26 research outputs found

    Wp艂yw starzenia na struktur臋 i w艂a艣ciwo艣ci termiczne kompozyt贸w polimerowych z w艂贸knem tekturowym

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    In this work the results of investigations of thermal properties and structure PE-HD with addition of cardboard fibre before and after UV radiation ageing were presented. In this work composites with content of 1, 3, 5% of cardboard fibre in relation to the polyethylene have been produced. The investigations for the influence of the fillers on the properties of prepared composites before and after ultraviolet radiation ageing have been conducted. Investigations of crystallinity degree by means of DSC method as well as investigations of the structure using optical microscope have been conducted. The DSC investigations prove the decrease in the crystallinity degree of PE-HD during addition of cardboard fibre and increase for the samples after ultraviolet radiation ageing. While increasing the amount of cardboard fibre in the composite the Vicat softening temperature and absorptivity of water decreases for the samples before ultraviolet radiation ageing.W pracy przedstawiono wyniki bada艅 w艂a艣ciwo艣ci termicznych oraz struktury polietylenu o du偶ej g臋sto艣ci i kompozyt贸w polietylenu z w艂贸knem tekturowym przed i po procesie starzenia promieniami UV. Zbadano stopie艅 krystaliczno艣ci metod膮 DSC oraz struktur臋 za pomoc膮 mikroskopu optycznego w 艣wietle przechodz膮cym. Okre艣lono r贸wnie偶 temperatur臋 mi臋knienia wg Vicata oraz ch艂onno艣膰 wody. Badaniom poddano kompozyty polietylenu o zawarto艣ci w艂贸kna: 1, 3 i 5%. Stwierdzono wp艂yw nape艂niacza na stopie艅 krystaliczno艣ci, kt贸rego warto艣膰 maleje ze wzrostem zawarto艣ci w艂贸kna tekturowego zar贸wno przed, jak i po starzeniu promieniami UV. W przeprowadzonych badaniach zarejestrowano ni偶sze warto艣ci temperatury mi臋knienia wg Vicata i wi臋ksz膮 ch艂onno艣膰 wody dla kompozyt贸w polietylenu z w艂贸knem tekturowym po starzeniu promieniami UV

    Analiza zmian w艂a艣ciwo艣ci termicznych i struktury cementu kostnego po procesach starzenia

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    This paper presents the results of the investigations of thermal properties and the structure of bone cements developed based on polymethyl methacrylate with addition of fillers and auxiliaries. DSC method was employed to determine glass transition temperature for the studied bone cements before and after the process of aging in water NaCl solution subject to electrolysis. The investigations were carried out for bone cements with different composition and different percentage share of the components. Two types of bone cements were used for the investigations: CMW1 manufactured by CMW and Palamed 40. Thermal properties were analysed using differential scanning calorimetry by means of Netzsch DSC 200 Phox equipment. The structure was examined by means of Nikon Eclipse E 200 optical microscope.W artykule okre艣lono metod膮 DSC warto艣ci temperatury zeszklenia PMMA przed i po procesie starzenia w roztworze wodnym NaCl poddanym elektrolizie. Badania przeprowadzono dla PMMA o r贸偶nym sk艂adzie i udziale procentowym sk艂adnik贸w. Do bada艅 zastosowano dwa rodzaje cement贸w kostnych: CMW1 oraz Palamed 40. Dla cz臋艣ci materia艂u badawczego przeprowadzono proces przyspieszonego starzenia w celu okre艣lenia odporno艣ci chemicznej na czynniki powoduj膮ce korozj臋 i degradacj臋 cementu kostnego. Badania w艂a艣ciwo艣ci termicznych wykonano metod膮 r贸偶nicowej kalorymetrii skaningowej, wykorzystuj膮c urz膮dzenie DSC 200 Phox firmy Netzsch. Struktur臋 obserwowano pod mikroskopem optycznym firmy Nikon Eclipse E 200

    Prediction of changes in properties of pipes from polyethylene in the research of simulation of ageing

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    This study presents a comparative analysis of specimens before and after photochemical and electrochemical ageing processes. The specimens were cut out of the pipes obtained through extrusion. The examinations were carried out for two commercial grades of polyethylene. Ageing with UV radiation was carried out using a gas discharge lamp, whereas simulation of electrochemical ageing was performed in a water solution of NaCl. Tensile strength testing, differential scanning calorimetry, colour and gloss measurements and hardness testing using the method of ball indentation were carried out for both types of specimens (after ageing and without ageing). Analysis of the results of the examinations revealed that ageing caused significant changes in properties of the specimens. In the samples after ageing was observed decrease in tensile strength. Found a decrease in the degree of crystallinity and changing temperatures physical changes. In the samples after ageing was observed different values of the parameters describing the colour. In samples after ageing also reported a reduction in gloss and hardness

