1,542 research outputs found

    Geometric Bounds in Spherically Symmetric General Relativity

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    We exploit an arbitrary extrinsic time foliation of spacetime to solve the constraints in spherically symmetric general relativity. Among such foliations there is a one parameter family, linear and homogeneous in the extrinsic curvature, which permit the momentum constraint to be solved exactly. This family includes, as special cases, the extrinsic time gauges that have been exploited in the past. These foliations have the property that the extrinsic curvature is spacelike with respect to the the spherically symmetric superspace metric. What is remarkable is that the linearity can be relaxed at no essential extra cost which permits us to isolate a large non - pathological dense subset of all extrinsic time foliations. We identify properties of solutions which are independent of the particular foliation within this subset. When the geometry is regular, we can place spatially invariant numerical bounds on the values of both the spatial and the temporal gradients of the scalar areal radius, RR. These bounds are entirely independent of the particular gauge and of the magnitude of the sources. When singularities occur, we demonstrate that the geometry behaves in a universal way in the neighborhood of the singularity.Comment: 16 pages, revtex, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Yang-Mills theory a la string

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    A surface of codimension higher than one embedded in an ambient space possesses a connection associated with the rotational freedom of its normal vector fields. We examine the Yang-Mills functional associated with this connection. The theory it defines differs from Yang-Mills theory in that it is a theory of surfaces. We focus, in particular, on the Euler-Lagrange equations describing this surface, introducing a framework which throws light on their relationship to the Yang-Mills equations.Comment: 7 page

    Quantitative Perturbation Theory for Compact Operators on a Hilbert Space

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    This thesis makes novel contributions to a problem of practical and theoretical importance, namely how to determine explicitly computable upper bounds for the Hausdorff distance of the spectra of two compact operators on a Hilbert space in terms of the distance of the two operators in operator norm. It turns out that the answer depends crucially on the speed of decay of the sequence of singular values of the two operators. To this end, ‘compactness classes’, that is, collections of operators the singular values of which decay at a certain speed, are introduced and their functional analytic properties studied in some detail. The main result of the thesis is an explicit formula for the Hausdorff distance of the spectra of two operators belonging to the same compactness class. Along the way, upper bounds for the resolvents of operators belonging to a particular compactness class are established, as well as novel bounds for determinants of trace class operators

    Whirling skirts and rotating cones

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    Steady, dihedrally symmetric patterns with sharp peaks may be observed on a spinning skirt, lagging behind the material flow of the fabric. These qualitative features are captured with a minimal model of traveling waves on an inextensible, flexible, generalized-conical sheet rotating about a fixed axis. Conservation laws are used to reduce the dynamics to a quadrature describing a particle in a three-parameter family of potentials. One parameter is associated with the stress in the sheet, aNoether is the current associated with rotational invariance, and the third is a Rossby number which indicates the relative strength of Coriolis forces. Solutions are quantized by enforcing a topology appropriate to a skirt and a particular choice of dihedral symmetry. A perturbative analysis of nearly axisymmetric cones shows that Coriolis effects are essential in establishing skirt-like solutions. Fully non-linear solutions with three-fold symmetry are presented which bear a suggestive resemblance to the observed patterns.Comment: two additional figures, changes to text throughout. journal version will have a wordier abstrac

    Tensor Renormalization Group: Local Magnetizations, Correlation Functions, and Phase Diagrams of Systems with Quenched Randomness

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    The tensor renormalization-group method, developed by Levin and Nave, brings systematic improvability to the position-space renormalization-group method and yields essentially exact results for phase diagrams and entire thermodynamic functions. The method, previously used on systems with no quenched randomness, is extended in this study to systems with quenched randomness. Local magnetizations and correlation functions as a function of spin separation are calculated as tensor products subject to renormalization-group transformation. Phase diagrams are extracted from the long-distance behavior of the correlation functions. The approach is illustrated with the quenched bond-diluted Ising model on the triangular lattice. An accurate phase diagram is obtained in temperature and bond-dilution probability, for the entire temperature range down to the percolation threshold at zero temperature.Comment: Added comment. Published version. 8 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl

