1,014 research outputs found

    The persistence of a chlorophyll spectral biosignature from Martian evaporite and spring analogues under Mars-like conditions

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    Spring and evaporite deposits are considered two of the most promising environments for past habitability on Mars and preservation of biosignatures. Manitoba, Canada hosts the East German Creek (EGC) hypersaline spring complex, and the post impact evaporite gypsum beds of the Lake St. Martin (LSM) impact. The EGC complex has microbial mats, sediments, algae and biofabrics, while endolithic communities are ubiquitous in the LSM gypsum beds. These communities are spectrally detectable based largely on the presence of a chlorophyll absorption band at 670 nm; however, the robustness of this feature under Martian surface conditions was unclear. Biological and biology-bearing samples from EGC and LSM were exposed to conditions similar to the surface of present day Mars (high UV flux, 100 mbar, anoxic, CO_2 rich) for up to 44 days, and preservation of the 670 nm chlorophyll feature and chlorophyll red-edge was observed. A decrease in band depth of the 670 nm band ranging from ∼16 to 80% resulted, with correlations seen in the degree of preservation and the spatial proximity of samples to the spring mound and mineral shielding effects. The spectra were deconvolved to Mars Exploration Rover (MER) Pancam and Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Mastcam science filter bandpasses to investigate the detectability of the 670 nm feature and to compare with common mineral features. The red-edge and 670 nm feature associated with chlorophyll can be distinguished from the spectra of minerals with features below ∼1000 nm, such as hematite and jarosite. However, distinguishing goethite from samples with the chlorophyll feature is more problematic, and quantitative interpretation using band depth data makes little distinction between iron oxyhydroxides and the 670 nm chlorophyll feature. The chlorophyll spectral feature is observable in both Pancam and Mastcam, and we propose that of the proposed EXOMARS Pancam filters, the PHYLL filter is best suited for its detection

    Presence of pathogenic Escherichia coli is correlated with bacterial community diversity and composition on pre-harvest cattle hides

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    Citation: Chopyk, J., Moore, R. M., DiSpirito, Z., Stromberg, Z. R., Lewis, G. L., Renter, D. G., . . . Wommack, K. E. (2016). Presence of pathogenic Escherichia coli is correlated with bacterial community diversity and composition on pre-harvest cattle hides. Microbiome, 4, 11. doi:10.1186/s40168-016-0155-4Background: Since 1982, specific serotypes of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) have been recognized as significant foodborne pathogens acquired from contaminated beef and, more recently, other food products. Cattle are the major reservoir hosts of these organisms, and while there have been advancements in food safety practices and industry standards, STEC still remains prevalent within beef cattle operations with cattle hides implicated as major sources of carcass contamination. To investigate whether the composition of hide-specific microbial communities are associated with STEC prevalence, 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) bacterial community profiles were obtained from hide and fecal samples collected from a large commercial feedlot over a 3-month period. These community data were examined amidst an extensive collection of prevalence data on a subgroup of STEC that cause illness in humans, referred to as enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC). Fecal 16S rRNA gene OTUs (operational taxonomic units) were subtracted from the OTUs found within each hide 16S rRNA amplicon library to identify hide-specific bacterial populations. Results: Comparative analysis of alpha diversity revealed a significant correlation between low bacterial diversity and samples positive for the presence of E. coli O157:H7 and/or the non-O157 groups: O26, O111, O103, O121, O45, and O145. This trend occurred regardless of diversity metric or fecal OTU presence. The number of EHEC serogroups present in the samples had a compounding effect on the inverse relationship between pathogen presence and bacterial diversity. Beta diversity data showed differences in bacterial community composition between samples containing O157 and non-O157 populations, with certain OTUs demonstrating significant changes in relative abundance. Conclusions: The cumulative prevalence of the targeted EHEC serogroups was correlated with low bacterial community diversity on pre-harvest cattle hides. Understanding the relationship between indigenous hide bacterial communities and populations may provide strategies to limit EHEC in cattle and provide biomarkers for EHEC risk assessment

