74 research outputs found

    Factors associated with high glucose variability in patients with type 1 diabetes

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    BACKGROUND: High glucose variability (GV) is recognized as a risk factor for vascular diabetic complications and hypoglycemia. Factors affecting GV in patients with diabetes needed to be clarified.AIM: To determine the factors associated with high GV in adult patients with type 1 diabetes.MATERIALS AND METHODS: We conducted a single center cross-sectional observational study. In-patients with type 1 diabetes aged 18 to 65 years on basal bolus insulin therapy were included. Day-time and nocturnal Coefficient of Variation (CV), Mean Amplitude of Glycemic Excursions (MAGE), Mean Absolute Glucose (MAG) were calculated from continuous glucose monitoring data. The values of CV, MAGE, MAG within the upper quartile were considered high.RESULTS: The study included 400 individuals, including 111 on continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII). Patients with high GV had lower fasting and postprandial C-peptide levels and higher insulin doses. According to ROC analysis, daily insulin dose >0.69 U/kg and estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) ≥90.5 ml/min×1.73 m2 were associated with high nocturnal CV values. Dose of basal insulin >0.292 U/kg and bolus insulin >0.325 U/day were associated with nocturnal MAGE. Body mass index (BMI) ≤23.2 kg/m2, waist circumference ≤80.5 cm, daily insulin dose ≥0.69 U/kg, HbA1c ≥8.3%, eGFR ≥89.5 ml/ min×1.73m2 increased risk of high MAG at night. High day-time CV values were associated with daily insulin dose ≥0.675 U/kg and daily dose of BI ≥0.286 U/kg. The risk of high MAGE was increased with HbA1c ≥8.24% and basal insulin dose ≥0.286 U/kg. BMI ≤23.2 kg/m2, waist circumference ≤80.5 cm, daily insulin dose ≥0.69 U/kg, daily dose of bolus and basal insulin ≥0.325 and ≥0.29 U/kg respectively, and HbA1c ≥8.33% were the risk factors for high day-time MAG. Patients on CSII had lower MAGE (p<0.001) and MAG (p=0.008) compared to those on multiple daily injections.CONCLUSION: In type 1 diabetes, high GV is associated with undetectable residual insulin secretion, normal or reduced body weight, preserved kidney function, supraphysiological doses of insulin, and non-target HbA1c. Patients on CSII have a lower GV than those on multiple daily injections

    Association of carotid atherosclerosis and peripheral artery disease in patients with type 2 diabetes: risk factors and biomarkers

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    BACKGROUND: Carotid atherosclerosis (CA) and lower extremity peripheral artery disease (PAD) is a common and potentially life-threatening comorbidity in diabetes.AIM: to determine risk factors and biomarkers of the association of CA and PAD in patients with type 2 diabetes.MATERIALS AND METHODS: A single-center cross-sectional comparative study was carried out. Three hundred ninety one patients with type 2 diabetes were included. Duplex ultrasound of carotid and low limb arteries, screening/monitoring of diabetic complications and associated diseases, and assessment of glycemic control, biochemical and coagulation parameters were performed. Factors involved in vascular wall remodeling, including calponin-1, relaxin, L-citrulline, matrix metalloproteinase-2 and -3, were measured in blood serum by ELISA.RESULTS: The signs of CA and PAD were observed in 330 and 187 patients respectively. In 178 patients, both CA and PAD were revealed. The risk of combined involvement of carotid and lower extremity arteries was higher in patients with diabetic retinopathy (OR=2.57, p<0.001), chronic kidney disease (OR=4.48, p<0.001), history of myocardial infarction (OR=5.09, p<0.001), coronary revascularization (OR=4.31, p<0.001) or cerebrovascular accident (OR=3.07, p<0.001). In ROC-analysis, age ≥65.5 years (OR=3.43, p<0.001), waist-to-hip ratio ≥0.967 (OR=3.01, p=0.001), diabetes duration ≥12.5 years (OR=3.7, p<0.001), duration of insulin therapy ≥4.5 years (OR=3.05, p<0.001), duration of arterial hypertension ≥16.5 years (OR=1.98, p=0.002), serum L-citrulline ≥68 µmol/l (OR=3.82, p=0.003), and mean amplitude of glucose excursions ≥3.72 mmol/l (OR=1.79, p=0.006) were the risk factors for atherosclerosis of two vascular beds. In multivariate logistic regression analysis, age, diabetes duration and waist-to-hip ratio were independent risk factors for association of CA and PAD (p=0.005, p=0.0003, and p=0.004 respectively).CONCLUSION: In subjects with type 2 diabetes, carotid and lower extremity atherosclerotic disease is associated with age, diabetes duration, abdominal obesity, microvascular and macrovascular complications, glucose variability, and high serum levels of L-citrulline


