102 research outputs found

    Distribution of non-AT(1), non-AT(2) binding of (125)I-Sarcosine(1), Isoleucine(8) angiotensin II in neurolysin knockout mouse brains

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    The recent identification of a novel binding site for angiotensin (Ang) II as the peptidase neurolysin (E.C. has implications for the renin-angiotensin system (RAS). This report describes the distribution of specific binding of 125I-Sarcosine1, Isoleucine8 Ang II (125I-SI Ang II) in neurolysin knockout mouse brains compared to wild-type mouse brains using quantitative receptor autoradiography. In the presence of p-chloromercuribenzoic acid (PCMB), which unmasks the novel binding site, widespread distribution of specific (3 microM Ang II displaceable) 125I-SI Ang II binding in 32 mouse brain regions was observed. Highest levels of binding >700 fmol/g initial wet weight were seen in hypothalamic, thalamic and septal regions, while the lowest level of binding <300 fmol/g initial wet weight was in the mediolateral medulla. 125I-SI Ang II binding was substantially higher by an average of 85% in wild-type mouse brains compared to neurolysin knockout brains, suggesting the presence of an additional non-AT1, non-AT2, non-neurolysin Ang II binding site in the mouse brain. Binding of 125I-SI Ang II to neurolysin in the presence of PCMB was highest in hypothalamic and ventral cortical brain regions, but broadly distributed across all regions surveyed. Non-AT1, non-AT2, non-neurolysin binding was also highest in the hypothalamus but had a different distribution than neurolysin. There was a significant reduction in AT2 receptor binding in the neurolysin knockout brain and a trend towards decreased AT1 receptor binding. In the neurolysin knockout brains, the size of the lateral ventricles was increased by 56% and the size of the mid forebrain (-2.72 to +1.48 relative to Bregma) was increased by 12%. These results confirm the identity of neurolysin as a novel Ang II binding site, suggesting that neurolysin may play a significant role in opposing the pathophysiological actions of the brain RAS and influencing brain morphology

    Патогенетические факторы, ассоциирующиеся с формированием острого абдоминального болевого синдрома собак при гастроэнтерите

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    Intercorrelative relationships between various clinical and laboratory parameters in dogs with acute gastroenteritis were studied. In dogs with acute alimentary gastroenteritis (n = 31), pain rating scale score significantly (p 0.05) correlated with pulse rate (r = 0.58), respiratory rate (r = 0.50), hematocrit (r = 0.47), ESR (r = 0.72), number of erythrocytes (r = 0.50) and leukocytes (r = 0.77), concentration of albumins (r = -0.52), globulins (r = 0.59), 1-globulins (r = 0.49), 2-globulins (r = 0.42), -globulins (r = -0.36), -globulins (r = 0.59), C-reactive protein (r = 0.82), serum activity of ALT (r = 0.70), AST (r = 0.39), -amylase (r = 0.38), alkaline phosphatase (r = 0.83) and serum concentration of creatinine (r = 0.42), tumor necrosis factor- (r = 0.82), interleukin-4 (r = 0.92), interleukin-6 (r = 0.92), interferon- (r = 0.91), interleukin-1 (r = 0.85), interleukin-8 (r = 0.91). The following changes were noted in the body of dogs with acute gastroenteritis: local and systemic immune-inflammatory response activated, pain, intoxication, dehydration syndrome, disorders of motor, secretory, absorption, excretory function of gastrointestinal tract formed, secondary hepatopathy and pancreatopathy developed. In dogs with acute gastroenteritis, there were also statistically significant (p 0.05) correlations between the number of erythrocytes and hematocrit (r = 0.65), MCHC (r = 0.32), ESR (r = 0.35), hemoglobin concentration (r = 0.73) and leukocyte count (r = 0.35); between MCV and hematocrit (r = 0.62), MCHC (r = -0.64); between MCV and MCHC (r = -0.64); MCH and MCHC (r = 0.40); ESR and leukocyte count (r = 0.53). Changes in intercorrelative relationships between clinical and laboratory parameters in dogs with acute gastroenteritis can be considered as predictors of severity of the pathological process.Исследовались интеркореллятивные связи между разнообразными клиническими и лабораторными показателями у собак, больных острым гастроэнтеритом. Показатель шкалы оценки боли достоверно (р ≤ 0,05) коррелировал с частотой пульса (r = 0,58), частотой дыхания (r  =  0,50), гематокритом (r = 0,47), СОЭ (r = 0,72), количеством эритроцитов (r = 0,50) и лейкоцитов (r = 0,77), концентрацией альбуминов в сыворотке крови (r = –0,52), глобулинов (r = 0,59), α1‑глобулинов (r = 0,49), α2‑глобулинов (r = 0,42), β-глобулинов (r = –0,36), γ-глобулинов (r = 0,59), С-реактивного белка (r = 0,82), сывороточной активностью аланиновой (r = 0,70) и аспарагиновой аминотрасфераз (r = 0,39), α-амилазы (r = 0,38), щелочной фосфатазы (r = 0,83) и сывороточной концентрацией креатинина (r = 0,42), фактора некроза опухоли-α (r = 0,82), интерлейкина‑4 (r = 0,92), интерлейкина‑6 (r = 0,92), интерферона-γ (r = 0,91), интерлейкина‑1α (r = 0,85), интерлейкина‑8 (r = 0,91). В организме собак, больных острым гастроэнтеритом, происходит активизация локальной и системной иммуновоспалительной реакции организма, возникает болевой, интоксикационный, дегидратационный синдром, происходят нарушения моторной, секреторной, всасывательной, экскреторной функции желудочно-­кишечного тракта, формируется вторичная гепатопатия и панкреатопатия. Также констатировано наличие статистически значимых (р ≤ 0,05) коррелятивных связей между количеством эритроцитов и показателем гематокрита (r = 0,65), MCHC (r = 0,32), СОЭ (r = 0,35), концентрацией гемоглобина (r = 0,73) и количеством лейкоцитов (r = 0,35); между MCV и гематокритом (r = 0,62), MCHC (r = –0,64); между MCV и MCHC (r = 0,64); MCH и MCHC (r = 0,40); СОЭ и количеством лейкоцитов (r = 0,53). Изменения интеркоррелятивных связей между клинико-­лабораторными параметрами у больных острым гастроэнтеритом собак можно рассматривать как предикторы тяжести патологического процесса