    Cerium dioxide, a Jekyll and Hyde nanomaterial, can increase basal and decrease elevated inflammation and oxidative stress

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    It was hypothesized that the catalyst nanoceria can increase oxidative stress/inflammation from the basal state and reduce it from the elevated state . Nanoceria are cleared by macrophages. To test the hypothesis, M0 (non-polarized), M1- (classically activated, pro-inflammatory), and M2-like (alternatively activated, regulatory phenotype) RAW 264.7 macrophages were nanoceria exposed. Responses were quantified by arginase activity, IL-1ß level, cell oxygen consumption rate (OCR), the glycolysis stress test (GST), morphology determined by light microscopy, macrophage phenotype marker expression and morphology using a novel three dimensional immunohistochemical method, and RT-qPCR. Nanoceria blocked arginase and IL-1ß effects, increased M0 cell OCR and GST toward the M2 phenotype and altered multiple M1- and M2-like cell endpoints toward the M0 level. M1-like cells had greater volume and less circularity/roundness, and the M2-like cells had greater volume than M0 macrophages. Nanoceria converted M1- and M2-like cells toward M0 morphology. The results are overall consistent with the hypothesis

    Tobacco use and caries risk among adolescents - a longitudinal study in Sweden

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    Background: Smoking and the use of smokeless tobacco have a detrimental impact on general and oral health. The relationship to dental caries is however still unclear. As caries is a multi-factorial disease with clear life-style, socio-economic and socio-demographic gradients, the tobacco use may be a co-variable in this complex rather than a direct etiological factor. Our aim was to analyze the impact of tobacco use on caries incidence among adolescents, with consideration to socio-economic variables by residency, using epidemiological data from a longitudinal study in the region of Halland, Sweden. Methods: The study population consisted of 10,068 adolescents between 16-19 years of age from whom yearly data on caries and tobacco use (cigarette smoking and use of smokeless tobacco) were obtained during the period 2006-2012. Reported DMFS increment between 16 and 19 years of age (Delta DMFS) for an individual was considered as the primary caries outcome. The outcome data were compared for self-reported never vs. ever users of tobacco, with consideration to neighborhood-level socio-economy (4 strata), baseline (i.e., 16 years of age) DMFS and sex. The region consists of 65 parishes with various socio-economic conditions and each study individual was geo-coded with respect to his/her residence parish. Neighborhood (parish-level) socio-economy was assessed by proportion of residing families with low household purchasing power. Results:Delta DMFS differed evidently between ever and never users of tobacco (mean values: 1.8 vs. 1.2; proportion with Delta DMFS > 0: 54.2% vs. 40.5%; p < 0.0001). Significant differences were observed in each neighborhood-level socio-economic stratum. Even after controlling for baseline DMFS and sex, Delta DMFS differed highly significantly between the ever and never users of tobacco (overall p < 0.0001). Conclusion: Tobacco use was clearly associated with increased caries increment during adolescence. Hence, this factor is relevant to consider in the clinical caries risk assessment of the individual patient as well as for community health plans dealing with oral health

    Being Grateful for My Stupid Little Life : Why We Need Movies

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    More and more I’m convinced the current cultural paradigm leaves us too thin. The practical and objective approach to reality doesn’t attend to the complexity and mystery of the created world; it doesn’t attend to the complexity and mystery of our humanity. Posting about how movies help make sense of our experiences from In All Things - an online hub committed to the claim that the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ has implications for the entire world. http://inallthings.org/being-grateful-for-my-stupid-little-life-why-we-need-movies

    Chronic Muscle Weakness and Mitochondrial Dysfunction in the Absence of Sustained Atrophy in a Preclinical Sepsis Model

