685 research outputs found

    Hypervelocity Stars in the Gaia era. Revisiting the most extreme stars from the MMT survey

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    The hypervelocity star (HVS) survey conducted at the Multiple Mirror Telescope (MMT) identified 42 B-type stars in the Galactic halo whose radial velocity in the Galactic rest-frame exceeds +275 +275\,km \,s−1{}^{-1}. In order to unravel the nature and origin of those high-velocity outliers, their complete six-dimensional phase space information is needed. To this end, we complemented positions and proper motions from the second data release of {\it Gaia} with revised radial velocities and spectrophotometric distances that are based on a reanalysis of the available MMT spectra of 40 objects using state-of-the-art model spectra and a tailored analysis strategy. The resulting position and velocity vectors for 37 stars were then used as input for a subsequent kinematic investigation to obtain as complete a picture as possible. The combination of projected rotational velocity, position in the Kiel diagram, and kinematic properties suggests that all objects in the sample except two (B576, B598) are very likely to be main sequence stars. While the available data are still not precise enough to constrain the place of origin for 19 program stars, we identified eight objects that either come from the outer rim of the Galactic disk or not from the disk at all, along with ten that presumably stem from the Galactic disk. For almost all of those 18 targets with more or less well-constrained spatial origin, the Galactic center (GC) is disqualified as a possible place of origin. The most notable exception is B576, the origin of which coincides extremely well with the GC when assuming a blue horizontal branch (BHB) nature for it. HVS \,22 is by far the most extreme object in the sample. Although its origin is completely unconstrained, an ejection from the GC by the Hills mechanism is the most plausible explanation for its current Galactic rest-frame velocity of 1530−560+690 1530^{+690}_{-560}\,km \,s−1{}^{-1}

    NLTE spectroscopic analysis of the 3^3He anomaly in subluminous B-type stars

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    Several B-type main-sequence stars show chemical peculiarities. A particularly striking class are the 3^3He stars, which exhibit a remarkable enrichment of 3^3He with respect to 4^4He. This isotopic anomaly has also been found in blue horizontal branch (BHB) and subdwarf B (sdB) stars, which are helium-core burning stars of the extreme horizontal branch. Using a hybrid local/non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE/NLTE) approach for B-type stars, we analyzed high-quality spectra of two known 3^3He BHBs and nine known 3^3He sdBs to determine their isotopic helium abundances and 4^4He/3^3He abundance ratios. We redetermined their atmospheric parameters and analyzed selected neutral helium lines, including λ\lambda4922 A˚\mathring{A} and λ\lambda6678 A˚\mathring{A}, which are very sensitive to 4^4He/3^3He. Most of the 3^3He sdBs cluster in a narrow temperature strip between 26000 K and 30000 K and are helium deficient in accordance with previous LTE analyses. BD+48∘^\circ 2721 is reclassified as a BHB star because of its low temperature (Teff=T_{\mathrm{eff}}= 20700 K). Whereas 4^4He is almost absent (4^4He/3^3He<< 0.25) in most of the known 3^3He stars, other sample stars show abundance ratios up to 4^4He/3^3He==2.51. A search for 3^3He stars in the ESO SPY survey led to the discovery of two new 3^3He sdB stars (HE 0929-0424 and HE 1047-0436). The observed helium line profiles of all BHBs and of three sdBs are not matched by chemically homogeneous atmospheres, but hint at vertical helium stratification. This phenomenon has been seen in other peculiar B-type stars, but is found for the first time for sdBs. We estimate helium to increase from the outer to the inner atmosphere by factors ranging from 1.4 (SB 290) up to 8.0 (BD+48∘^\circ 2721).Comment: 19 pages, 79 figures submitted to Astronomy&Astrophysic

    Hot subdwarf stars and their connection to thermonuclear supernovae

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    Hot subdwarf stars (sdO/Bs) are evolved core helium-burning stars with very thin hydrogen envelopes, which can be formed by common envelope ejection. Close sdB binaries with massive white dwarf (WD) companions are potential progenitors of thermonuclear supernovae type Ia (SN Ia). We discovered such a progenitor candidate as well as a candidate for a surviving companion star, which escapes from the Galaxy. More candidates for both types of objects have been found by crossmatching known sdB stars with proper motion and light curve catalogues. The Gaia mission will provide accurate astrometry and light curves of all the stars in our hot subdwarf sample and will allow us to compile a much larger all-sky catalogue of those stars. In this way we expect to find hundreds of progenitor binaries and ejected companions.Comment: Proceedings of the 11th Pacific Rim Conference on Stellar Astrophysics, Hong Kong 2015, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, in pres

    Candidate hypervelocity stars of spectral type G and K revisited

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    Hypervelocity stars (HVS) move so fast that they are unbound to the Galaxy. When they were first discovered in 2005, dynamical ejection from the supermassive black hole (SMBH) in the Galactic Centre (GC) was suggested as their origin. The two dozen HVSs known today are young massive B stars, mostly of 3-4 solar masses. Recently, 20 HVS candidates of low mass were discovered in the Segue G and K dwarf sample, but none of them originates from the GC. We embarked on a kinematic analysis of the Segue HVS candidate sample using the full 6D phase space information based on new proper motion measurements. Their orbital properties can then be derived by tracing back their trajectories in different mass models of our Galaxy. We present the results for 14 candidate HVSs, for which proper motion measurements were possible. Significantly lower proper motions than found in the previous study were derived. Considering three different Galactic mass models we find that all stars are bound to the Galaxy. We confirm that the stars do not originate from the GC. The distribution of their proper motions and radial velocities is consistent with predictions for runaway stars ejected from the Galactic disk by the binary supernova mechanism. However, their kinematics are also consistent with old disk membership. Moreover, most stars have rather low metallicities and strong α\alpha-element enrichment as typical for thick disk and halo stars, whereas the metallicity of the three most metal-rich stars could possibly indicate that they are runaway stars from the thin disk. One star shows halo kinematics.Comment: A&A letter accepte
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