186 research outputs found

    Electromagnetic Boundary Conditions Defined in Terms of Normal Field Components

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    A set of four scalar conditions involving normal components of the fields D and B and their normal derivatives at a planar surface is introduced, among which different pairs can be chosen to represent possible boundary conditions for the electromagnetic fields. Four such pairs turn out to yield meaningful boundary conditions and their responses for an incident plane wave at a planar boundary are studied. The theory is subsequently generalized to more general boundary surfaces defined by a coordinate function. It is found that two of the pairs correspond to the PEC and PMC conditions while the other two correspond to a mixture of PEC and PMC conditions for fields polarized TE or TM with respect to the coordinate defining the surface

    Design and analytically full-wave validation of the invisibility cloaks, concentrators, and field rotators created with a general class of transformations

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    We investigate a general class of electromagnetic devices created with any continuous transformation functions by rigorously calculating the analytical expressions of the electromagnetic field in the whole space. Some interesting phenomena associated with these transformation devices, including the invisibility cloaks, concentrators, and field rotators, are discussed. By carefully choosing the transformation function, we can realize cloaks which are insensitive to perturbations at both the inner and outer boundaries. Furthermore, we find that when the coating layer of the concentrator is realized with left-handed materials, energy will circulate between the coating and the core, and the energy transmits through the core of the concentrator can be much bigger than that transmits through the concentrator. Therefore, such concentrator is also a power flux amplifier. Finally, we propose a spherical field rotator, which functions as not only a wave vector rotator, but also a polarization rotator, depending on the orientations of the spherical rotator with respect to the incident wave direction. The functionality of these novel transformation devices are all successfully confirmed by our analytical full wave method, which also provides an alternate computational efficient validation method in contrast to numerical validation methods.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figure

    Signs, curls, and time variations: learning to appreciate Faraday’s law

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    In this article, we present the analysis of a study on the development of conceptual understanding of dynamic electromagnetic fields of electrical engineering students in Finland. The focus of the study was teaching and understanding of Faraday’s law. A coil with two light-emitting diodes and a strong permanent magnet were used with which the induced electromotive force could be made visible. However, the field and flux directions, temporal changes, and topological constellations within this setting determine in a subtle manner the character of the resulting electric effect. The demonstration was used on electromagnetic field theory classes at Aalto University, Finland, to assess the conceptual understanding of the students. Drawing from the Peer Instruction principle, the students were asked to fill in a questionnaire concerning this experiment, first on their own, and once again after discussing with their neighbors in the classroom. They were asked about the direction of the electric force and the confidence of their answer. The results show that the answer is not very obvious: students tend to vote for the wrong answer. The Peer Instruction discussion greatly improves the situation. Also, the confidence of the students increases thanks to the discussion period with neighbors. The results, however, seem to be somewhat sensitive to the exact constellation and the administration of the experiment

    Plasmonic Cloaking of Cylinders: Finite Length, Oblique Illumination and Cross-Polarization Coupling

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    Metamaterial cloaking has been proposed and studied in recent years following several interesting approaches. One of them, the scattering-cancellation technique, or plasmonic cloaking, exploits the plasmonic effects of suitably designed thin homogeneous metamaterial covers to drastically suppress the scattering of moderately sized objects within specific frequency ranges of interest. Besides its inherent simplicity, this technique also holds the promise of isotropic response and weak polarization dependence. Its theory has been applied extensively to symmetrical geometries and canonical 3D shapes, but its application to elongated objects has not been explored with the same level of detail. We derive here closed-form theoretical formulas for infinite cylinders under arbitrary wave incidence, and validate their performance with full-wave numerical simulations, also considering the effects of finite lengths and truncation effects in cylindrical objects. In particular, we find that a single isotropic (idealized) cloaking layer may successfully suppress the dominant scattering coefficients of moderately thin elongated objects, even for finite lengths comparable with the incident wavelength, providing a weak dependence on the incidence angle. These results may pave the way for application of plasmonic cloaking in a variety of practical scenarios of interest.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures, 2 table