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    Chronic critical illness is a global clinical issue affecting millions of sepsis survivors annually. Survivors report chronic skeletal muscle weakness and development of new functional limitations that persist for years. To delineate mechanisms of sepsis-induced chronic weakness, we first surpassed a critical barrier by establishing a murine model of sepsis with ICU-like interventions that allows for the study of survivors. We show that sepsis survivors have profound weakness for at least 1 month, even after recovery of muscle mass. Abnormal mitochondrial ultrastructure, impaired respiration and electron transport chain activities, and persistent protein oxidative damage were evident in the muscle of survivors. Our data suggest that sustained mitochondrial dysfunction, rather than atrophy alone, underlies chronic sepsis-induced muscle weakness. This study emphasizes that conventional efforts that aim to recover muscle quantity will likely remain ineffective for regaining strength and improving quality of life after sepsis until deficiencies in muscle quality are addressed

    The structure of the PapD-PapGII pilin complex reveals an open and flexible P5 pocket

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    P pili are hairlike polymeric structures that mediate binding of uropathogenic Escherichia coli to the surface of the kidney via the PapG adhesin at their tips. PapG is composed of two domains: a lectin domain at the tip of the pilus followed by a pilin domain that comprises the initial polymerizing subunit of the 1,000-plus-subunit heteropolymeric pilus fiber. Prior to assembly, periplasmic pilin domains bind to a chaperone, PapD. PapD mediates donor strand complementation, in which a beta strand of PapD temporarily completes the pilin domain's fold, preventing premature, nonproductive interactions with other pilin subunits and facilitating subunit folding. Chaperone-subunit complexes are delivered to the outer membrane usher where donor strand exchange (DSE) replaces PapD's donated beta strand with an amino-terminal extension on the next incoming pilin subunit. This occurs via a zip-in-zip-out mechanism that initiates at a relatively accessible hydrophobic space termed the P5 pocket on the terminally incorporated pilus subunit. Here, we solve the structure of PapD in complex with the pilin domain of isoform II of PapG (PapGIIp). Our data revealed that PapGIIp adopts an immunoglobulin fold with a missing seventh strand, complemented in parallel by the G1 PapD strand, typical of pilin subunits. Comparisons with other chaperone-pilin complexes indicated that the interactive surfaces are highly conserved. Interestingly, the PapGIIp P5 pocket was in an open conformation, which, as molecular dynamics simulations revealed, switches between an open and a closed conformation due to the flexibility of the surrounding loops. Our study reveals the structural details of the DSE mechanism

    Targeting the EGFR in ovarian cancer with the tyrosine kinase inhibitor ZD1839 (“Iressa”).

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    The modulating effects of the orally active epidermal growth factor receptor-specific tyrosine kinase inhibitor ZD 1839 (‘Iressa’) on cell growth and signalling were evaluated in four ovarian cancer cell lines (PE01, PE04, SKOV-3, OVCAR-5) that express the epidermal growth factor receptor, and in A2780, which is epidermal growth factor receptor-negative. Transforming growth factor-α stimulated growth was completely inhibited by concentrations of ZD 1839 ⩾0.3 μM in the epidermal growth factor receptor-expressing cell lines, as were transforming growth factor-α stimulated phosphorylation of the epidermal growth factor receptor and downstream components of the MAP kinase and PI-3 kinase signalling cascades. Growth inhibition in the absence of added transforming growth factor-α was also observed which could be consistent with suppression of action of autocrine epidermal growth factor receptor-activating ligands by ZD 1839. In support of this, transforming growth factor-α, EGF and amphiregulin mRNAs were detected by RT–PCR in the epidermal growth factor receptor-expressing cell lines. ZD 1839 inhibited growth of the PE04 ovarian cancer xenograft at 200 mg kg(−1) day(−1). These data lend further support to the view that targeting the epidermal growth factor receptor in ovarian cancer could have therapeutic benefit. British Journal of Cancer (2002) 86, 456–462. DOI: 10.1038/sj/bjc/6600058 www.bjcancer.com © 2002 The Cancer Research Campaig