1,692 research outputs found

    Automatic Differentiation of Algorithms for Machine Learning

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    Automatic differentiation---the mechanical transformation of numeric computer programs to calculate derivatives efficiently and accurately---dates to the origin of the computer age. Reverse mode automatic differentiation both antedates and generalizes the method of backwards propagation of errors used in machine learning. Despite this, practitioners in a variety of fields, including machine learning, have been little influenced by automatic differentiation, and make scant use of available tools. Here we review the technique of automatic differentiation, describe its two main modes, and explain how it can benefit machine learning practitioners. To reach the widest possible audience our treatment assumes only elementary differential calculus, and does not assume any knowledge of linear algebra.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    An Analysis of Publication Venues for Automatic Differentiation Research

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    We present the results of our analysis of publication venues for papers on automatic differentiation (AD), covering academic journals and conference proceedings. Our data are collected from the AD publications database maintained by the autodiff.org community website. The database is purpose-built for the AD field and is expanding via submissions by AD researchers. Therefore, it provides a relatively noise-free list of publications relating to the field. However, it does include noise in the form of variant spellings of journal and conference names. We handle this by manually correcting and merging these variants under the official names of corresponding venues. We also share the raw data we get after these corrections.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Automatic Segmentation of Spontaneous Data using Dimensional Labels from Multiple Coders

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    This paper focuses on automatic segmentation of spontaneous data using continuous dimensional labels from multiple coders. It introduces efficient algorithms to the aim of (i) producing ground-truth by maximizing inter-coder agreement, (ii) eliciting the frames or samples that capture the transition to and from an emotional state, and (iii) automatic segmentation of spontaneous audio-visual data to be used by machine learning techniques that cannot handle unsegmented sequences. As a proof of concept, the algorithms introduced are tested using data annotated in arousal and valence space. However, they can be straightforwardly applied to data annotated in other continuous emotional spaces, such as power and expectation

    Automatic differentiation in machine learning: a survey

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    Derivatives, mostly in the form of gradients and Hessians, are ubiquitous in machine learning. Automatic differentiation (AD), also called algorithmic differentiation or simply "autodiff", is a family of techniques similar to but more general than backpropagation for efficiently and accurately evaluating derivatives of numeric functions expressed as computer programs. AD is a small but established field with applications in areas including computational fluid dynamics, atmospheric sciences, and engineering design optimization. Until very recently, the fields of machine learning and AD have largely been unaware of each other and, in some cases, have independently discovered each other's results. Despite its relevance, general-purpose AD has been missing from the machine learning toolbox, a situation slowly changing with its ongoing adoption under the names "dynamic computational graphs" and "differentiable programming". We survey the intersection of AD and machine learning, cover applications where AD has direct relevance, and address the main implementation techniques. By precisely defining the main differentiation techniques and their interrelationships, we aim to bring clarity to the usage of the terms "autodiff", "automatic differentiation", and "symbolic differentiation" as these are encountered more and more in machine learning settings.Comment: 43 pages, 5 figure

    Automatic classification of abandoned objects for surveillance of public premises

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    One of the core components of any visual surveillance system is object classification, where detected objects are classified into different categories of interest. Although in airports or train stations, abandoned objects are mainly luggage or trolleys, none of the existing works in the literature have attempted to classify or recognize trolleys. In this paper, we analyzed and classified images of trolley(s), bag(s), single person(s), and group(s) of people by using various shape features with a number of uncluttered and cluttered images and applied multiframe integration to overcome partial occlusions and obtain better recognition results. We also tested the proposed techniques on data extracted from a wellrecognized and recent data set, PETS 2007 benchmark data set[16]. Our experimental results show that the features extracted are invariant to data set and classification scheme chosen. For our four-class object recognition problem, we achieved an average recognition accuracy of 70%. © 2008 IEEE

    A Multi-layer Hybrid Framework for Dimensional Emotion Classification

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    This paper investigates dimensional emotion prediction and classification from naturalistic facial expressions. Similarly to many pattern recognition problems, dimensional emotion classification requires generating multi-dimensional outputs. To date, classification for valence and arousal dimensions has been done separately, assuming that they are independent. However, various psychological findings suggest that these dimensions are correlated. We therefore propose a novel, multi-layer hybrid framework for emotion classification that is able to model inter-dimensional correlations. Firstly, we derive a novel geometric feature set based on the (a)symmetric spatio-temporal characteristics of facial expressions. Subsequently, we use the proposed feature set to train a multi-layer hybrid framework composed of a tem- poral regression layer for predicting emotion dimensions, a graphical model layer for modeling valence-arousal correlations, and a final classification and fusion layer exploiting informative statistics extracted from the lower layers. This framework (i) introduces the Auto-Regressive Coupled HMM (ACHMM), a graphical model specifically tailored to accommodate not only inter-dimensional correlations but also to exploit the internal dynamics of the actual observations, and (ii) replaces the commonly used Maximum Likelihood principle with a more robust final classification and fusion layer. Subject-independent experimental validation, performed on a naturalistic set of facial expressions, demonstrates the effectiveness of the derived feature set, and the robustness and flexibility of the proposed framework

