615 research outputs found

    Mathematical understanding of detailed balance condition violation and its application to Langevin dynamics

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    We develop an efficient sampling method by simulating Langevin dynamics with an artificial force rather than a natural force by using the gradient of the potential energy. The standard technique for sampling following the predetermined distribution such as the Gibbs-Boltzmann one is performed under the detailed balance condition. In the present study, we propose a modified Langevin dynamics violating the detailed balance condition on the transition-probability formulation. We confirm that the numerical implementation of the proposed method actually demonstrates two major beneficial improvements: acceleration of the relaxation to the predetermined distribution and reduction of the correlation time between two different realizations in the steady state.Comment: 18pages, 3 figures, proceeedings of STATPHYS KOLKATA VII

    Lepton asymmetry in the primordial gravitational wave spectrum

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    Effects of neutrino free streaming is evaluated on the primordial spectrum of gravitational radiation taking both neutrino chemical potential and masses into account. The former or the lepton asymmetry induces two competitive effects, namely, to increase anisotropic pressure, which damps the gravitational wave more, and to delay the matter-radiation equality time, which reduces the damping. The latter effect is more prominent and a large lepton asymmetry would reduce the damping. We may thereby be able to measure the magnitude of lepton asymmetry from the primordial gravitational wave spectrum.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    Constraints on Neutrino Masses from Weak Lensing

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    The weak lensing (WL) distortions of distant galaxy images are sensitive to neutrino masses by probing the suppression effect on clustering strengths of total matter in large-scale structure. We use the latest measurement of WL correlations, the CFHTLS data, to explore constraints on neutrino masses. We find that, while the WL data alone cannot place a stringent limit on neutrino masses due to parameter degeneracies, the constraint can be significantly improved when combined with other cosmological probes, the WMAP 5-year (WMAP5) data and the distance measurements of type-Ia supernovae (SNe) and baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO). The upper bounds on the sum of neutrino masses are m_tot = 1.1, 0.76 and 0.54 eV (95% CL) for WL+WMAP5, WMAP5+SNe+BAO, and WL+WMAP5+SNe+BAO, respectively, assuming a flat LCDM model with finite-mass neutrinos. In deriving these constraints, our analysis includes the non-Gaussian covariances of the WL correlation functions to properly take into account significant correlations between different angles.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures. References added, accepted for publication in PR

    Precise Estimation of Cosmological Parameters Using a More Accurate Likelihood Function

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    The estimation of cosmological parameters from a given data set requires a construction of a likelihood function which, in general, has a complicated functional form. We adopt a Gaussian copula and constructed a copula likelihood function for the convergence power spectrum from a weak lensing survey. We show that the parameter estimation based on the Gaussian likelihood erroneously introduces a systematic shift in the confidence region, in particular for a parameter of the dark energy equation of state w. Thus, the copula likelihood should be used in future cosmological observations.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. Maches version published by the Physical Review Letter

    Cosmic microwave background bispectrum of tensor passive modes induced from primordial magnetic fields

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    If the seed magnetic fields exist in the early Universe, tensor components of their anisotropic stresses are not compensated prior to neutrino decoupling and the tensor metric perturbations generated from them survive passively. Consequently, due to the decay of these metric perturbations after recombination, the so-called integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect, the large-scale fluctuations of CMB radiation are significantly boosted. This kind of CMB anisotropy is called the "tensor passive mode." Because these fluctuations deviate largely from the Gaussian statistics due to the quadratic dependence on the strength of the Gaussian magnetic field, not only the power spectrum but also the higher-order correlations have reasonable signals. With these motives, we compute the CMB bispectrum induced by this mode. When the magnetic spectrum obeys a nearly scale-invariant shape, we obtain an estimation of a typical value of the normalized reduced bispectrum as 1(1+1)3(3+1)b123(1306)×1016(B1Mpc/4.7nG)6\ell_1(\ell_1 + 1)\ell_3(\ell_3+1)|b_{\ell_1\ell_2\ell_3}| \sim (130-6) \times 10^{-16} (B_{1 \rm Mpc} / 4.7 {\rm nG})^6 depending on the energy scale of the magnetic field production from 101410^{14}GeV to 10310^3GeV. Here, B1MpcB_{1 {\rm Mpc}} is the strength of the primordial magnetic field smoothed on 1Mpc1 {\rm Mpc}. From the above estimation and the current observational constraint on the primordial non-Gaussianity, we get a rough constraint on the magnetic field strength as B1Mpc<2.64.4nGB_{1 {\rm Mpc}} < 2.6 - 4.4 {\rm nG}.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for publication in PR

    Dynamics of radiating braneworlds

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    If the observable universe is a braneworld of Randall-Sundrum type, then particle interactions at high energies will produce 5-dimensional gravitons that escape into the bulk. As a result, the Weyl energy density on the brane does not behave like radiation in the early universe, but does so only later, in the low energy regime. Recently a simple model was proposed to describe this modification of the Randall-Sundrum cosmology. We investigate the dynamics of this model, and find the exact solution of the field equations. We use a dynamical systems approach to analyze global features of the phase space of solutions.Comment: error in figures corrected, reference adde

    Phase transitions driven by L\'evy stable noise: exact solutions and stability analysis of nonlinear fractional Fokker-Planck equations

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    Phase transitions and effects of external noise on many body systems are one of the main topics in physics. In mean field coupled nonlinear dynamical stochastic systems driven by Brownian noise, various types of phase transitions including nonequilibrium ones may appear. A Brownian motion is a special case of L\'evy motion and the stochastic process based on the latter is an alternative choice for studying cooperative phenomena in various fields. Recently, fractional Fokker-Planck equations associated with L\'evy noise have attracted much attention and behaviors of systems with double-well potential subjected to L\'evy noise have been studied intensively. However, most of such studies have resorted to numerical computation. We construct an {\it analytically solvable model} to study the occurrence of phase transitions driven by L\'evy stable noise.Comment: submitted to EP

    Effects of a primordial magnetic field with log-normal distribution on the cosmic microwave background

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    We study the effect of primordial magnetic fields (PMFs) on the anisotropies of the cosmic microwave background (CMB). We assume the spectrum of PMFs is described by log-normal distribution which has a characteristic scale, rather than power-law spectrum. This scale is expected to reflect the generation mechanisms and our analysis is complementary to previous studies with power-law spectrum. We calculate power spectra of energy density and Lorentz force of the log-normal PMFs, and then calculate CMB temperature and polarization angular power spectra from scalar, vector, and tensor modes of perturbations generated from such PMFs. By comparing these spectra with WMAP7, QUaD, CBI, Boomerang, and ACBAR data sets, we find that the current CMB data set places the strongest constraint at k102.5k\simeq 10^{-2.5} Mpc1^{-1} with the upper limit B3B\lesssim 3 nG.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure