128 research outputs found
’n Nuwe-Testamentiese begronding van die eenheid van die kerk en die eis om kerkeenheid vandag
The foundation of the unity of the church in the New Testament and the quest for unity todayEarly Christendom was not an Unitarian movement, but in the New Testament there is a quest for unity. However, this unity was not juridically meant to be institutional of nature. The concern of this article is to argue that the unity of the church in the New Testament is Theologically, Christologically, Pneumatically and kerygmatically founded. Since the church is the household of God, the relationship similar to that of a family home will hold the church together. Building upon the foundation laid by the apostolic tradition the presbyters-bishops, like fathers taking responsibilty for a home, are to be providing the foundation of the unity of the church grounded on their kerygma that the household of God is pneumatically united with the body of the crucified and risen Christ
A S Geyser, teologiese dosent 1946-1961
A S Geyser, lecturer in theology 1946-1961In this article the academic role of Professor A S Geyser is briefly discussed. He lectured in New Testament Studies and Practical Theology at the University of Pretoria from 1946. He resigned in 1961, after a period of strife. His publications show a consistence in exegetical approach and theological description. His historical-criticai investigation was aimed beyond the New Testament into the pretexts which evidenced the commencement of the universal apostolate at Antioch. Inferred from his exegetical results he propounded the unity of the church as an imperative for today. However,against the background of the South African political history from 1948 to 1961, the political and ecumenical implications of Geyser’s theological convictions werenot acceptable to the Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk
Jesus en die sosiaal-veragtes
Jesus and the social outcastsThe article argues that Jesus, as a first century Jew, must be seen as part of the social outcasts of his days. The group, however, should not anachronistically be treated from modern economical and political perspectives. It is illustrated how the social outcasts are led by Jesus to an existence of trust in the presence of God in spite of depressive circumstances and the apparent elusiveness of God
Die eerste tree op weg na ’n kritiese en historiese Nuwe-Testamentiese wetenskap aan die Universiteit van Pretoria: Die bydrae van J H J A Greyvenstein, hoogleraar 1917-1945
J H J A Greyvenstein, Professor 1917-1945 - paving the way for a critical and historical understanding of the New Testament at the University of PretoriaJ H J A Greyvenstein was the first lecturer in New Testament Studies at the TUC, which later became the University of Pretoria. His understanding of the New Testament witnesses to a critical and historical scientific consciousness. The aim of this article is to argue primarily from Greyvenstein’s lectures, given during the first years of theological training at the TUC, that he paved the way for studying the New Testament from a critical and historical exegetical perspective. This perspective was accompanied by faith that can be described as an absolute dependance on God in pursuance of Jesus’ sonship experience
Sistematies verwronge kommunikasie in Lukas 14:1-6: Die dialekties-kritiese teorie van Jürgen Habermas krities bespreek
Systematically distorted communication in Luke 14:1-6: A critical assessment of the dialectical-critical theory of Jürgen Habermas In this article the epistemology and essence of the practical interest of Jürgen Habermas’s dialectical-critical theory is discussed, focusing on his concept of systematically distorted communication. The article aims at describing the theory of communicative competence or universal pragmatics by means of an exegetical study of Luke 14:1-6. The appropriationof Habermas’s theory on Luke 14:1-6 is assessed from the perspective of some results of the recent social-scientific studies of the New Testament
Redaksionele beleid van die Hervormde Teologiese Studies
No abstract available
Gedagtes oor die begin van die kerk - 'n geskiedenis van versoenende verskeidenheid
Thoughts on the beginnings of the church as a history of reconciliating diversity
Against the backdrop of the beginnings of the church, the article makes a plea for modem believers to take the humanity of the church more seriously in their forming of ecclesiastical structures. The development of the concept 'church unity' in the New Testament was part of the attempt to establish firstly continuation in the Jesus-movement and secondly mutual fellowship among the conflicting Jewish and Hellenistic Christians during the very beginnings of the church in the first century. Thoughts on the beginnings of the church, therefore, should not be from the perspective of institutional unity but from reconciliating diversities. Modem ideas regarding the unity of the church originated from the late-twentieth century philosophy of holism and shouldn't be anachronistically seen as the concretisation of a Biblical idea
Demonologie in die Nuwe-Testamentiese tydvak
Demonology in New Testament times
Modem demonology has become a cult just as it had been in mediaeval times. But there is a difference. Then people opposed the Devil; now people believe in the Devil. This paper argues that modem demonology is an escapism of reality and in direct contrast to the New Testament's message. The thesis is debated against the background of a discussion of demonology in New Testament times. In this discussion it is indicated how the face of evil has changed from Old Testament times up to the New Testament period. Evil has become an extraterrestrial figure, symbol and power. As the personification of the prince of evil, the Devil is inter alia identified with the mythological serpent in a lost paradise and is defeated at the realization of God's messianic kingdom in Jesus Christ, the prince of light. The New Testament proclaims that salvation means that man determines to exist as man of God before evil made man his slave
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