    Continuous Analysis of Affect from Voice and Face

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    Human affective behavior is multimodal, continuous and complex. Despite major advances within the affective computing research field, modeling, analyzing, interpreting and responding to human affective behavior still remains a challenge for automated systems as affect and emotions are complex constructs, with fuzzy boundaries and with substantial individual differences in expression and experience [7]. Therefore, affective and behavioral computing researchers have recently invested increased effort in exploring how to best model, analyze and interpret the subtlety, complexity and continuity (represented along a continuum e.g., from −1 to +1) of affective behavior in terms of latent dimensions (e.g., arousal, power and valence) and appraisals, rather than in terms of a small number of discrete emotion categories (e.g., happiness and sadness). This chapter aims to (i) give a brief overview of the existing efforts and the major accomplishments in modeling and analysis of emotional expressions in dimensional and continuous space while focusing on open issues and new challenges in the field, and (ii) introduce a representative approach for multimodal continuous analysis of affect from voice and face, and provide experimental results using the audiovisual Sensitive Artificial Listener (SAL) Database of natural interactions. The chapter concludes by posing a number of questions that highlight the significant issues in the field, and by extracting potential answers to these questions from the relevant literature. The chapter is organized as follows. Section 10.2 describes theories of emotion, Sect. 10.3 provides details on the affect dimensions employed in the literature as well as how emotions are perceived from visual, audio and physiological modalities. Section 10.4 summarizes how current technology has been developed, in terms of data acquisition and annotation, and automatic analysis of affect in continuous space by bringing forth a number of issues that need to be taken into account when applying a dimensional approach to emotion recognition, namely, determining the duration of emotions for automatic analysis, modeling the intensity of emotions, determining the baseline, dealing with high inter-subject expression variation, defining optimal strategies for fusion of multiple cues and modalities, and identifying appropriate machine learning techniques and evaluation measures. Section 10.5 presents our representative system that fuses vocal and facial expression cues for dimensional and continuous prediction of emotions in valence and arousal space by employing the bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory neural networks (BLSTM-NN), and introduces an output-associative fusion framework that incorporates correlations between the emotion dimensions to further improve continuous affect prediction. Section 10.6 concludes the chapter

    Tricks from Deep Learning

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    The deep learning community has devised a diverse set of methods to make gradient optimization, using large datasets, of large and highly complex models with deeply cascaded nonlinearities, practical. Taken as a whole, these methods constitute a breakthrough, allowing computational structures which are quite wide, very deep, and with an enormous number and variety of free parameters to be effectively optimized. The result now dominates much of practical machine learning, with applications in machine translation, computer vision, and speech recognition. Many of these methods, viewed through the lens of algorithmic differentiation (AD), can be seen as either addressing issues with the gradient itself, or finding ways of achieving increased efficiency using tricks that are AD-related, but not provided by current AD systems. The goal of this paper is to explain not just those methods of most relevance to AD, but also the technical constraints and mindset which led to their discovery. After explaining this context, we present a "laundry list" of methods developed by the deep learning community. Two of these are discussed in further mathematical detail: a way to dramatically reduce the size of the tape when performing reverse-mode AD on a (theoretically) time-reversible process like an ODE integrator; and a new mathematical insight that allows for the implementation of a stochastic Newton's method

    DiffSharp: An AD Library for .NET Languages

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    DiffSharp is an algorithmic differentiation or automatic differentiation (AD) library for the .NET ecosystem, which is targeted by the C# and F# languages, among others. The library has been designed with machine learning applications in mind, allowing very succinct implementations of models and optimization routines. DiffSharp is implemented in F# and exposes forward and reverse AD operators as general nestable higher-order functions, usable by any .NET language. It provides high-performance linear algebra primitives---scalars, vectors, and matrices, with a generalization to tensors underway---that are fully supported by all the AD operators, and which use a BLAS/LAPACK backend via the highly optimized OpenBLAS library. DiffSharp currently uses operator overloading, but we are developing a transformation-based version of the library using F#'s "code quotation" metaprogramming facility. Work on a CUDA-based GPU backend is also underway
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