19,370 research outputs found

    Responses by the Secretary of State for Education to the Education Select Committee

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    Michael Gove, the Secretary of State for Education, appeared before the Education Select Committee on 18 December 2013, to answer questions from Committee members related to various aspects of education policy, including careers guidance. It was the first time his views on careers guidance have been expressed in the public domain. This analysis of his comments is based on the uncorrected transcript2, which the Secretary of State will have an opportunity to correct. The transcript is therefore not yet an approved formal record of the proceedings

    Recent developments on the roles of employers and of careers professionals: a pivotal phase in determining future careers provision for young people.

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    This policy commentary reviews key statements and reports issued in February and the beginning of March 2014, including; Statements by Lord Nash (Parliamentary Under-Secretary for Schools) on the Government’s intentions with regard to the forthcoming revised Statutory Guidance for Schools; A speech by Nick Clegg (Deputy Prime Minister) in which he commented on careers guidance in schools; A progress report issued by the National Careers Council; and A Briefing Note issued by the Careers Sector Stakeholders Alliance.Careers Englan

    Careers work with young people: collapse or transition? An analysis of current developments in careers education and guidance for young people in England

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    This paper analyses the current information available (in July 2011) about the changes that are taking place in careers work following recent government policy initiatives and public-sector austerity measures. In particular, it examines the local developments that have emerged in relation to a national policy context in which: • Existing careers work is being radically reconfigured. • The new National Careers Service (NCS) will principally serve adults (apart from its telephone/web-based services, which will cover young people too). • Securing careers guidance for young people has been made the responsibility of schools. • The requirement for schools to provide careers education has been removed. • There has been very limited transition planning at national level: this has led to considerable local confusion. • In particular, there is continuing confusion about the future relationship of remaining face-to-face Connexions services to the NCS, and about the branding of such services. Implications for Connexions services, Local Authorities, schools, new market players and the careers profession are identified

    Enhancing choice? The role of technology in the career support market

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    This report explores the role that technology has played in the development of the career support market. This market is conceived broadly to include all possible resources that individuals might draw upon to support them in their career development. A key element is the role that is played by public-sector career services and by careers professionals; though these resources are supplemented by services paid for in a wide range of ways and delivered by a range of professionals and non-professionals.UKCE

    Careering through the Web: the potential of Web 2.0 and 3.0 technologies for career development and career support services

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    This paper examines the environment that the web provides for career exploration. Career practitioners have long seen value in engaging in technology and the opportunities offered by the internet, and this interest continues. However, this paper suggests that the online environment for career exploration is far broader than that provided by public-sector careers services. In addition to these services, there is a wide range of other players including private-sector career consultants, employers, recruitment companies and learning providers who are all contributing to a potentially rich career exploration environment.UKCE

    Advancing ambitions: the role of career guidance in supporting social mobility

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    Career guidance describes activities which support individuals to learn about education and employment and plan for their future lives, learning and work. These activities contribute to social mobility, helping people to discover and access opportunities that might exist outside of their immediate networks. They also encourage individuals to challenge their pre-existing assumptions about what they are capable of and to develop practical strategies to operationalise their aspirations.The Sutton Trus

    Teachers and Careers: The role of school teachers in delivering career and employability learning

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    Teach Firs

    A pitfall of piecewise-polytropic equation of state inference

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    The only messenger radiation in the Universe which one can use to statistically probe the Equation of State (EOS) of cold dense matter is that originating from the near-field vicinities of compact stars. Constraining gravitational masses and equatorial radii of rotating compact stars is a major goal for current and future telescope missions, with a primary purpose of constraining the EOS. From a Bayesian perspective it is necessary to carefully discuss prior definition; in this context a complicating issue is that in practice there exist pathologies in the general relativistic mapping between spaces of local (interior source matter) and global (exterior spacetime) parameters. In a companion paper, these issues were raised on a theoretical basis. In this study we reproduce a probability transformation procedure from the literature in order to map a joint posterior distribution of Schwarzschild gravitational masses and radii into a joint posterior distribution of EOS parameters. We demonstrate computationally that EOS parameter inferences are sensitive to the choice to define a prior on a joint space of these masses and radii, instead of on a joint space interior source matter parameters. We focus on the piecewise-polytropic EOS model, which is currently standard in the field of astrophysical dense matter study. We discuss the implications of this issue for the field.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Careers 2020: options for future careers work in English schools.

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    Careers work in English schools has endured much turbulence recently. The government has now established a statutory duty on schools to secure provision, placing commissioning of careers advice and guidance in the hands of schools rather than local authorities or central government. But the duty is framed very loosely, comes with no funding and offers no clear model of provision. The previous funding for face-to-face guidance from qualified careers advisers has been removed, as has the duty for schools to provide careers education. So what should schools’ careers offers look like in future? How can schools ensure the quality of the career development support that is so vital for young people, and particularly so for those who cannot rely on their existing networks for advice and opportunities?Pearson Think Tan