34 research outputs found

    Разнообразие субпопуляций регуляторных Т-клеток

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    Regulatory T-lymphocytes play a central role in the immunological tolerance system. To date, existence of many different subpopulations of regulatory T-cells have been described. However, a number of questions related to the function, differentiation, and homeostasis of these subpopulations in a body remain unclear. Interactions between the previously discovered pairs of helper and regulatory T-lymphocytes require further study. The main topic is identification and establishment of the functions of regulatory memory cells. Interstitial migration of activated regulatory T-lymphocytes is also a promising direction. In this review, we summarized the main findings in multiple subsets of regulatory T-lymphocytes, discussed unclear data that will require further studies, and  showed an application for regulatory T-lymphocytes in medicine.Регуляторные Т-лимфоциты являются центральными клетками системы иммунологической толерантности. В настоящее время описано существование множества различных субпопуляций регуляторных Т-клеток (Treg), однако большое количество вопросов, касающихся функционального назначения, путей дифференцировки и гомеостаза этих субпопуляций в организме, остаются неизученными. Продемонстрированные ранее пары хелперов и соответствующих им регуляторных Т-лимфоцитов требуют дальнейшего изучения их взаимодействий друг с другом. Актуальной темой является идентификация и установление функций клеток регуляторной памяти. Тканевая миграция активированных регуляторных Т-лимфоцитов также является перспективным направлением. В этом обзоре собраны и систематизированы данные о различных субпопуляциях регуляторных Т-лимфоцитов, выделены актуальные вопросы данной тематики, требующие дальнейшего изучения, а также затронуты пути развития области в клинической медицине

    Oxidative protein modification of the temporal bone tissue in chronic otitis media

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    Aim. To study the role of oxidative protein modification of bone tissue proteins in the formation of destruction of temporal bone structures in chronic otitis media. Methods. The study included 139 patients aged 16-75 years with a verified diagnosis of chronic otitis media, who are candidates for surgical treatment. Depending on the method of surgical treatment, patients are divided into four groups (by nosology and complications and reoperations): patients with tubotympanic otitis media and epitympanic antral otitis, without complications and with local or intracranial complications, after reconstructive sanitizing ear surgery. The state of the processes of oxidative modification of proteins was evaluated in the bone tissue of the middle ear cavities, obtained intraoperatively, by the content of carbonyl products with the use of spectrophotometry. The data were processed by descriptive statistics and were presented in the form of a median and a range between quartiles with an estimate of the reliability of the intergroup differences by the Mann-Whitney U-criterion. Results. A comparison of the indicators characterizing the oxidative modification of bone tissue proteins of the temporal bone in patients with complicated and recurrent forms of chronic otitis media demonstrates a greater degree of free radical destruction of proteins, primarily markers of early stages of protein damage and an increase of aldehyde products, both at the basal level and in response to induction in a complicated course of the disease. Conclusion. The obtained data allow drawing a conclusion about a high level of oxidative stress in bone tissue in destructive forms of chronic otitis media accompanied by relapses and complications, and about the perspectives of antioxidant pre-operative use taking into account the features of oxidative stress in bone tissue in patients with chronic otitis media

    Реакция ледников Полярного Урала на современные изменения климата

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    Monitoring of glacier mass balance is usually focused on analysis of middle and large glaciers, so small glaciers on the verge of extinction remain out of the attention of researchers. Studies of glaciers of the Polar Urals, begun in the mid-twentieth century, present in this respect interesting information. The series of observations of them is the longest among other glaciers of the mountainous regions of the Russian mainland in the polar latitudes. New results of quantitative assessment of changes in the size and mass balance of glaciers in this region are presented. To estimate the geodetic balance of the IGAN Glacier, data from photogeodetic surveys of 1963, data of ground-based DGPS surveys of 2008 and 2018 together with a fragment of the digital elevation model (DEM) of the ArcticDEM v3.0 of 2016 were used. Using these data, the DEM of its surface was calculated as of 1963, 2008, and 2018, and the changes in the glacier volume were estimated for the period from 1963 to 2018, during which the glacier had lost 19.7 million m3 of ice, of which 3.2 million m3 were lost in the last decade. The average decrease in the surface height was 18.94±3.22 m, and the maximum – 53.5±1.0 m. In 1963–2008, the specific massbalance was equal to −317±59 mm w.e./year, while in 2008–2018 −336±61 mm/year. Estimation of changes in the size of 30 glaciers of the Polar Urals made from images of the Sentinel-2 satellite had shown that in 2000– 2018 the glaciers lost 2.02 km2 (about 28%) of the area. In comparison with the period of 1953–2000, the average annual rate of reduction of their area doubled and amounted to 0.112 km2/year (1.54%/year). Magnitudes of the reduction of individual glaciers are not identical. Within the selection of 30 glaciers, they vary from 7.1% (the Terentyev Glacier) to 61.1% (the Oleniy Glacier). The analysis of changes in temperature and precipitation in 2000–2018 allows us making the conclusion that the reason for the accelerated reduction of glaciers in the Polar Urals in these years is the rise of summer air temperature since beginning of the twentieth century by 1.5 °C, to which the lowering of winter precipitation was added in the last decade.По данным фотогеодезических съёмок 1963 г., наземных DGPS‐съёмок 2008 и 2018 гг. и космических снимков оценены изменения геодезического баланса ледника ИГАН и размеров 30 ледников Полярного Урала с 1953 по 2018 г. По сравнению с 1953 г. площадь ледников продолжает сокращаться с возрастающей скоростью; с начала ХХI в. она увеличилась в 2 раза. С 1953 г. ледник ИГАН потерял 19,7 млн м3 льда, его высота в среднем понизилась на 19 м

