102 research outputs found

    Pedagogical conditions for formation of personal professional qualities in students-future math teachers

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    © 2015, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved. A modern school needs a teacher, who is able to cooperate, with high level of mobility, dynamism, creative talent, with deep professional knowledge, competencies. High level of requirements in professional training of future specialists conditions a large volume of theoretical knowledge, practical knowledge and skills, competencies, which the student shall acquire during his studying in the university. At that, high competitiveness at labor market requires constant professional self-improvement and personal growth. The purpose of investigation is to determine the pedagogical conditions, promoting the successful formation of professionally significant personal qualities in students-future teachers of mathematics. The structure of personal professional qualities of the students presents a complex formation, consisting of three interconnected components: creative; cognitive and emotional-volitional. A system work was carried out on each structural component. The implementation of complex of pedagogical conditions for formation of personal professionally significant qualities in students-future math teachers was executed due to organization of pedagogical work in the universities in different forms: extracurricular activity, specially organized for development of creative projects, the educational process itself. The indicators of the results of executed pedagogical experiment prove, that the specified pedagogical conditions provide the effective formation of personal professionally significant qualities in students-future math teachers. The indicators of formedness of structural components of personal professionally significant qualities (cognitive, creative, emotional-volitional) were higher in experimental group. Positive dynamics in formation of personal professionally significant qualities per each of three components is definitely expressed in experimental group; the degree of reliance is lower in the control group. The results of experiments show, that the pedagogical conditions, which we distinguished in the course of experiment, promote the formation of personal professionally significant qualities in students-future math teachers, and also increase the effectiveness of professional development

    Method nomogram hydrocarbon resource base

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    На примере нефтяных и газовых объектов в пределах территории Татарстана и Башкортостана рассмотрены результаты, проведенные методом номограмм для определения эффективности ресурсной базы углеводородного сырья от геолого-промысловых исследований.On the example of oil and gas, facilities within the territory of Tatarstan and Bashkortostan reviewed the results conducted by the nomogram for determining the efficiency of the hydrocarbon resource base of geological field research

    Application of percolation theory to the Bavly region

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    В работе проведено теоретическое исследование того, как в Бавлинском районе используется перколяционный кластер.In this paper, held a theoretical study of what Bavlinsky district forms a percolation cluster

    Pedagogical conditions of socialization of senior pupils in school labor unions

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    © 2016 by iSER, International Society of Educational Research. Topicality of the problem lies in today's needs of economic development of our country. For realization of this task we need socialized, competitive young people, who seek to prosperity and strengthening of their country. The aim of this article is to reveal pedagogical conditions of successful socialization of senior pupils in the school labor unions. The leading method of research of this problem is systematical approach, which allows us to find pedagogical conditions of successful socialization of senior pupils in school labor unions. As a result of this research the experience of pedagogical practice of socialization process of senior pupils in secondary schools was learned. Also were found criteria and appropriate indicator of senior pupils' socialization in labor unities through the pupils' relations with labor and through their labor activities. We revealed capability of school labor unions of senior pupils in new economic conditions, which help socialize senior pupils. We identified pedagogical conditions, which help socialize senior pupils in school labor unions. Finally, we developed the system of senior pupils' socialization in labor unions. The use of this system allows us to reach dynamics of grow of the senior pupils' socialization level. Materials of the article can be useful for research of problems of labor upbringing, for practicians, who are responsible for organization of school labor unions' activity

    The formation of values of education in the mathematics teachers of the future in the process of adaptation into university study

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    © 2015 by iSER, International Society of Educational Research. The topicality of the problem is in the fact that the applicant - future teachers of mathematics - has a value of education which is only partially formed. This will affect the adaptation of first-year higher education students. The article reveals the necessity for theoretical basis of the educational values’ formation of first-year students who are set to become future teachers of mathematics. The leading method in the study of this problem is experiment. As a result of pedagogical experiment, the first-year students’ level of educational value begins to increase. Students evaluated the need for interaction, self-esteem, education, and the importance of motive to scientific activities. Materials from this article may be useful for the curators of student groups, high school teachers and heads of departments. These materials can be used in their work with first-year students of higher educational institutions, as well as for researchers in organizing and conducting experiments on the problem within a higher educational institution

    Comprehensive assessment of the quality of life of patients with glaucoma when using various methods of treatment

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    Background. Research and maintenance of an acceptable quality of life is considered to be the main aim of treating chronic incurable disease including glaucoma.The aim. To perform a comprehensive assessment of the quality of life of patients with glaucoma when using various types of surgical and conservative treatment before treatment and 1 month after treatment.Material and methods. We carried out a randomized controlled study which included 229 patients, divided into 2 groups. The first group of patients (133 people) received various types of surgical intervention for glaucoma, consisted of 6 subgroups. They had the following types of surgeries: sinus trabeculectomy with the use of “Glautex” drainage implant; classical sinus trabeculectomy; sinus trabeculectomy with implantation of drainage made of a collagen hemostatic foam; transscleral laser cyclocoagulation of the ciliary body; cataract phacoemulsification in comorbid primary open-angle glaucoma and in primary closed-angle glaucoma. The second group consisted of 96 patients who received conservative treatment; it consisted of 4 subgroups. Patients of subgroups of the 2nd group received various types of conservative therapy against the background of local antihypertensive therapy: complex treatment with the use of vasoprotectives, vitamins, nootropics in a hospital setting; neuroprotective therapy in the form of Retinalamin intramuscular injection. After receiving informed voluntary consent to participate in the study, all patients underwent a comprehensive assessment of the quality of life using universal, specific and psychological questionnaires (SF-36, visual analogue scale, EQ-5D, VFQ-25, GQL-15, VF-14 and HADS) before treatment and 1 month after treatment.Results. The therapy had a positive effect on the quality of life in both groups of patients, however the most pronounced positive dynamics is registered in patients having conservative therapy as compared with those having surgical treatment. The use of valid, reliable questionnaires makes it possible to fully assess the quality of life in glaucoma