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    The paper is devoted to the study of little-known and previously unknown bacteria isolated from patients with various diseases. Here we present the data on 22 strains that are little-known or previously unknown as human pathogens and isolated from patients with various diseases. Most of the isolates were found to have multiple antibiotic resistances. Moreover, in many conditions potentially pathogenic spore-forming bacteria were identified. Spore formation provides bacteria for survival in the environment and promotes high resistance to antiseptics and disinfectants. Spore-forming bacteria are high survival and especially dangerous as potential hospital-acquired infections because of its antibiotic resistance but the activity of this antibiotic therapy doesn’t concern microbial spores.Работа посвящена изучению малоизвестных и ранее не известных бактерий, изолированных у больных с патологиями различной локализации. Выделенные и изученные 22 штамма малоизвестных бактерий или вообще не описаны ранее как возбудители заболеваний человека, или обнаружены при патологии другой локализации. Большинство полученных бактерий обладает множественной  устойчивостью к различным  антибиотикам. При  разных  заболеваниях в материале обнаружено много потенциально-патогенных спорообразующих   бактерий. Спорообразование   обеспечивает бактериям  сохранение  жизнеспособности в окружающей среде и повышенную устойчивость к антисептикам и дезинфектантам. Спорообразующие бактерии хорошо   сохраняются   и особенно  опасны  в качестве потенциальных  возбудителей внутрибольничных   инфекций,   поскольку резистентны к антибиотикотерапии, активность которой не распространяется на микробные споры

    Assessment of vitamin D level in the umbilical cord blood of the Arkhangelsk city infants born in winter time

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    Forthe child’s optimal growth and development, the normal provision with vitamin D isrequired. The vitamin D levelsin newborn depend directly on the mother’s provision with this vitamin, who is a single vitamin source for the child. The purpose of the study is to assess the provision with vitamin D in newborns of Arkhangelsk city in winter. 25(ОН)D determination in the blood serum of 55 newborns and their mothers was carried out using the method of the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay at the laboratory of Arkhangelsk Children’s Regional Clinical Hospital. Resulting from the test carried out, only 4 (7%) children had the normal level of vitamin D, 36% (20 children) had the level corresponding to the deficiency: 14 (26% children) had the insufficiency of this vitamin, 17 (31% children) had a severe deficiency. The data obtained indicate the necessity to optimize the activities on the vitamin D deficiency prophylaxis in the pregnant women and support the prescription of vitamin D drugs to the newborns of Arkhangelsk city from the first days of the life