14,623 research outputs found

    Charging of DMSP/F6 spacecraft in aurora on 10 January 1983

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    Spacecraft charging has been widely observed in geosynchronous orbit on the ATS-5 and ATS-6 pair and on the SCATHA spacecraft. An adequate theory for explaining the observations exist. Neither the data or theory can be exported to low polar orbit and its drastically different environment. Evidence of charging on the DMSP F6 spacecraft is presented. A simple model is set up explaining the observations. Two independent instruments on the spacecraft showed charging to a moderate (44 volts) negative potential. The selection spectrometer showed a flux of 2 billion electrons per sq. cm. sec. ster. peaked at 9.5 keV. This was marginally sufficient to overcome the flux of cold ambient ions. Charging calculations are presented showing where simplications are justified and where serious uncertainties exist. More serious charging is predicted for the Shuttle in polar orbit

    An Intuitionistic Formula Hierarchy Based on High-School Identities

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    We revisit the notion of intuitionistic equivalence and formal proof representations by adopting the view of formulas as exponential polynomials. After observing that most of the invertible proof rules of intuitionistic (minimal) propositional sequent calculi are formula (i.e. sequent) isomorphisms corresponding to the high-school identities, we show that one can obtain a more compact variant of a proof system, consisting of non-invertible proof rules only, and where the invertible proof rules have been replaced by a formula normalisation procedure. Moreover, for certain proof systems such as the G4ip sequent calculus of Vorob'ev, Hudelmaier, and Dyckhoff, it is even possible to see all of the non-invertible proof rules as strict inequalities between exponential polynomials; a careful combinatorial treatment is given in order to establish this fact. Finally, we extend the exponential polynomial analogy to the first-order quantifiers, showing that it gives rise to an intuitionistic hierarchy of formulas, resembling the classical arithmetical hierarchy, and the first one that classifies formulas while preserving isomorphism

    Three undescribed pathogenic Phytophthora taxa from the south-west of Western Australia

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    The Phytophthora culture collection of the Vegetation Health Service of the Department of Environment and Conservation of Western Australia (WA) has been re-evaluated using DNA sequencing (Burgess et al., 2009). This has revealed many undescribed taxa previously classified as known morpho-species, one of which has recently been described as P. multivora (Scott et al., 2009). The aim of this study was to describe three of these taxa, all of which occur in WA native ecosystems. They were compared with both the morphological species to which they are most similar and their closest phylogenetic relatives. In addition, the pathogenicity of these taxa was assessed in glasshouse trials

    Notes on Vancouver Island and West Coast Coleoptera

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    Painted Lady, Vanessa cardui, on Vancouver Island

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    Flight evaluation of the STOL flare and landing during night operations

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    Simulated instrument approaches were made to Category 1 minimums followed by a visual landing on a 100 x 1700 ft STOL runway. Data were obtained for variations in the aircraft's flare response characteristics and control techniques and for different combinations of aircraft and runway lighting and a visual approach slope indication. With the complete aircraft and runway lighting and visual guidance no degradation in flying qualities or landing performance was observed compared to daylight operations. elimination of the touchdown zone floodlights or the aircraft landing lights led to somewhat greater pilot workload; however, the landing could still be accomplished successfully. Loss of both touchdown zone and aircraft landing lights led to a high workload situation and only a marginally adequate to inadequate landing capability

    Discriminating quantum-optical beam-splitter channels with number-diagonal signal states: Applications to quantum reading and target detection

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    We consider the problem of distinguishing, with minimum probability of error, two optical beam-splitter channels with unequal complex-valued reflectivities using general quantum probe states entangled over M signal and M' idler mode pairs of which the signal modes are bounced off the beam splitter while the idler modes are retained losslessly. We obtain a lower bound on the output state fidelity valid for any pure input state. We define number-diagonal signal (NDS) states to be input states whose density operator in the signal modes is diagonal in the multimode number basis. For such input states, we derive series formulas for the optimal error probability, the output state fidelity, and the Chernoff-type upper bounds on the error probability. For the special cases of quantum reading of a classical digital memory and target detection (for which the reflectivities are real valued), we show that for a given input signal photon probability distribution, the fidelity is minimized by the NDS states with that distribution and that for a given average total signal energy N_s, the fidelity is minimized by any multimode Fock state with N_s total signal photons. For reading of an ideal memory, it is shown that Fock state inputs minimize the Chernoff bound. For target detection under high-loss conditions, a no-go result showing the lack of appreciable quantum advantage over coherent state transmitters is derived. A comparison of the error probability performance for quantum reading of number state and two-mode squeezed vacuum state (or EPR state) transmitters relative to coherent state transmitters is presented for various values of the reflectances. While the nonclassical states in general perform better than the coherent state, the quantitative performance gains differ depending on the values of the reflectances.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures. This closely approximates the published version. The major change from v2 is that Section IV has been re-organized, with a no-go result for target detection under high loss conditions highlighted. The last sentence of the abstract has been deleted to conform to the arXiv word limit. Please see the PDF for the full abstrac

    Discrete concavity and the half-plane property

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    Murota et al. have recently developed a theory of discrete convex analysis which concerns M-convex functions on jump systems. We introduce here a family of M-concave functions arising naturally from polynomials (over a field of generalized Puiseux series) with prescribed non-vanishing properties. This family contains several of the most studied M-concave functions in the literature. In the language of tropical geometry we study the tropicalization of the space of polynomials with the half-plane property, and show that it is strictly contained in the space of M-concave functions. We also provide a short proof of Speyer's hive theorem which he used to give a new proof of Horn's conjecture on eigenvalues of sums of Hermitian matrices.Comment: 14 pages. The proof of Theorem 4 is corrected

    Fluctuations in the level density of a Fermi gas

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    We present a theory that accurately describes the counting of excited states of a noninteracting fermionic gas. At high excitation energies the results reproduce Bethe's theory. At low energies oscillatory corrections to the many--body density of states, related to shell effects, are obtained. The fluctuations depend non-trivially on energy and particle number. Universality and connections with Poisson statistics and random matrix theory are established for regular and chaotic single--particle motion.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur
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