2,131 research outputs found

    Lifetime Differences in Heavy Mesons With Time Independent Measurements

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    Heavy meson pairs produced in the decays of heavy quarkonium resonances at e+ e- machines (beauty and tau-charm factories) have the useful property that the two mesons are in the CP-correlated states. By tagging one of the mesons as a CP eigenstate, a lifetime difference of heavy neutral meson mass eigenstates width difference may be determined by measuring the leptonic branching ratio of the other meson. We discuss the use of this and related methods both in the case where time dependent mixing is small and when it is significant. We consider the impact of possible CP-violating effects and present the complete results for CP-entangled decay rates with CP-violation taken into account.Comment: 14 pages, 0 figures; 2 references added, results unchange

    Getting beta-alpha without penguins

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    Oscillation effects in B0 -> Ks D0 and related processes are considered to determine delta=beta-alpha+pi. We suggest that D0 decays to CP eigenstates used in concert with inclusive D0 decays provide a powerful method for determining delta cleanly i.e. without any complication from penguin processes. The CP asymmetry is expected to be <=40% for D0 decays to non-CP eigenstates and <=80% for decays to CP eigenstates. This method can lead to a fairly accurate determination of delta with O(10^8-10^9) B-mesons.Comment: 4 pages 1 figure; Version 2: minor changes; references added; Some changes in response to Referee Comment

    Improved Methods for Observing CP Violation in B+/- --> K+/- D0 and Measuring the CKM Phase gamma

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    Various methods are discussed for obtaining the CKM angle gamma through the interference of the charged B-meson decay channels B- -> K- D0 and B- -> K- D0-bar where the D0 and D0-bar decay to common final states. It is found that choosing final states which are not CP eigenstates can lead to large direct CP violation which can give significant bounds on gamma without any theoretical assumptions. If two or more modes are studied, gamma may be extracted with a precision on the order of +/-15 degrees given about 10^8 B-mesons. We also discuss the case of three body decays of the D0 where additional information may be obtained from the distribution of the D0 decay products and consider the impact of D-D-bar oscillations.Comment: 51 pages 8 figures, typo in equation 33 correcte

    The exclusive \bar{B} --> \pi e^+ e^- and \bar{B} --> \rho e^+ e^- decays in the two Higgs doublet model with flavor changing neutral currents

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    We calculate the leading logarithmic QCD corrections to the matrix element of the decay b --> d e^+ e^- in the two Higgs doublet model with tree level flavor changing currents (model III). We continue studying the differential branching ratio and the CP violating asymmetry for the exclusive decays B --> \pi e^+ e^- and B --> \rho e^+ e^- and analysing the dependencies of these quantities on the selected model III parameters, \xi^{U,D}, including the leading logarithmic QCD corrections. Further, we present the forward-backward asymmetry of dileptons for the decay B --> \rho e^+ e^- and discuss the dependencies to the model III parameters. We observe that there is a possibility to enhance the branching ratios and suppress the CP violating effects for both decays in the framework of the model III. Therefore, the measurements of these quantities will be an efficient tool to search the new physics beyond the SM.Comment: 27 pages, 14 Figure

    Semi-inclusive B Decays and Direct CP Violation in QCD Factorization

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    We have systematically investigated the semi-inclusive B decays B->MX, which are manifestations of the quark decay b->Mq, within the framework of QCD-improved factorization. These decays are theoretically clean and have distinctive experimental signatures. We focus on a class of these that do not require any form factor information and therefore may be especially suitable for extracting information on the angles α\alpha and γ\gamma of the unitarity triangle. The nonfactorizable effects, such as vertex-type and penguin-type corrections to the two-body b decay and hard spectator corrections to the 3-body decay are calculable in the heavy quark limit. QCD factorization is applicable when the emitted meson is a light meson or a charmonium. We discuss the issue of the CPT constraint on partial rate asymmetries. The strong phase coming from final-state rescattering due to hard gluon exchange between the final states can induce large rate asymmetries for tree-dominated color-suppressed modes (π0,ρ0,ω)Xsˉ(\pi^0,\rho^0,\omega)X_{\bar s}. The nonfactorizable hard spectator interactions in the 3-body decay, though phase-space suppressed, are extremely important for the tree-dominated modes (π0,ρ0,ω)Xsˉ,ϕX(\pi^0,\rho^0,\omega)X_{\bar s}, \phi X, JXs,JXJ X_s,J X and the penguin-dominated mode ωXssˉ\omega X_{s\bar s}. In fact, they are dominated by the hard spectator corrections. Our result for B(BJ/ψXs){\cal B} (B\to J/\psi X_s) is in agreement with experiment. The semi-inclusive decay modes: Bs0(π0,ρ0,ω)XsˉB^0_s\to (\pi^0,\rho^0,\omega)X_{\bar s}, ρ0Xssˉ\rho^0X_{s\bar s}, B0(KX,KX)B^0\to(K^-X,K^{*-}X) and B(K0Xs,K0Xs)B^-\to (K^0X_s,K^{*0}X_s) are the most promising ones in searching for direct CP violation. In fact, they have branching ratios of order 10610410^{-6}-10^{-4} and CP rate asymmetries of order (1040)(10-40)%.Comment: 28 page

