21 research outputs found

    Zero modes of various graphene confiurations from the index theorem

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    In this article we consider a graphene sheet that is folded in various compact geometries with arbitrary topology described by a certain genus, g. While the Hamiltonian of these systems is defined on a lattice one can take the continuous limit. The obtained Dirac-like Hamiltonian describes well the low energy modes of the initial system. Starting from first principles we derive an index theorem that corresponds to this Hamiltonian. This theorem relates the zero energy modes of the graphene sheet with the topology of the compact lattice. For g = 0 and g = 1 these results coincide with the analytical and numerical studies performed for fullerene molecules and carbon nanotubes while for higher values of g they give predictions for more complicated molecules

    Instantons in Four-Fermi Term Broken SUSY with General Potential

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    It is shown how to solve the Euclidean equations of motion of a point particle in a general potential and in the presence of a four-Fermi term. The classical action in this theory depends explicitly on a set of four fermionic collective coordinates. The corrections to the classical action due to the presence of fermions are of topological nature in the sense that they depend only on the values of the fields at the boundary points τ→±∞\tau \to \pm \infty. As an application, the Sine-Gordon model with a four-Fermi term is solved explicitly and the corrections to the classical action are computed.Comment: 8 page

    Closed Bosonic String Partition Function in Time Independent Exact PP-Wave Background

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    The modular invariance of the one-loop partition function of the closed bosonic string in four dimensions in the presence of certain homogeneous exact pp-wave backgrounds is studied. In the absence of an axion field the partition function is found to be modular invariant. In the presence of an axion field modular invariace is broken. This can be attributed to the light-cone gauge which breaks the symmetry in the σ\sigma-, tt-directions. Recovery of this broken modular invariance suggests the introduction of twists in the world-sheet directions. However, one needs to go beyond the light-cone gauge to introduce such twists.Comment: 17 pages, added reference

    The ⋆\star-value Equation and Wigner Distributions in Noncommutative Heisenberg algebras

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    We consider the quantum mechanical equivalence of the Seiberg-Witten map in the context of the Weyl-Wigner-Groenewold-Moyal phase-space formalism in order to construct a quantum mechanics over noncommutative Heisenberg algebras. The formalism is then applied to the exactly soluble Landau and harmonic oscillator problems in the 2-dimensional noncommutative phase-space plane, in order to derive their correct energy spectra and corresponding Wigner distributions. We compare our results with others that have previously appeared in the literature.Comment: 19 page

    Effective stress-energy tensors, self-force, and broken symmetry

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    Deriving the motion of a compact mass or charge can be complicated by the presence of large self-fields. Simplifications are known to arise when these fields are split into two parts in the so-called Detweiler-Whiting decomposition. One component satisfies vacuum field equations, while the other does not. The force and torque exerted by the (often ignored) inhomogeneous "S-type" portion is analyzed here for extended scalar charges in curved spacetimes. If the geometry is sufficiently smooth, it is found to introduce effective shifts in all multipole moments of the body's stress-energy tensor. This greatly expands the validity of statements that the homogeneous R field determines the self-force and self-torque up to renormalization effects. The forces and torques exerted by the S field directly measure the degree to which a spacetime fails to admit Killing vectors inside the body. A number of mathematical results related to the use of generalized Killing fields are therefore derived, and may be of wider interest. As an example of their application, the effective shift in the quadrupole moment of a charge's stress-energy tensor is explicitly computed to lowest nontrivial order.Comment: 22 pages, fixed typos and simplified discussio

    Brownian motion meets Riemann curvature

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    The general covariance of the diffusion equation is exploited in order to explore the curvature effects appearing on brownian motion over a d-dimensional curved manifold. We use the local frame defined by the so called Riemann normal coordinates to derive a general formula for the mean-square geodesic distance (MSD) at the short-time regime. This formula is written in terms of O(d)O(d) invariants that depend on the Riemann curvature tensor. We study the n-dimensional sphere case to validate these results. We also show that the diffusion for positive constant curvature is slower than the diffusion in a plane space, while the diffusion for negative constant curvature turns out to be faster. Finally the two-dimensional case is emphasized, as it is relevant for the single particle diffusion on biomembranes.Comment: 16 pages and 3 figure

    Locally Weyl invariant massless bosonic and fermionic spin-1/2 action in the (Wn(4),g)\bf (W_{n(4)},g) and (U4,g)\bf (U_{4},g) space-times

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    We search for a real bosonic and fermionic action in four dimensions which both remain invariant under local Weyl transformations in the presence of non-metricity and contortion tensor. In the presence of the non-metricity tensor the investigation is extended to Weyl (Wn,g)(W_n, g) space-time while when the torsion is encountered we are restricted to the Riemann-Cartan (U4,g)(U_4, g) space-time. Our results hold for a subgroup of the Weyl-Cartan (Y4,g)(Y_4, g) space-time and we also calculate extra contributions to the conformal gravity.Comment: 16 page

    The weakly coupled fractional one-dimensional Schr\"{o}dinger operator with index 1<α≤2\bf 1<\alpha \leq 2

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    We study fundamental properties of the fractional, one-dimensional Weyl operator P^α\hat{\mathcal{P}}^{\alpha} densely defined on the Hilbert space H=L2(R,dx)\mathcal{H}=L^2({\mathbb R},dx) and determine the asymptotic behaviour of both the free Green's function and its variation with respect to energy for bound states. In the sequel we specify the Birman-Schwinger representation for the Schr\"{o}dinger operator KαP^α−g∣V^∣K_{\alpha}\hat{\mathcal{P}}^{\alpha}-g|\hat{V}| and extract the finite-rank portion which is essential for the asymptotic expansion of the ground state. Finally, we determine necessary and sufficient conditions for there to be a bound state for small coupling constant gg.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figur

    The Noncommutative Harmonic Oscillator based in Simplectic Representation of Galilei Group

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    In this work we study symplectic unitary representations for the Galilei group. As a consequence the Schr\"odinger equation is derived in phase space. The formalism is based on the non-commutative structure of the star-product, and using the group theory approach as a guide a physical consistent theory in phase space is constructed. The state is described by a quasi-probability amplitude that is in association with the Wigner function. The 3D harmonic oscillator and the noncommutative oscillator are studied in phase space as an application, and the Wigner function associated to both cases are determined.Comment: 7 pages,no figure