хворих і дані про ефективність препаратів з різним механізмом дії, враховуючи міжнародний досвід. Відзначено, що широка апробація ремдезивіру, гідроксихлорохіну, лопінавіру-ритонавіру, інтерферонів не дала переконливих результатів. Надія з’явилася щодо використання плазми реконвалесцентів і моноклональних антитіл до вірусу, які, однак, потребують ретельної багатоцентрової апробації. Водночас, певних успіхів досягнуто в патогенетичній терапії. Чітко обґрунтовано показання, строки призначення і оптимальні дози кортикостероїдів, інгібіторів інтерлейкінів (тоцилізумаб), антикоагулянтів, переважно низькомолекулярних похідних гепарину, під контролем рівня D-димеру та інших показників гемостазу. Антибіотики рекомендовано призначати при приєднанні бактерійної ко-інфекції, що спостерігається нечасто. Стаття адресована головно для лікарів, які працюють з хворими на COVID-19
Комплексна оцінка інтродукції, акліматизації та декративності Ailanthus Altissima (Mill.) в умовах Правобережного Лісостепу і Степу України
The success of the introduction of Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) in the conditions of the Right-bank Forest-steppe and Ukrainian steppe is investigated by the method of integral numerical estimation of the viability and perspective of the introduction of trees on the basis of visual observations, and the promise of introduction by the method which considers the indicators which are the most important for introducing: the degree of maturation of shoots, winter resistance, conservation habitus, spin-forming ability, the regularity of shoots growth, the ability to generative development, and the way of reproduction in culture. The degree of acclimatization of the introduced species A. altissima by M.A. Kokhna's acclimatization number is determined, defining the degree of acclimatization by the value of the acclimatization number. The decorative character of A. altissima plants in the conditions of the Right Bank Forest-steppe and the Ukrainian Steppe is investigated. The decoration of crowns, leaves, inflorescences, flowers and fruits, colour and texture of the trunk cortex, branches and shoots has been estimated. The complex and seasonal decorativeness of the species A. altissima was determined. The results of the study of the complex and seasonal decorative form of the species A. altissima growing in the National Dendrological Park "Sofiyivka" of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the Uman NPC, in the green plantations of Uman and Uman district, Vesely Bokovenki Dendrological Park, Kirovograd Region, the town of Chethelnik in Vinnytsya Region, Odessa City, and Mykolayiv City.Досліджено успішність інтродукції айланта найвищого (Ailanthus altissima (Mill.)) в умовах Правобережного Лісостепу і Степу України методом інтегральної числової оцінки життєздатності та перспективності інтродукції дерев на основі візуальних спостережень, який враховує найважливіші для інтродукції показники: ступінь визрівання пагонів, зимостійкість, збереження габітусу, пагоноутворювальна здатність, регулярність приросту пагонів, здатність до генеративного розвитку, способи розмноження в культурі. Визначено ступінь акліматизації інтродукованого виду A. altissima методом встановлення акліматизаційного числа. Досліджено декоративність рослин A. altissima в умовах Правобережного Лісостепу і Степу України. Оцінено декоративність крони, листків, суцвіть, квіток і плодів, кольору та фактури кори стовбура, гілок і пагонів. Визначено комплексну і сезонну декоративності виду A. altissima. Наведено результати дослідження комплексної та сезонної декоративності виду А. altissima, які зростають у Національному дендрологічному парку "Софіївка" НАН України, Уманському НУС, у зелених насадженнях Умані та Уманського району, дендрологічному парку Веселі Боковеньки Кіровоградської обл., смт Чечельник Вінницької обл., м. Одеса, м. Миколаїв
The Calculation of the Spatial Distribution of Temperature Fields for Remote Monitoring of the Surface From an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
В статье рассматривается расчет пространственного распределения температурных
полей на поверхности и вглубь грунта. Представлена общая постановка задачи расчета
пространственного распределения температурных полей в переменно-насыщенных пористых
средах. Приведены результаты реализации предложенного способа расчета в ходе натурного
экспериментаThe article deals with the calculation of the spatial distribution of temperature fields on the
surface and deep into the soil. Presents a general formulation of the problem of calculating the
spatial distribution of temperature fields in variably-saturated porous media. The results of the
proposed method of calculation in the field experimen
Using paired teaching for earthquake education in schools
In this study, we have created 10 geoscience video lessons that follow the paired-teaching pedagogical approach. This method is used to supplement the standard school curriculum with video lessons, instructed by geoscientists from around the world, coupled with activities carried out under the guidance of classroom teachers. The video lessons introduce students to the scientific concepts behind earthquakes (e.g. the Earth's interior, plate tectonics, faulting, and seismic energy), earthquake hazards, and mitigation measures (e.g. liquefaction, structural, and non-structural earthquake hazards). These concepts are taught through hands-on learning, where students use everyday materials to build models to visualize basic Earth processes that produce earthquakes and explore the effects of different hazards. To evaluate the effectiveness of these virtual lessons, we tested our videos in school classrooms in Dushanbe (Tajikistan) and London (United Kingdom). Before and after the video implementations, students completed questionnaires that probed their knowledge on topics covered by each video, including the Earth's interior, tectonic plate boundaries, and non-structural hazards.