    Macroscopic phase segregation in superconducting K0.73Fe1.67Se2 as seen by muon spin rotation and infrared spectroscopy

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    Using muon spin rotation (\muSR) and infrared spectroscopy we investigated the recently discovered superconductor K0.73Fe1.67Se2 with Tc = 32 K. We show that the combined data can be consistently described in terms of a macroscopically phase segregated state with a matrix of ~88% volume fraction that is insulating and strongly magnetic and inclusions with a ~12% volume fraction which are metallic, superconducting and non-magnetic. The electronic properties of the latter, in terms of the normal state plasma frequency and the superconducting condensate density, appear to be similar as in other iron selenide or arsenide superconductors.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figures. (citation list correction.

    Longitudinal chirality, enhanced non-reciprocity, and nano-scale planar one-way guiding

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    When a linear chain of plasmonic nano-particles is exposed to a transverse DC magnetic field, the chain modes are elliptically polarized, in a single plane parallel to the chain axis; hence, a novel longitudinal plasmon-rotation is created. If, in addition, the chain geometry possesses longitudinal rotation, e.g. by using ellipsoidal particles that rotate in the same plane as the plasmon rotation, strong non-reciprocity is created. The structure possesses a new kind of chirality--the longitudinal chirality--and supports one-way guiding. Since all particles rotate in the same plane, the geometry is planar and can be fabricated by printing leaf-like patches on a single plane. Furthermore, the magnetic field is significantly weaker than in previously reported one-way guiding structures. These properties are examined for ideal (lossless) and for lossy chains.Comment: to appear in PR

    Determination of Omega_b From Big Bang Nucleosynthesis in the Presence of Regions of Antimatter

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    Production of regions of antimatter in the early universe is predicted in many baryogenesis models. Small scale antimatter regions would annihilate during or soon after nucleosynthesis, affecting the abundances of the light elements. In this paper we study how the acceptable range in Omega_b changes in the presence of antimatter regions, as compared to the standard big bang nucleosynthesis. It turns out that it is possible to produce at the same time both a low 4He value (Y_p < 0.240) and a low D/H value (D/H < 4e-5), but overproduction of 7Li is unavoidable at large Omega_b.Comment: 9 pages, PRD version, ref. 6 correcte

    Negative Refraction in Perspective

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    The concept of negative refraction is attracting a lot of attention. The initial ideas and the misconceptions that have arisen are discussed in sufficient detail to understand the conceptual structure that binds negative refraction to the existence of backward wave and forward wave phenomena. A presentation of the properties of isotropic media supporting backward waves is followed by a discussion of negative phase velocity media, causality, anisotropic crystals and some connections to photonic crystals. The historical background is always coupled to a detailed presentation of all the issues. The paper is driven numerically and is illustrated with the outcomes of original FDTD simulations

    Analytical, numerical, and experimental investigation of a Luneburg lens system for directional cloaking

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    In this study, the design of a directional cloaking based on the Luneburg lens system is proposed and its operating principle is experimentally verified. The cloaking concept is analytically investigated via geometrical optics and numerically realized with the help of the finite-difference time-domain method. In order to benefit from its unique focusing and/or collimating characteristics of light, the Luneburg lens is used. We show that by the proper combination of Luneburg lenses in an array form, incident light bypasses the region between junctions of the lenses, i.e., the "dark zone." Hence, direct interaction of an object with propagating light is prevented if one places the object to be cloaked inside that dark zone. This effect is used for hiding an object which is made of a perfectly electric conductor material. In order to design an implementable cloaking device, the Luneburg lens is discretized into a photonic crystal structure having gradually varying air cylindrical holes in a dielectric material by using Maxwell Garnett effective medium approximations. Experimental verifications of the designed cloaking structure are performed at microwave frequencies of around 8 GHz. The proposed structure is fabricated by three-dimensional printing of dielectric polylactide material and a brass metallic alloy is utilized in place of the perfectly electric conductor material in microwave experiments. Good agreement between numerical and experimental results is found. © 2019 American Physical Society