    Purification and characterization of serine proteinase 2 from Bacillus intermedius 3-19

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    A proteinase secreted in the late stationary phase was isolated from the culture fluid of Bacillus intermedius 3-19 by ion-exchange chromatography on CM-cellulose followed by FPLC on a Mono S column. The enzyme was completely inhibited by the serine proteinase inhibitors diisopropyl fluorophosphate and phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride. The maximum proteolytic activity against the synthetic chromogenic substrate Z-Ala-Ala-Leu-pNA was observed at pH 9.0. The molecular weight of the enzyme is 28 kD and its isoelectric point is 9.2. We have also determined pH- and thermostability and Km and k cat of this proteinase. The enzyme has been classified as a thiol-dependent serine proteinase. N-Terminal amino acid sequence (10 residues) and amino acid composition of the protein were also determined. By the mode of hydrolysis of peptide bonds in the oxidized B-chain of insulin, this enzyme is similar to the thiol-dependent serine proteinase 1 from B. intermedius 3-19 secreted during vegetative growth

    Purification and characterization of serine proteinase 2 from Bacillus intermedius 3-19

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    A proteinase secreted in the late stationary phase was isolated from the culture fluid of Bacillus intermedius 3-19 by ion-exchange chromatography on CM-cellulose followed by FPLC on a Mono S column. The enzyme was completely inhibited by the serine proteinase inhibitors diisopropyl fluorophosphate and phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride. The maximum proteolytic activity against the synthetic chromogenic substrate Z-Ala-Ala-Leu-pNA was observed at pH 9.0. The molecular weight of the enzyme is 28 kD and its isoelectric point is 9.2. We have also determined pH- and thermostability and Km and kcat of this proteinase. The enzyme has been classified as a thiol-dependent serine proteinase. N-Terminal amino acid sequence (10 residues) and amino acid composition of the protein were also determined. By the mode of hydrolysis of peptide bonds in the oxidized B-chain of insulin, this enzyme is similar to the thiol-dependent serine proteinase 1 from B. intermedius 3-19 secreted during vegetative growth

    Proteinases from Bacillus intermedius secreted in the late stages of sporulation

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    Background: Proteinases are widely used in various fields of medicine, such as the treatment of burns, purulent wounds, or decubitus ulcers. On the basis of new microbial proteinases produced by nonpathogenic organisms, a new generation of medical preparations can be developed. Representatives of the Bacillus genera are nonpathogenic and are suitable for producing various proteases in large quantities. B. intermedius is shown to produce a set of alkaline proteases at the early and late stationary phase of growth. Material/Methods: The activity of alkaline proteinases was determined using synthetic chromogenous substrates Z-Glu-pNA and Z-Ala-Ala-Leu-pNA. To determine β-galactosidase activity, 2-nitro-β-D-galactopyranosid was used. Spores were calculated by phase-contrast microscopy. Results: During the late stages of sporulation B. intermedius 3-19 cells were shown to secrete two proteinases into the medium: glutamyl endopeptidase, with maximum activity at 40 hours of growth, and subtilisin, with maximum activity at 44 hours of growth. Evidence for the secretion of these enzymes into the medium was provided by measuring β-galactosidase activity. Conclusion: Our results show that proteinases from B. intermedius (glutamyl endopeptidase 2 and subtilisin 2) in the late stationary phase of growth are secreted enzymes. This suggests that these enzymes play a role in sporulation

    Isolation and characterization of glutamyl endopeptidase 2 from Bacillus intermedius 3-19

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    The culture filtrate of Bacillus intermedius 3-19 was used for isolation by chromatography on CM-cellulose and Mono S columns of a proteinase that is secreted during the late stages of growth. The enzyme is irreversibly inhibited by the inhibitor of serine proteinases diisopropyl fluorophosphate, has two pH optima (7.2 and 9.5) for casein hydrolysis and one at pH 8.5 for Z-Glu-pNA hydrolysis. The molecular weight of the enzyme is 26.5 kD. The Km for Z-Glu-pNA hydrolysis is 0.5 mM. The temperature and pH dependences of the stability of the proteinase were studied. The enzyme was identified as glutamyl endopeptidase 2. The N-terminal sequence (10 residues) and amino acid composition of the enzyme were determined. The enzyme hydrolyzes Glu4-Gln5, Glu17-Asp18, and Cys11-Ser12 bonds in the oxidized A-chain of insulin and Glu13-Ala14, Glu21-Arg22, Cys7-Gly8, and Cys19-Gly20 bonds in the oxidized B-chain of insulin