    Influence of processing parameters on properties of polyamide filled with glass balls

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    Comparative analysis of thermomechanical properties of polyamide and polyamide composites with addition of 30% of glass balls was performed. The specimens were obtained using the injection moulding technology by means of KraussMaffei KM65-160C1 injection moulding machine. The non-filled polyamide and part of components were injected using the parameters recommended by the manufacturer. A reduced value of mould cooling temperature was used for the other non-filled specimens. The differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), hardness testing, impact strength testing, bending resistance and dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA) were also performed

    Thermal and mechanical properties of the polyethylene composite with filler derived from the milling of car carpets

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    Problemy dotycz膮ce utylizacji i recyklingu element贸w polimerowych znajduj膮cych si臋 w samochodach s膮 aktualnym i istotnym problemem w przetw贸rstwie tworzyw sztucznych. W przeci臋tnym poje藕dzie znajduje si臋 ogromna liczba przedmiot贸w wykonanych z tworzyw polimerowych. Nale偶膮 do nich m.in. dywaniki samochodowe, kt贸re stanowi膮 cenny potencja艂 do odzyskania np. poliamidu. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki bada艅 pr贸bek kompozyt贸w polietylenu z dodatkiem 25% i 50% nape艂niacza pochodz膮cego z przemia艂u u偶ywanych dywanik贸w samochod贸w r贸偶nych marek. Wykonano badania twardo艣ci, r贸偶nicowej kalorymetrii skaningowej DSC, badania wytrzyma艂o艣ci na rozci膮ganie oraz dynamicznych w艂a艣ciwo艣ci mechanicznych DMTA.Problems concerning the disposal and recycling of polymer elements found in cars are current and important issue in plastics processing. In the average vehicle there is a huge number of objects made of plastics. Among them there are car mats, which constitute a valuable potential for recovery, eg. polyamide. The article presents the results of research the composite samples of polyethylene with the addition 25% and 50% filler, derieved from the milling of used mats of cars of different brands. The harness, differential scanning calorimetry DSC, tensile strength testing, and dynamic mechanical properties DMTA were investigated

    Zarz膮dzanie jako艣ci膮 i analiza metod recyklingu w przetw贸rstwie tworzyw polimerowych

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    The paper presents the method of recycling and quality management in the recycling process of polymeric materials. Recycling of mixed polymer materials is one of the most complex processes in manufacturing. It is important to be able to manufacture the materials of the secondary properties of an acceptable degree of mixed polymer waste. In this way have been eliminated long and costly separation processes. Properties of such materials are polymers which are disadvantageous because constitute them - mainly PE, PP, PS, PVC, PET etc. - are incompatible and form a multi-component system in which the individual phases do not exhibit significant adhesion. In addition, other materials present different types - paper, metals, dyes - act as contaminants and contribute to the further deterioration of mechanical properties. In almost all cases, the properties of the mixture are worse than the properties of the individual components. If you need to produce products that must meet high requirements for mechanical properties is not the possibility of using recycled material. They are used so other methods of recycling as raw materials and energy, including paralysis method, hydrocracking and gasification. Management quality now plays an increasingly important role in the recycling of plastics. The quality of the production becomes an important element of competition, which increasingly can decide the success of the recycling industries.W pracy przedstawiono metody recyklingu oraz mo偶liwo艣ci zarz膮dzania jako艣ci膮 w procesie recyklingu materia艂贸w polimerowych. Recykling zu偶ytych mieszanych tworzyw polimerowych jest jednym z bardziej skomplikowanych proces贸w w przetw贸rstwie. Istotna jest mo偶liwo艣膰 wytwarzania materia艂贸w wt贸rnych o daj膮cych si臋 zaakceptowa膰 w艂a艣ciwo艣ciach ze zu偶ytych mieszanych polimer贸w. Wyeliminowane zosta艂yby w ten spos贸b d艂ugotrwa艂e i kosztowne procesy segregacji, kt贸re obecnie oparte s膮 na wst臋pnej segregacji przez konsumenta oraz na nast臋puj膮cych po niej r臋cznych lub automatycznych procesach wykonywanych przez zak艂ad odzyskuj膮cy tworzywa. W艂a艣ciwo艣ci takich materia艂贸w s膮 niekorzystne, poniewa偶 polimery, kt贸re si臋 na nie sk艂adaj膮 - g艂贸wnie PE, PP, PS, PVC, PET itd. - s膮 niekompatybilne i tworz膮 uk艂ad wielosk艂adnikowy, w kt贸rym poszczeg贸lne fazy nie wykazuj膮 znacz膮cej adhezji. Ponadto obecne inne materia艂y r贸偶nych typ贸w - papier, metale, barwniki - dzia艂aj膮 jak zanieczyszczenia i przyczyniaj膮 si臋 do dalszego pogorszenia w艂a艣ciwo艣ci mechanicznych. W prawie wszystkich przypadkach w艂a艣ciwo艣ci mieszaniny s膮 gorsze od w艂a艣ciwo艣ci poszczeg贸lnych sk艂adnik贸w. W przypadku konieczno艣ci wytwarzania produkt贸w, kt贸re musz膮 spe艂nia膰 wysokie wymagania co do w艂a艣ciwo艣ci mechanicznych, nie ma w贸wczas mo偶liwo艣ci zastosowania recyklingu materia艂owego. Stosowane s膮 wi臋c te偶 inne metody recyklingu, jak: surowcowa i energetyczna, w tym metoda pirolizy, hydrokrakingu i zgazowania. Zarz膮dzanie jako艣ci膮 odgrywa obecnie coraz bardziej znacz膮c膮 rol臋 w procesie recyklingu tworzyw polimerowych. Jako艣膰 w produkcji staje si臋 wa偶nym elementem konkurencji, kt贸ry w du偶ym stopniu mo偶e decydowa膰 o sukcesie przedsi臋biorstw zajmuj膮cych si臋 recyklingiem