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    The aim of the study was the development of a cell biosensor system based on the fact that AR activator stimuli lead to redistribution of AR from cytoplasm to the nucleus. These changes could be measured and used for the diagnostics and personalized treatment of prostate cancer patient. The stably transfected cell lines with fluorescently tagged AR were generated. For the stable cell expression the non AR expressing HeLa cell line was used. The constructs of chimeric fluorescent proteins wild type AR or mutant ART877A were used for the transfection. The changes of the CFP-AR-YFP and CFP-ART877A-YFP proteins in the nucleus of HeLa cells under different concentrations steroids treatment was investigated. Moreover, the quantity of activated receptor in the nucleus was carried

    Управление товарно-материальными запасами

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    The paper reveals the methodology for justification of rational inventory scope. The concrete example of its calculation is given in the paper. The diagram of the inventory changes has been plotted which makes it possible to manage it efficiently.Представлена методика обоснования рациональных размеров товарно-материальных запасов, приведен конкретный пример их расчета. Построена диаграмма движения запаса, позволяющая оперативно управлять им

    Фотодинамическая инактивация Mycobacterium tuberculosis метиленовым синим in vitro

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    The objective: to investigate the anti-tuberculosis effect of laser photodynamic inactivation (PDI) of M. tuberculosis H37Rv in vitro by methylene blue (MB) in the minimum concentration (1 μg/ml) with laser radiation of 662 nm. Subjects and methods. A comparative analysis of the intensity of growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv after laser irradiation and laser FDI by MB with different doses of light energy was carried out. Results. Laser radiation with a wavelength of 662 nm was found to have an inhibitory effect on the growth of M. tuberculosis H37Rv. FDI of Mycobacterium tuberculosis was first registered in the presence of a minimum concentration of MB (1 µg/ml) which suppressed colony growth by 97 and 93% when they were processed by radiation with a wavelength of 662 nm with the lowest density of doses of light energy (46.9 and 93.75 J/cm2).Цель: исследование противотуберкулезных эффектов лазерной фотодинамической инактивации (ФДИ) M. tuberculosis H37Rv in vitro метиленовым синим (МС) в минимальной концентрации (1 мкг/мл) при лазерном излучении длиной волны 662 нм.Материалы и методы. Проведен сравнительный анализ интенсивности роста Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv после лазерного облучения и лазерной ФДИ МС при различных дозах световой энергии.Результаты. Обнаружено, что лазерное излучение длиной волны 662 нм оказывает ингибирующее действие на ростовые свойства M. tuberculosis H37Rv. Впервые зарегистрирована ФДИ микобактерий туберкулеза в присутствии минимальной концентрации МС (1 мкг/мл), при которой реализуется подавление роста колоний на 97 и 93% при их обработке излучением длиной волны 662 нм с наименьшими значениями плотности доз световой энергии (46,9 и 93,75 Дж/см2)

    Определение эффективного коэффициента размножения нейтронов пoдкритической сборки «Ялiна-Тепловая»