Our assessment results indicate that, while the paired-teaching video lessons appear to enhance student knowledge and understanding of some concepts (e.g. Earth's interior, earthquake location forecasting, and non-structural hazards), they bring little change to their views on the causes of earthquakes and their relation to plate boundaries. In general, the difference between UK and Tajik students' level of knowledge prior to and after video testing is more significant than the difference between pre- and post-knowledge for each group. This could be due to several factors affecting curriculum testing (e.g. level of teachers' participation and classroom culture) and students' learning of content (e.g. pre-existing hazards knowledge and experience). To maximize the impact of school-based risk reduction education, curriculum developers must move beyond innovative content and pedagogical approaches, take classroom culture into consideration, and instil skills needed for participatory learning and discovery
Based on a review of the scientific sources, basic data on the history of human coronavirus infections, including the epidemics of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome (MERS) and the current COVID-19 pandemic, are presented. The etiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, main clinical variants and their manifestations, classification by severity, possible complications and aggravating factors of COVID-19 are consistently described. The definition of different cases of this infection according to epidemiological and clinical criteria is given. Laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods with clinical interpretation are listed. Methods of specific and differential diagnostics are distinguished. Indications for hospitalization of patients with COVID-19 and modern approaches to treatment in the absence of specific antiviral drugs are given. In treatment, the emphasis is made on the application of pathogenic therapy. The main measures of non-specific individual and collective prevention with the introduction of quarantine are briefly presented. The article is intended primarily for physicians working with COVID-19 patients and contact persons.На підставі огляду наукової літератури наведено основні дані про історію коронавірусних інфекцій людини, зокрема епідемії тяжкого гострого респіраторного синдрому (SARS) і близько-східного респіраторного синдрому (MERS) та теперішню пандемію COVID-19. Послідовно описано етіологію COVID-19, її епідеміологію, патогенез, основні клінічні варіанти та їх прояви, класифікацію за ступенем тяжкості, можливі ускладнення та обтяжливі чинники. Подано визначення різних випадків цієї інфекції за епідеміологічними та клінічними критеріями. Перечислено лабораторні та апаратні методи діагностики з клінічним тлумаченням. Виокремлено методи специфічної та диференційної діагностики. Наведено показання до госпіталізації хворих на COVID-19 і сучасні підходи до лікування за відсутності специфічних противірусних засобів. У лікуванні акцент зроблено на застосуванні патогенетичної терапії. Стисло наведено основні заходи неспецифічної індивідуальної та колективної профілактики із запровадженням карантину. Стаття призначена головно для лікарів, які працюють з хворими на COVID-19 і контактними особами
Methods of Assessment of Dynamics of Change of Probability Characteristics of Recognition of Objects in Aerial Reconnaissance
В статье представлена методика оценки динамики изменения вероятностных
характеристик распознавания и различения объектов воздушной разведки при операторном
и автоматическом дешифрировании соответственно. Представлена математическая
постановка задачи распознавания объектов воздушной разведки по инфракрасным
изображениям. Приведены результаты оценки изменения вероятностных характеристик
распознавания (различения) объектов воздушной разведки по результатам натурного
экспериментаThe article presents a method of assessing the dynamics of changes in the probabilistic
characteristics of recognition and distinction of objects of aerial reconnaissance in the operator
and automatic decryption, respectively. The mathematical formulation of the problem of
recognition of objects of aerial reconnaissance by infrared images is presented. The results of the
evaluation of changes in the probabilistic characteristics of recognition (distinction) of objects of
aerial reconnaissance on the results of full-scale experimen
Gold as a Tool for Hedging Financial Risks
The article discusses gold as a protective asset, which claims to be a high-efficiency tool for hedging financial risks. In the introductory part the general characteristics of hedging as a method of full or partial risk elimination is given, and the main known types of risk hedging typical for a financial asset portfolio holder are considered. Further, dynamics of the world prices for gold is analyzed in a historical retrospective, whereby the conclusion is drawn on a tendency of this asset to grow during the periods of financial instability, and also if new financial assets appear. In the final part of the article the assessment of gold as a tool for hedging financial risks is given
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