8 research outputs found

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Pengelolaan Data Customer dan Monitoring Kinerja Marketing Berbasis Mobile

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    PT. Federal International Finance (FIF) Nganjuk branch is one branch of PT. Federal Internatuonal Finance, Inc. is engaged in the retail motorcycle financing business and electronic equipment. In the process of financing, one of which relates directly to the customer is marketing. At the time of serving the customer in the field, the problems often faced by marketing that marketing can not check the status of customer data such as pengeekan member and previous arrears, do add a new customer, to process the transaction (in this case the application process until the approval of financing), displays information about the data traffic to the dealer / store, the number of incentives, and the target number of transactions received, that all these can not be done directly in the field saaat. In addition, another problem encountered is the monitoring process will be marketing a visit to the dealer / shop and monitoring achievement of the targets of marketing can not be properly monitored by the admin .Based on all the exposure of the above problems, it takes an application that can perform customer data management, including customer data-checking process, and can add new customer transaction process, and can display information on the number of transactions, the number of targets and the amount received by marketing incentives, which can be processed directly when marketing is the field, as well as can be. make the process of monitoring the performance of marketing is done by the admin. Since the majority of marketing is the mobile phone users, the author tries to build an application "Customer Data Management and Monitoring Performance-based mobile marketing" to answer the above requirements. As a result of the implementation of the Customer Data Management applications and mobile-based Marketing Performance Monitoring has been done, marketing can make the process of checking customers\u27 data, add new customer, and transaction processing to financial filings with the approval of retail financing directly through mobile devices are carried in this case is mobile. In addition, the admin can monitor traffic and monitor the achievement of the target marketing marketing by using applications that are in the office

    The Effect of Kinesio Taping on Pain and Hand Function in Laundry Workers With Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

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    Background: One of theinformal employments is a laundry worker. Laundry workers use both hands repeatedly that can increase the risk of the wrist disorder, which is medically called Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS). CTS is a wrist disorder caused by median nerve suppression that affects movement and functional impairment of the hands in the form of signs and symptoms of pain, tingling and decreasing of hand function. The kinesio taping method is a definitive rehabilitative taping technique that is designed to facilitate the body’s natural healing process while providing support and stability to muscles and joints without restricting the body’s range of motion as well as providing extended soft tissue manipulation to prolong the benefits of manual therapy administered within the clinical setting. This study aimed to determine the effect of giving kinesio taping on pain and hand function of laundry workers. Subjects and Method: This was a quasi experiment with pre and post test design with control group. Asample of 18 laundry workers with CTS was divided into two groups, consisting of treatment and control groups. The dependent variables were pain and hand function. The independent variable was kinesio taping. The kinesio taping was implemented for 5 days with 2 day breakand lasted for 3 weeks. Pain was measured by visual analogue scale (VAS). Hand function was measured by Boston Carpal Tunnel Questionnaire. The data were analyzed by Wilcoxon test and Mann Whitney. Results: After kinesio taping, the pain scores in the experimental group were 1.35 for still pain, 1.28 for pressure pain, and 1.57 for moving pain, respectively, while the pain scores in the control group 3.45 for still pain, 2.88 for the pressure pain, and 3.05 for the moving pain, with p= 0.027. The hand function scores in the experimental group was 0.42, while in the control group was -0.04 with p= 0.034. Conclusion: Kinesio taping is effective to reduce pain and to improve hand function in patients with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Keywords: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, pain, hand function, kinesio taping, laundry worker


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    Polyunsaturated  fatty  acids  are  valuable  nutritional  content  to  be  kept  in  fish. Polyunsaturated  fatty  acids  are  easily  oxidized,  so  it  can  be  easily  rancid.  Moreover  lipid oxidation can cause damage to other food components because lipid oxidation produces reactive, toxic  and  carcinogenic  compounds.  This  paper  attempts  to  analyze  the  effect  of  dryingto  the oxidation rate of dried anchovy. This research used Peroxide Value (PV) to measure the oxidation rate. The results showed thatduring chilled storage, PV had irregular pattern, because peroxide is a reactive and derivable compound. Sensory test showed that at the end of storage (28 days), the dried anchovy was still accepted by panels.  Keywords :dried anchovy, lipid oxidation, chilled storage,peroxide valu


