254 research outputs found

    Extremal limit of the regular charged black holes in nonlinear electrodynamics

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    The near horizon limit of the extreme nonlinear black hole is investigated. It is shown that resulting geometry belongs to the AdS2xS2 class with different modules of curvatures of subspaces and could be described in terms of the Lambert functions. It is demonstrated that the considered class of Lagrangians does not admit solutions of the Bertotti-Robinson type

    Phase transition between quantum and classical regimes for the escape rate of a biaxial spin system

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    Employing the method of mapping the spin problem onto a particle one, we have derived the particle Hamiltonian for a biaxial spin system with a transverse or longitudinal magnetic field. Using the Hamiltonian and introducing the parameter p(≡(Umax−E)/(Umax−Umin))p (\equiv (U_{max}-E)/(U_{max}-U_{min})) where UmaxU_{max} (U_{min}) corresponds to the top (bottom) of the potential and EE is the energy of the particle, we have studied the first- or second-order transition around the crossover temperature between thermal and quantum regimes for the escape rate, depending on the anisotropy constant and the external magnetic field. It is shown that the phase boundary separating the first- and second-order transition and its crossover temperature are greatly influenced by the transverse anisotropy constant as well as the transverse or longitudinal magnetic field.Comment: 5 pages + 3 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Dirty rotating black holes: regularity conditions on stationary horizons

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    We consider generic, or "dirty" (surrounded by matter), stationary rotating black holes with axial symmetry. The restrictions are found on the asymptotic form of metric in the vicinity of non-extremal, extremal and ultra-extremal horizons, imposed by the conditions of regularity of increasing strength: boundedness on the horizon of the Ricci scalar, of scalar quadratic curvature invariants, and of the components of the curvature tensor in the tetrad attached to a falling observer. We show, in particular, that boundedness of the Ricci scalar implies the "rigidity" of the horizon's rotation in all cases, while the finiteness of quadratic invariants leads to the constancy of the surface gravity. We discuss the role of quasiglobal coordinate r that is emphasized by the conditions of regularity. Further restrictions on the metric are formulated in terms of subsequent coefficients of expansion of metric functions by r. The boundedness of the tetrad components of curvature tensor for an observer crossing the horizon is shown to lead in the horizon limit to diagonalization of Einstein tensor in the frame of zero angular momentum observer on a circular orbit (ZAMO frame) for horizons of all degrees of extremality.Comment: 31 pages. Misprints correcte

    Circular orbits and acceleration of particles by near-extremal dirty rotating black holes: general approach

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    We study the effect of ultra-high energy particles collisions near the black hole horizon (BSW effect) for two scenarios: when one of particle either (i) moves on a circular orbit or (ii) plunges from it towards the horizon. It is shown that such circular near-horizon orbits can exist for near-extremal black holes only. This includes the innermost stable orbit (ISCO), marginally bound orbit (MBO) and photon one (PhO). We consider generic "dirty" rotating black holes not specifying the metric and show that the energy in the centre of mass frame has the universal scaling dependence on the surface gravity Îș\kappa . Namely, Ec.m.∌Îș−nE_{c.m.}\sim \kappa ^{-n} where for the ISCO n=1/3n=1/3 in case (i) or n=1/2n=1/2 in case (ii). For the MBO and PhCO n=1/2n=1/2 in both scenarios that agrees with recent calculations of Harada and Kimura for the Kerr metric. We also generalize the Grib and Pavlov's observations made for the Kerr metric. The magnitude of the BSW effect on the location of collision has a somewhat paradoxical character: it is decreasing when approaching the horizon.Comment: 20 pages. Confusion between notations in Sec. 7 corrected. Version to appear in CQ

    Entropy of Quantum Fields for Nonextreme Black Holes in the Extreme Limit

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    Nonextreme black hole in a cavity within the framework of the canonical or grand canonical ensemble can approach the extreme limit with a finite temperature measured on a boundary located at a finite proper distance from the horizon. In spite of this finite temperature, it is shown that the one-loop contribution Sq S_{q\text{ }}of quantum fields to the thermodynamic entropy due to equilibrium Hawking radiation vanishes in the limit under consideration. The same is true for the finite temperature version of the Bertotti-Robinson spacetime into which a classical Reissner-Nordstr\"{o}m black hole turns in the extreme limit. The result Sq=0S_{q}=0 is attributed to the nature of a horizon for the Bertotti-Robinson spacetime.Comment: 11 pages, ReVTeX, no figures. New references added, discussion expanded, presentation and English improved. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Coherent acceleration of material wavepackets in modulated optical fields

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    We study the quantum dynamics of a material wavepacket bouncing off a modulated atomic mirror in the presence of a gravitational field. We find the occurrence of coherent accelerated dynamics for atoms beyond the familiar regime of dynamical localization. The acceleration takes place for certain initial phase space data and within specific windows of modulation strengths. The realization of the proposed acceleration scheme is within the range of present day experimental possibilities

    Zel'dovich states with very small mass and charge in nonlinear electrodynamics coupled to gravity

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    It is shown that in non-linear electrodynamics (in particular, Born-Infeld one) in the framework of general relativity there exist "weakly singular" configurations such that (i) the proper mass M is finite in spite of divergences of the energy density, (ii) the electric charge q and Schwarzschild mass m ~ q can be made as small as one likes, (iv) all field and energy distributions are concentrated in the core region. This region has an almost zero surface area but a finite longitudinal size L=2M. Such configurations can be viewed as a new version of a classical analogue of an elementary particle.Comment: 11 pages. 1 reference added. To appear in Grav. Cosm

    Entropy bound for a charged object from the Kerr-Newman black hole

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    We derive again the upper entropy bound for a charged object by employing thermodynamics of the Kerr-Newman black hole linearised with respect to its electric chargeComment: latex, 4 pages, no figures. In this version, the desired bound is well obtained by varying correctly the entropy of the black hol

    Matter sources for a Null Big Bang

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    We consider the properties of stress-energy tensors compatible with a Null Big Bang, i.e., cosmological evolution starting from a Killing horizon rather than a singularity. For Kantowski-Sachs cosmologies, it is shown that if matter satisfies the Null Energy Condition (NEC), then (i) regular cosmological evolution can only start from a Killing horizon, (ii) matter is absent at the horizon, and (iii) matter can only appear in the cosmological region due to interaction with vacuum. The latter is understood phenomenologically as a fluid whose stress tensor is insensitive to boosts in a particular direction. We also argue that matter is absent in a static region beyond the horizon. All this generalizes the observations recently obtained for a mixture of dust and a vacuum fluid. If, however, we admit the existence of phantom matter, its certain special kinds (with the parameter w≀−3w \leq -3) are consistent with a Null Big Bang without interaction with vacuum (or without vacuum fluid at all). Then in the static region there is matter with w≄−1/3w\geq -1/3. Alternatively, the evolution can begin from a horizon in an infinitely remote past, leading to a scenario combining the features of a Null Big Bang and an emergent universe.Comment: 5 two-column pages, revtex4, no figures. One reference corrected. Final version accepted for publication in Class. Quantum Gra

    Tunnelling series in terms of perturbation theory for quantum spin systems

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    Considered is quantum tunnelling in anisotropic spin systems in a magnetic field perpendicular to the anisotropy axis. In the domain of small field the problem of calculating tunnelling splitting of energy levels is reduced to constructing the perturbatio n series with degeneracy, the order of degeneracy being proportional to a spin value. Partial summation of this series taking into account ''dangerous terms'' with small denominators is performed and the value of tunnelling splitting is calculated with allowance for the first correction with respect to a magnetic field.Comment: 7 pages, REVTeX 3.
