963 research outputs found

    Роми України і Миколаївщини

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    У статті розглянуто історію появи ромів на території України. Наприкінці ХVIII ст. 9-а ревізія виявила ромськенаселення уХерсонськійгубернії (територія сучасної Миколаївщини). Зараз у цьому регіоні проживає понад 1500 ромів.В статье рассмотрена история появления ромов на территории Украины. В конце ХVIII ст. 9-я ревизия зафиксировала наличие цыганского населения в Херсонской губернии (территория современной Николаевщины). Сейчас в этом регионе проживает более 1500 ромов.History of appearance of Romanies on the territory of Ukraine is considered in the thesis. At the end of 18th century Romanies are fixed in the 9th revision on the territory of Kherson province (modern Mykolaiv region). There are more than 1500 Romanies in this region now

    Increased accumulation of doxorubicin and doxorubicinol in cardiac tissue of mice lacking mdr1a P-glycoprotein

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    To gain more insight into the pharmacological role of endogenous P-glycoprotein in the metabolism of the widely used substrate drug doxorubicin, we have studied the plasma pharmacokinetics, tissue distribution and excretion of this compound in mdr1a(–/– and wild-type mice. Doxorubicin was administered as an i.v. bolus injection at a dose level of 5 mg kg−1. Drug and metabolite concentrations were determined in plasma, tissues, urine and faeces by high-performance liquid chromatography. In comparison with wild-type mice, the terminal half-life and the area under the plasma concentration–time curve of doxorubicin in it>mdr1a(–/–) mice were 1.6- and 1.2-fold higher respectively.The retention of both doxorubicin and its metabolite doxorubicinol in the hearts of mdr1a(–/–) mice was substantially prolonged. In addition, a significantly increased drug accumulation was observed in the brain and the liver of mdr1a(–/–) mice. The relative accumulation in most other tissues was not or only slightly increased. The differences in cumulative faecal and urinary excretion of doxorubicin and metabolites between both types of mice were small. These experiments demonstrate that the absence of mdr1a P-glycoprotein only slightly alters the plasma pharmacokinetics of oxorubicin. Furthermore, the substantially prolonged presence of both doxorubicin and doxorubicinol in cardiac tissue of mdr1a(–/–) mice suggests that a blockade of endogenous P-glycoprotein in patients, for example by a reversal agent, may enhance the risk of cardiotoxicity upon administration of doxorubicin. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Применение буровых шламов в изготовлении строительных материалов

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    Thrombomodulin is a membrane-bound protein that plays an active role in the blood coagulation system by binding thrombin and initiating the protein C anticoagulant pathway. Solulin (TM) is a recombinant soluble derivative of human thrombomodulin. It is used for the treatment of thrombotic disorders. To evaluate the production of this pharmaceutical protein in plants, expression vectors were generated using four different N-terminal signal peptides. Immunoblot analysis of transiently transformed tobacco leaves showed that intact Solulin (TM) could be detected using three of these signal peptides. Furthermore transgenic tobacco plants and BY2 cells producing Solulin (TM) were generated. Immunoblot experiments showed that Solulin (TM) accumulated to maximum levels of 115 and 27 mu g g(-1)supercript stop plant material in tobacco plants and BY2 cells, respectively. Activity tests performed on the culture supernatant of transformed BY2 cells showed that the secreted Solulin (TM) was functional. In contrast, thrombomodulin activity was not detected in total soluble protein extracts from BY2 cells, probably due to inhibitory effects of substances in the cell extract. N-terminal sequencing was carried out on partially purified Solulin (TM) from the BY2 culture supernatant. The sequence was identical to that of Solulin (TM) produced in Chinese hamster ovary cells, confirming correct processing of the N-terminal signal peptide. We have demonstrated that plants and plant cell cultures can be used as alternative systems for the production of an active recombinant thrombomodulin derivative

    Noninvasive evaluation of ischaemic heart disease: myocardial perfusion imaging or stress echocardiography?

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    Stress echocardiography and myocardial perfusion imaging are commonly used noninvasive imaging modalities for the evaluation of ischaemic heart disease. Both modalities have proved clinically useful in the entire spectrum of coronary artery disease. Both techniques can detect coronary artery disease and provide prognostic information. Both techniques can identify low-risk and high-risk subsets among patients with known or suspected coronary artery disease and thus guide patient management decisions. In patients with acute myocardial infarction, both techniques have been used to identify residual viable tissue and predict improvement of function over time. In patients with chronic ischaemic left ventricular (LV) dysfunction, viability assessment with either modality can be used to predict improvement of function after revascularisation and thus guide patient treatment

    Development and validation of an HPLC-MS/MS method to quantify the KRAS inhibitor adagrasib in mouse plasma and tissue-related matrices

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    We developed and validated an assay utilizing a liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry technique to quantify the KRAS inhibitor adagrasib in mouse plasma and seven tissue-related matrices. The straightforward protein precipitation technique was selected to extract adagrasib and the internal standard salinomycin from the matrices. Gradient elution of acetonitrile and water modified with 0.5% (v/v) ammonium hydroxide and 0.02% (v/v) acetic acid on a C 18 column at a flow rate of 0.6 ml/min was applied to separate the analytes. Both adagrasib and salinomycin were detected with a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer with positive electrospray ionization in a selected reaction monitoring mode. A linear calibration range of 2-2,000 ng/ml of adagrasib was demonstrated during the validation. In addition, the reported precision values (intra- and inter-day) were between 3.5 and 14.9%, while the accuracy values were 85.5-111.0% for all tested levels in all investigated matrices. Adagrasib in mouse plasma was reported to have good stability at room temperature, while adagrasib in tissue-related matrices was stable on ice for up to 4 h (matrix dependent). Finally, this method was successfully applied to determine the pharmacokinetic profile and tissue distribution of adagrasib in wild-type mice