    Przegl膮d technologii i maszyn do utylizacji kompozyt贸w polimerowych

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    The paper presents technologies of dealing with waste made from polymer composites, especially that reinforced with fibers. It also presents machines used for recycling. Finally, it gives conditions of choosing technologies for waste disposal.W artykule przedstawiono technologie przetw贸rstwa odpad贸w z materia艂贸w kompozytowych z osnow膮 polimerow膮, w szczeg贸lno艣ci wzmocnionych w艂贸knami. Zaprezentowano r贸wnie偶 maszyny stosowane do recyklingu. Podano warunki doboru technologii utylizacji

    Thermomechanical properties of polyamide 6 with addition of fly ash from biomass

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    Modification of polymer materials by various kinds of fillers is presently applied very often in massive production. This is due to the need for materials with better properties and lower prices for parts. One of the newest solutions is the filling of polymers with fly ash. This results in a change in products properties and reduction the amount of waste in the form of ashes. This article shows the results of investigations of thermomechanical properties of polyamide 6 modified by fly ash from the combustion of biomass. Comparative analysis of unfilled polyamide and polyamide composites with the addition of 5%, 10% and 15% of fly ash was performed. The specimens were obtained using injection moulding technology. The commercial name for the Polyamide 6 used in this study is TARNAMID T-27 and was manufactured by Zak艂ady Azotowe Tarn贸w. Fly ash manufactured by GDF Suez Energia Polska S.A. was applied as a filler. The investigations of mechanical properties were made using a harness by pressing ball method, impact strength by Charpy method and tensile strength. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), softening temperature by Vicat, and colour investigations were also performed. Pictures of microstructure were made

    Variant design of the construction of an indoor ski slope

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    Popularno艣膰 sport贸w zimowych w Polsce wci膮偶 ro艣nie. O艣rodki narciarskie zlokalizowane na g贸rskich lodowcach umo偶liwiaj膮 ca艂oroczne uprawianie sport贸w zimowych, co nie jest mo偶liwe w polskich kompleksach. Alternatyw膮 mog膮 okaza膰 si臋 kryte stoki narciarskie, kt贸rych jak dot膮d nie ma w naszym kraju. Na 艣wiecie zrealizowanych zosta艂o ju偶 wiele takich obiekt贸w i wszystkie ciesz膮 si臋 ogromnym zainteresowaniem w艣r贸d turyst贸w przez ca艂y rok. Celem pracy dyplomowej by艂o wykonanie wariantowego projektu konstrukcji krytego stoku narciarskiego, przy rozpatrzeniu dw贸ch koncepcji architektoniczno-budowlanych tego typu obiektu sportowego.The popularity of winter sports in Poland is constantly growing. Ski resorts located on mountain glaciers make it possible to practice winter sports all year round, which is not possible in Polish complexes. An alternative option may be indoor ski slopes, which so far are not present in our country. In other countries, many such facilities have already been constructed and they are all very popular among tourists throughout the year. The aim of the thesis was to create a variant design of the construction of an indoor ski slope, considering two architectural and construction concepts of this type of sports facility