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    Abstrak Bendungan merupakan salah satu sarana mutifungsi yang memiliki peran penting bagi kehidupan manusia. Bendungan banyak memiliki manfaat penting salah satunya sebagai irigasi dan penggendali banjir. Namun jika terjadi kelalaian dalam pengawasan bendungan tersebut akibatnya sangat merugikan karena menyangkut keselamatan warga disekitarnya jika terjadi meluapnya air. Oleh karena itu, peneliti membuat sistem monitoring ketinggian air bendungan berbasis IoT dengan mengembangkan alat yang dapat memonitoring 3 titik lokasi bendungan dalam 1 server menggunakan website thingspeak secara Real-Time dan dapat diakses melalui apikasi dari smartphone android dengan tampilan data berupa grafik. Sensor ultrasonik yang akan mendeteksi ketinggian air dan buzzer sebagai peringatan bahaya ketika debit air naik tinggi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ketinggian berhasil dapat monitoring 3 lokasi dalam satu server, tidak hanya itu website Thingspeak menyediakan fitur untuk monitoring sampai 8 lokasi sekaligus dalam satu server. Data yang ditampilkan di Thingspeak juga secara Real-Time dalam bentuk grafik dengan upload data ketinggian minimal setiap 15 detik, dan data yang sudah terkirim di Thingspeak juga bisa di unduh melalui fitur yang ada di website Thingspeak. Tidak hanya dapat dipantau oleh server melalui PC atau laptop, tetapi dapat juga di pantau melalui smartphone android dengan aplikasi ThingView yang sangat bermanfaat untuk masyarakat, aplikasi ini menampilkan grafik ketinggian air seperti yang ada di website. Kata Kunci: Monitoring, Bendungan, ESP8266, Thingspeak, Internet of Things. Abstract Dams are one of the mutifunctional facilities that have an important role in human life. Dams have many important benefits, one of which is as irrigation and flood control. However, if there is negligence in monitoring the dam, the result is very detrimental because it involves the safety of the surrounding residents in the event of an overflow of water. Therefore, researchers created an IoT-based dam water level monitoring system by developing a tool that can monitor 3 points of dam locations on 1 server using the Thingspeak website in Real-Time and can be accessed via an application from an Android smartphone with graphical data display. Ultrasonic sensor that will detect water level and buzzer as a danger warning when the water flow rises high. Based on the results of the altitude research, you can successfully monitor 3 locations on one server, not only that the Thingspeak website provides features for monitoring up to 8 locations at once on one server. Data displayed on Thingspeak is also real-time in graphical form with upload height data at least every 15 seconds, and data that has been sent on Thingspeak can also be downloaded via the features on the Thingspeak website. Not only can it be monitored by the server via a PC or laptop, but can also be monitored via an android smartphone with the ThingView application which is very useful for the community, this application displays a water level graphic like the one on the website. Keywords: Monitoring, Dam, ESP8266, Thingspeak, Internet of Thing

    Services of Local Community Service Agency and its Correlation with Job Satisfaction of Employees in Klambu Health Center, Grobogan, Central Java

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    Background: Local Community Service Agency (LCSA) services are one of the financial compensations given to employees in Community Health Center. The provision of compensation can lead to employee dissatisfaction if in its implementation it is not based on fairness and feasibility. This study aimed to determine the relationship between the distribution of services and job satisfaction of employees at the Klambu Community Health Center, Grobogan, Central Java. Subjects and Method: A cross-sectional study was carried out in Klambu Community Health Center, Grobogan, Central Java, in September 2019. A sample of 41 employee was selected by random sampling. The dependent variable was employee satisfaction. The independent variable was services of LCSA. The data were collected by a questionnaire and analyzed by Fisher exact test. Results: 41 of 70 employee completed the questionnaire (58.35%). There was a correlation between employee satisfaction and services of LCSA (p< 0.001). Conclusion: Employee satisfaction is positively correlated with services of LCSA. Keywords: Local community service agency, satisfaction, employee. Correspondence: Ahmad Farid. Hospital Administration, Universitas Muhammadiyah Kudus. Jl. Ganesha No. 1, Kudus, Central Java. Email: [email protected]. Mobile: +62 82311672017