    Возможности исследования возрастных характеристик льда Карского моря на основе спутниковых данных СryoSat-2 и SMOS

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    Sea ice age is a proxy for thickness, which can be obtained through the use of satellite data. The paper presents the results of comparison of CryoSat-2, SMOS and CryoSat-2 & SMOS fusion data with detailed ice charts (October–April, 2010–2018). The AARI ice charts were chosen as references for comparison because they integrate knowledge and data from various sources, including expert analysis of operational satellite information, in-situ measurements at coastal stations, data on ice conditions from ships of the Northern Sea Route (NSR). The division of satellite data elements into classes (stages of development) was performed according to the maximum likelihood classifier. The recognition result for each stage of development was evaluated by means of three criteria, in accordance with the class value of Mode, Median and Mean. The effectiveness of satellite data in determining the Kara Sea ice thickness varies depending on the sea ice stage of development and winter season time. Four stages of development (old ice, thick first-year ice, medium first-year ice, nilas) showed the best recognition results. Although the CryoSat-2 mission was designed primarily to detect climate-dependent variations of the thickness of floating ice, in terms of statistical recognition of the Kara Sea ice stages of development, CryoSat-2 data can also be used to retrieve the thickness of thick first-year ice (January–April) and the thickness of medium first-year ice (January–February). For the remaining stages within the study area, the altimetry method shows a significant uncertainty, which can be resolved for nilas, thin first-year ice and medium first-year ice (March) by using SMOS data and CryoSat-2 & SMOS fusion data. In general, altimetric data, radiometric data and combination thereof can be applied in the complex analysis of all available information to ensure hydrometeorological and navigation support. Also, it is proposed to use the data of the ICESat-2 laser altimeter and to make a general comparison with in-situ measurements.Получение информации о пространственно-временной изменчивости распределения толщины льда — ключевой вопрос для прогноза состояния арктического морского льда. Несмотря на очевидные успехи применения данных CryoSat-2 и SMOS, соответствующие оценки толщин морского льда нуждаются в валидации. В качестве эталонов для сравнения на основе метода максимального правдоподобия были выбраны детализированные ледовые карты ААНИИ (октябрь–апрель 2010–2018 гг.). В статье приводятся результаты распознавания различных возрастных стадий льда Карского моря, наилучшие результаты по- казали многолетний, однолетний толстый, средний лед и нилас. Использование данных Cryosat-2, SMOS и их комбинации Cryosat-2 & SMOS может помочь в комплексном анализе всей доступной информации для гидрометеорологического и навигационного обеспечения

    Status of clinical (medical) psychology in healthcare overseas, in Russia and in Ukraine: problems and reality

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    Беребин Михаил Алексеевич. Кандидат медицинских наук, доцент, зав.кафедрой клинической психологии, Южно-Уральский государственный университет. E-mail: [email protected] Michael A. Berebin. Candidate of medical science, associate professor, head of department of clinical psychology, South Ural State University. E-mail: [email protected] Синицкий Игорь Валериевич. Психолог, Киевская городская клиническая психоневрологическая больница № 1, Институт нейрохирургии им. акад. А.П. Ромоданова. Руководитель секции клинической психологии Ассоциации психиатров Украины. E-mail: [email protected] Igor V. Sinitsky. Psychologist, Kyiv city clinical psychoneurological hospital № 1, institute of neurosurgery named after acad. A.P. Romodanov, head of section of clinical psychology Association of psychiatrists of Ukraine. E-mail: [email protected]Представлены результаты анализа статуса клинической психологии в Соединенных Штатах Америки, странах Западной Европы, Австралии, Российской Федерации и в Украине. Описаны основные модели образования в области клинической психологии в этих странах, обращено внимание на структуру и содержание последипломной подготовки по «боулдерской» и «вейльской» моделям подготовки клинических психологов в США, аналогичным моделям подготовки в Великобритании, Германии, Австрии, Швейцарии. Обобщены принципиальные характеристики зарубежной системы подготовки. Проведен сравнительный анализ образовательной подготовки, статуса и проблем профессиональной переподготовки клинических психологов в России и в Украине. Отражены основные недостатки нормативного обеспечения профессиональной деятельности медицинских психологов в сфере здравоохранения этих стран. Показаны проблемы деятельности врачей-психологов в Украине и медицинских психологов в России. Сопоставлен статус медицинских психологов, представителей народной медицины. Предложены подходы к организации профессиональной переподготовки по клинической психологии в России и в Украине. Presented results of the analysis on clinical psychology status in the United States, Western Europe, Australia, Russian and Ukraine. Described the clinical psychology education model in these countries, mentioned the structure and content of postgraduate training on the Boulder and Vail models of clinical psychologists training in the U.S., a training similar model in the UK, Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Summarized the fundamental characteristics of the foreign training system. Made comparative analysis of educational attainment, status and clinical psychologists professional training problems in Russia and Ukraine. Shown the main drawbacks of medical psychologists regulatory support in health care system of these countries and clinical psychologists problems in Ukraine and medical psychologists problems in Russia. Compared statuses of medical psychologists and traditional medicine representatives. Offered approaches on specialized clinical psychology training organization in Russia and Ukraine