    Dipoles in thin sheets

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    A flat elastic sheet may contain pointlike conical singularities that carry a metrical "charge" of Gaussian curvature. Adding such elementary defects to a sheet allows one to make many shapes, in a manner broadly analogous to the familiar multipole construction in electrostatics. However, here the underlying field theory is non-linear, and superposition of intrinsic defects is non-trivial as it must respect the immersion of the resulting surface in three dimensions. We consider a "charge-neutral" dipole composed of two conical singularities of opposite sign. Unlike the relatively simple electrostatic case, here there are two distinct stable minima and an infinity of unstable equilibria. We determine the shapes of the minima and evaluate their energies in the thin-sheet regime where bending dominates over stretching. Our predictions are in surprisingly good agreement with experiments on paper sheets.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures, 2 table

    Deformations of extended objects with edges

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    We present a manifestly gauge covariant description of fluctuations of a relativistic extended object described by the Dirac-Nambu-Goto action with Dirac-Nambu-Goto loaded edges about a given classical solution. Whereas physical fluctuations of the bulk lie normal to its worldsheet, those on the edge possess an additional component directed into the bulk. These fluctuations couple in a non-trivial way involving the underlying geometrical structures associated with the worldsheet of the object and of its edge. We illustrate the formalism using as an example a string with massive point particles attached to its ends.Comment: 17 pages, revtex, to appear in Phys. Rev. D5

    Hamiltonian Frenet-Serret dynamics

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    The Hamiltonian formulation of the dynamics of a relativistic particle described by a higher-derivative action that depends both on the first and the second Frenet-Serret curvatures is considered from a geometrical perspective. We demonstrate how reparametrization covariant dynamical variables and their projections onto the Frenet-Serret frame can be exploited to provide not only a significant simplification of but also novel insights into the canonical analysis. The constraint algebra and the Hamiltonian equations of motion are written down and a geometrical interpretation is provided for the canonical variables.Comment: Latex file, 14 pages, no figures. Revised version to appear in Class. Quant. Gra

    Quantitative spectral perturbation theory for compact operators on a Hilbert space

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    We introduce compactness classes of Hilbert space operators by grouping together all operators for which the associated singular values decay at a certain speed and establish upper bounds for the norm of the resolvent of operators belonging to a particular compactness class. As a consequence we obtain explicitly computable upper bounds for the Hausdorff distance of the spectra of two operators belonging to the same compactness class in terms of the distance of the two operators in operator norm.Comment: 26 page

    Force dipoles and stable local defects on fluid vesicles

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    An exact description is provided of an almost spherical fluid vesicle with a fixed area and a fixed enclosed volume locally deformed by external normal forces bringing two nearby points on the surface together symmetrically. The conformal invariance of the two-dimensional bending energy is used to identify the distribution of energy as well as the stress established in the vesicle. While these states are local minima of the energy, this energy is degenerate; there is a zero mode in the energy fluctuation spectrum, associated with area and volume preserving conformal transformations, which breaks the symmetry between the two points. The volume constraint fixes the distance SS, measured along the surface, between the two points; if it is relaxed, a second zero mode appears, reflecting the independence of the energy on SS; in the absence of this constraint a pathway opens for the membrane to slip out of the defect. Logarithmic curvature singularities in the surface geometry at the points of contact signal the presence of external forces. The magnitude of these forces varies inversely with SS and so diverges as the points merge; the corresponding torques vanish in these defects. The geometry behaves near each of the singularities as a biharmonic monopole, in the region between them as a surface of constant mean curvature, and in distant regions as a biharmonic quadrupole. Comparison of the distribution of stress with the quadratic approximation in the height functions points to shortcomings of the latter representation. Radial tension is accompanied by lateral compression, both near the singularities and far away, with a crossover from tension to compression occurring in the region between them.Comment: 26 pages, 10 figure
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