    Prevalence of myocardial viability assessed by single photon emission computed tomography in patients with chronic ischaemic left ventricular dysfunction

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess the prevalence of myocardial viability by technetium-99m (Tc-99m)-tetrofosmin/fluorine-18-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) in patients with ischaemic cardiomyopathy. DESIGN: A retrospective observational study. SETTING: Thoraxcenter Rotterdam (a tertiary referral centre). PATIENTS: 104 patients with chronic coronary artery disease and severely depressed left ventricular function presenting with heart failure symptoms. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Prevalence of myocardial viability as evaluated by Tc-99m-tetrofosmin/FDG SPECT imaging. Two strategies for assessing viability in dysfunctional myocardium were used: perfusion imaging alone, and the combination of perfusion and metabolic imaging. RESULTS: On perfusion imaging alone, 56 patients (54%) had a significant amount of viable myocardium, whereas 48 patients (46%) did not. Among the 48 patients with no significant viability by perfusion imaging alone, seven additional patients (15%) had significantly viable myocardium on combined perfusion and metabolic imaging. Thus with a combination of perfusion and metabolic imaging, 63 patients (61%) had viable myocardium and 41 (39%) did not. CONCLUSIONS: On the basis of the presence of viable dysfunctional myocardium, 61% of patients with chronic coronary artery disease and depressed left ventricular ejection fraction presenting with heart failure symptoms may be considered for coronary revascularisation. The combination of perfusion and metabolic imaging identified more patients with significant viability than myocardial perfusion imaging alone

    Validated LC-MS/MS method for simultaneous quantification of KRASG12C inhibitor sotorasib and its major circulating metabolite (M24) in mouse matrices and its application in a mouse pharmacokinetic study.

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    We have successfully developed and validated a bioanalytical assay using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry to simultaneously quantify the first approved KRAS G12C inhibitor sotorasib and its major circulating metabolite (M24) in various mouse matrices. M24 was synthesized in-house via low-pH hydrolysis. We utilized a fast and efficient protein precipitation method in a 96-well plate format to extract both analytes from biological matrices. Erlotinib was selected as the internal standard in this assay. Gradient elution using methanol and 0.1 % formic acid in water (v/v) was applied on an Acquity UPLC BEH C18 column to separate all analytes. Sotorasib, M24, and erlotinib were detected with a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer in positive electrospray ionization in multiple reaction monitoring mode. During the validation and sample quantification, a linear calibration range was observed for both sotorasib and M24 in a range of 4 - 4000 nM and 1 - 1000 nM, respectively. The %bias and %CV (both intra- and inter-day) for all tested levels in all investigated matrices were lower than 15 % as required by the guidelines. Sotorasib had a rather short room temperature stability in mouse plasma for up to 8 h compared to M24 which was stable up to 16 h at room temperature. This method has been successfully applied to measure sotorasib and M24 in several mouse matrices from three different mouse strains. We can conclude that the plasma exposure of sotorasib in mice is limited via human CYP3A4- and mouse Cyp3a-mediated metabolism of sotorasib into M24

    Development and validation of an LC-MS/MS method for the quantification of KRASG12C inhibitor opnurasib in several mouse matrices and its application in a pharmacokinetic mouse study

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    Opnurasib (JDQ-443) is a highly potent and promising KRASG12C inhibitor that is currently under clinical investigation. Results of the ongoing clinical research demonstrated the acceptable safety profile and clinical activity of this drug candidate as a single agent for patients with NSCLC harboring KRASG12C mutations. In this early stage of development, a deeper insight into pharmacokinetic properties in both preclinical and clinical investigations of this drug is very important. Thus, a reliable quantification method is required. To date, no quantitative bioanalytical assay of opnurasib was publicly available. In this study we present a validated assay to quantify opnurasib in mouse plasma and eight mouse tissue-related matrices utilizing liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Erlotinib was used as internal standard and acetonitrile was utilized to treat 10 µl of the sample with protein precipitation in a 96-well plate format. Separation and detection were achieved using a BEH C18 column under basic chromatographic conditions and a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer, respectively. We have fully validated this assay for mouse plasma and partially for eight mouse tissue-related matrices over the range of 2–2000 ng/ml. The accuracy and precision of the assay fulfilled international guidelines (EMA & U.S. FDA) over the validated range. The method was proven selective and sensitive to quantify opnurasib down to 2 ng/ml in all investigated matrices. The recoveries of both analyte and internal standard in mouse plasma were ∼100 % with no significant matrix effect in any of the matrices. Opnurasib in mouse plasma was stable up to 12 h at room temperature, and up to 8 h at room temperature in tissue homogenates (except for kidney up to 4 h). This presented method has been successfully applied to quantify opnurasib in preclinical samples from a mouse study and demonstrated its usability to support preclinical pharmacokinetic studies