    Response of the Polar Urals glaciers to the modern climate changes

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    Monitoring of glacier mass balance is usually focused on analysis of middle and large glaciers, so small glaciers on the verge of extinction remain out of the attention of researchers. Studies of glaciers of the Polar Urals, begun in the mid-twentieth century, present in this respect interesting information. The series of observations of them is the longest among other glaciers of the mountainous regions of the Russian mainland in the polar latitudes. New results of quantitative assessment of changes in the size and mass balance of glaciers in this region are presented. To estimate the geodetic balance of the IGAN Glacier, data from photogeodetic surveys of 1963, data of ground-based DGPS surveys of 2008 and 2018 together with a fragment of the digital elevation model (DEM) of the ArcticDEM v3.0 of 2016 were used. Using these data, the DEM of its surface was calculated as of 1963, 2008, and 2018, and the changes in the glacier volume were estimated for the period from 1963 to 2018, during which the glacier had lost 19.7 million m3 of ice, of which 3.2 million m3 were lost in the last decade. The average decrease in the surface height was 18.94±3.22 m, and the maximum – 53.5±1.0 m. In 1963–2008, the specific massbalance was equal to −317±59 mm w.e./year, while in 2008–2018 −336±61 mm/year. Estimation of changes in the size of 30 glaciers of the Polar Urals made from images of the Sentinel-2 satellite had shown that in 2000– 2018 the glaciers lost 2.02 km2 (about 28%) of the area. In comparison with the period of 1953–2000, the average annual rate of reduction of their area doubled and amounted to 0.112 km2/year (1.54%/year). Magnitudes of the reduction of individual glaciers are not identical. Within the selection of 30 glaciers, they vary from 7.1% (the Terentyev Glacier) to 61.1% (the Oleniy Glacier). The analysis of changes in temperature and precipitation in 2000–2018 allows us making the conclusion that the reason for the accelerated reduction of glaciers in the Polar Urals in these years is the rise of summer air temperature since beginning of the twentieth century by 1.5 °C, to which the lowering of winter precipitation was added in the last decade

    Perekisnoe oxidation of lipids in an internal of rats at disturbing-depressive disorders

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    Цейликман Э.В., доктор биологических наук, профессор, заведующий кафедрой биохимии Челябинской государственной медицинской академии (Челябинск); e-mail: [email protected] Tsejlikmaii E.V., Doctor biological sciences, professor managing chair of biochemistry of the Chelyabinsk State Medical Academy (Chelyabinsk); e-mail: [email protected]. Синицкий А.И., кандидат медицинских наук, старший преподаватель кафедры биохимии Челябинской государственной медицинской академии (Челябинск); тел. 8-351-2327476. Sinitskij A.I., Candidate of medical sciences, the senior teacher of chair of biochemistry of the Chelyabinsk State Medical Academy (Chelyabinsk); ph. 8-351-2327476. Козочкин Д.А., кандидат медицинских наук, ассистент кафедры биохимии Челябинской государственной медицинской академии (Челябинск); тел. 8-351-2327476. Kozochkin D.A., Candidate of medical sciences, the assistant to chair of biochemistry of the Chelyabinsk State Medical Academy (Chelyabinsk); ph. 8-351-2327476.Исследования выявили, что введение глюкокортикоидного препарата после завершения редко чередующихся иммобилизаций предотвращает постстрессорную активацию липопероксидации в паренхиматозных и в иммунных органах. Introduction glucocorticoid a preparation after end of seldom alternating immobilisations prevents poststressic activation lipoperoxidation in parenchymatous and in immune organs