    Polarized Single Top Production at Leptonic Colliders from Broken R Parity Interactions Incorporating CP Violation

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    The contribution from the R parity violating interactions in the associated production of a top quark with a charm antiquark is examined for high energy leptonic colliders. We concentrate on the reactions associated with the semileptonic top decay. A set of characteristic dynamical distributions for the signal events is evaluated and the results contrasted against those from the standard model W-boson pair production background. Next, we turn to a study of a CP-odd observable, associated with the top spin, which leads to an asymmetry in the energy distribution of the emitted charged leptons for the pair of CP-conjugate final states, blˉνcˉb \bar l \nu \bar c and bˉlνˉc \bar b l \bar \nu c . A non vanishing asymmetry arises from a CP-odd phase, embedded in the R parity violating coupling constants, through interference terms between the R parity violating amplitudes at both the tree and loop levels.Comment: revtex file. 17 pages. 7 postscript figures. 1 table. The revised version includes an estimate of experimental uncertainties. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Extracting information on CKM phases, electro-weak penguins and new physics from B --> VV decays

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    We derive constraints for BVVB\to VV modes ($V= vector meson) that allow aquantitative assessment of the contributions from electroweak penguins (EWP) and/or new physics. Interplay of direct CP with oscillation studies then leads to the extraction of the angles alpha and gamma, using B--> K* omega rho and B--> rho omega (phi) respectively, if by using our constraint equations it can be experimentally demonstrated that color-suppressed EWP are small.Comment: 12 pages, 0 figures; revised and expande

    TeV Strings and the Neutrino-Nucleon Cross Section at Ultra-high Energies

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    In scenarios with the fundamental unification scale at the TeV one expects string excitations of the standard model fields at accessible energies. We study the neutrino-nucleon cross section in these models. We show that duality of the scattering amplitude forces the existence of a tower of massive leptoquarks that mediate the process in the s-channel. Using the narrow-width approximation we find a sum rule for the production rate of resonances with different spin at each mass level. We show that these contributions can increase substantially the standard model neutrino-nucleon cross section, although seem insufficient in order to explain the cosmic ray events above the GZK cutoff energy.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure, version to appear in PR

    Extracting Weak Phase Information from B -> V_1 V_2 Decays

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    We describe a new method for extracting weak, CP-violating phase information, with no hadronic uncertainties, from an angular analysis of B -> V_1 V_2 decays, where V_1 and V_2 are vector mesons. The quantity sin2(2β+γ)\sin^2 (2\beta + \gamma) can be cleanly obtained from the study of decays such as B_d^0(t) -> D^{*\pm} \rho^\mp, D^{*\pm} a_1^{\mp}, D^{*0} K^{*0}, etc. Similarly, one can use B_s^0(t) -> D_s^{*\pm} K^{*\mp} to extract sin2γ\sin^2 \gamma. There are no penguin contributions to these decays. It is possible that sin2(2β+γ)\sin^2 (2\beta + \gamma) will be the second function of CP phases, after sin2β\sin 2\beta, to be measured at B-factories.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX, no figure

    Using untagged B^0 -> D K_S to determine gamma

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    It is shown that the weak phase gamma=arg(-V_{ud}V^*_{ub}V_{cb}V_{cd}^*) can be determined using only untagged decays B/Bbar--> D K_S. In order to reduce the uncertainty in gamma, we suggest combining information from B^{+-}--> DK^{+-} and from untagged B^0 decays, where the D meson is observed in common decay modes. Theoretical assumptions, which may further reduce the statistical error, are also discussed.Comment: 18 pages, same as published versio