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    To study the kinetics of subcritical systems and determine the optimal conditions for the transmutation of longlived radioactive waste in the neutron spectrum of ADS-systems the “Yalina” research nuclear facility was created at Joint Institute for Power and Nuclear Research – Sosny (Minsk, Belarus). The main safety indicator of a subcritical system (active zone reactivity) was measured for a “Yalina-Thermal” assembly via three independent methods: inverse multiplication, probabilistic and impulse ones. For the inverse multiplication method, the neutron flux density was monitored during assembly loading. For a fuel load of 285 EK-10 rods the neutron multiplication was M = 22.3±0.6, and the effective neutron multiplication coefficient was keff = 0.9551± 0.0016. The probabilistic method (Feynman-alpha method), based on measuring fluctuations in the neutron density level within a system with a fission chain reaction, gave the ratio of the variance to the average counting rate value D/n = 1.779±0.005, which corresponds to keff = 0.9597 ±0.0003. The pulse method is aimed at studying the neutron flux behavior of after the neutron pulse injection into the breeding system. Measurements were held with the same setup, used in the Feynman-alpha method. The measured decay constant of instantaneous neutrons is α = –670±0.7 1/s, which corresponds to keff = 0.9560±0.0001. The effective multiplication factor keff of the subcritical assembly “Yalina-Thermal”, obtained via three different independent methods, is around average value of keff = 0.9569 ± 0.0018. The methods considered can be used for subcritical level monitoring for ADS-systems and research nuclear facilities.Для изучения кинетики подкритических систем и определения оптимальных условий трансмутации долгоживущих радиоактивных продуктов деления в спектре ADS-систем (Accelerator Driven Subcritical System) в Объединенном институте энергетических и ядерных исследований – Сосны создана исследовательская ядерная установка (ИЯУ) «Ялiна», включающая генератор нейтронов и две подкритические сборки: «Яліна-Тепловая» с тепловым спектром нейтронов и «Яліна-Бустер» – с быстрым. Представлены исследования по изучению реактивности подкритической сборки «Яліна-Тепловая». Для этого были проведены измерения эффективного коэффициента размножения нейтронов (kэфф) тремя независимыми методами: обратного умножения, вероятностным и импульсным. Исследование выполнялось для топливной загрузки из 285 твэлов ЭК-10. Для метода обратного умножения измеренный коэффициент умножения составил М = 22,3 ± 0,6, что соответствует эффективному коэффициенту размножения нейтронов kэфф = 0,9551 ±0,0016. Измерения по вероятностному методу, или методу Фейнман-альфа, основанному на измерении флуктуации уровня нейтронной плотности в системе, дали значение kэфф = 0,9597± 0,0003. При изучении поведения нейтронов после введения нейтронного импульса в подкритическую среду (импульсный метод) была измерена постоянная спада мгновенных нейтронов α = –670±0,7 1/с, которая соответствует kэфф = 0,9560± 0,0001. В результате проведенных исследований получено среднее значение kэфф подкритической сборки «Ялiна-Тепловая», которое составило kэфф = 0,9569±0,0018. Рассмотренные методы могут применятся для мониторинга уровня подкритичности ADS-систем и исследовательских ядерных установок

    Влияние полиакриламидных флокулянтов на свойства глинистых минералов калийной руды

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    The process and mechanism of phase separation of the salt dispersion of potassium ore clay minerals using polyacryla-mide flocculants has been studied. It has been shown that it proceeds through the following sequential steps: adsorption of the polymers on the surface of clay particles in salt solution; interaction of polymer molecules adsorbed on different particles; flocculation of clay particles with the polymer; precipitation of clay solids. The product obtained after separation of brine, containing up to 80 % clay minerals, has chemical and mineralogical composition similar to that of soils, is environmentally safe and so can be used for various applications.Исследован процесс и механизм фазового разделения солевой дисперсии глинистых минералов калийной руды полиакриламидными флокулянтами, который реализуется через следующие последовательные стадии: адсорбция полимеров из солевых растворов на поверхности глинистых частиц; взаимодействие молекул полимеров, адсорбированных на разных частицах; образование флокул из частиц глины и полимера; выделение глинистой твердой фазы. Продукт, полученный после отделения солевого раствора, содержит до 80 % глинистых минералов, характеризуется химическим и минералогическим составом, близким к почвам, экологически безопасен, что позволяет использовать его в различных областях

    Destruction of chemical warfare surrogates using a portable atmospheric pressure plasma jet

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    Today’s reality is connected with mitigation of threats from the new chemical and biological warfare agents. A novel investigation of cold plasmas in contact with liquids presented in this paper demonstrated that the chemically reactive environment produced by atmospheric pressure plasma jet (APPJ) is potentially capable of rapid destruction of chemical warfare agents in a broad spectrum. The decontamination of three different chemical warfare agent surrogates dissolved in liquid is investigated by using an easily transportable APPJ. The jet is powered by a kHz signal source connected to a low-voltage DC source and with He as working gas. The detailed investigation of electrical properties is performed for various plasmas at different distances from the sample. The measurements of plasma properties in situ are supported by the optical spectrometry measurements, whereas the high performance liquid chromatography measurements before and after the treatment of aqueous solutions of Malathion, Fenitrothion and Dimethyl Methylphosphonate. These solutions are used to evaluate destruction and its efficiency for specific neural agent simulants. The particular removal rates are found to be from 56% up to 96% during 10 min treatment. The data obtained provide basis to evaluate APPJ’s efficiency at different operating conditions. The presented results are promising and could be improved with different operating conditions and optimization of the decontamination process

    Solution of an integer linear-programming problem

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