5,108 research outputs found

    Assessment of ultraviolet radiation exposures in photobiological experiments

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    The interfering effect of ultraviolet (UV) radiation on the natural function of biological processes is wavelength specific and the UV spectrum must be weighted with the action spectrum for the process. The UV spectral irradiance may be measured with calibrated spectroradiometers. Alternatively, the biologically effective UV may be measured with broadband devices. This paper reviews the techniques for assessing biologically effective exposures in photobiological experiments. UV meters, such as the Robertson-Berger (RB) meter, or passive dosimeters, such as polysulphone, that possess a spectral response approximating the human erythemal response can be used to estimate erythemally effective exposure or actinic exposure due to solar UV. The sensitivity of the RB meter is about 0.56 uW cm-2 and polysulphone can record an exposure of about 2mJ cm-2. For photobiological processes other than erythema these devices are not suitable to determine the exposure. In terms of these applications, a spectrum evaluator consisting of four different types of dosimeter material can be employed to evaluate the UV spectrum of the source. This method can be useful both for solar UV studies and research with UV lamps that possess radiation wavelengths shorter than 295nm. The device can be used to measure exposures where the actinic and erythemal action spectra differ significantly. It can also be used to assess exposure due to low levels of UV (about 0.01uW cm-2) caused by radiation filtered through glasses or plastic

    On the origin of ultrametricity

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    In this paper we show that in systems where the probability distribution of the the overlap is non trivial in the infinity volume limit, the property of ultrametricity can be proved in general starting from two very simple and natural assumptions: each replica is equivalent to the others (replica equivalence or stochastic stability) and all the mutual information about a pair of equilibrium configurations is encoded in their mutual distance or overlap (separability or overlap equivalence).Comment: 13 pages, 1 figur

    Effect of cloud on UVA and exposure to humans

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    The daily autumn and winter UVA exposures and 6-minute UVA irradiance data for a Southern Hemisphere, subtropical site (Toowoomba, Australia, 27.6 S, 151.9 E) are presented. This data is used to quantify the effect of cloud on UVA using an integrated sky-camera and radiation system. Additionally, an estimate of the effect of enhanced UVA exposure on humans is made. The measurement system consisted of broadband visible-infrared and UVA sensors together with a sun tracking, wide-angle video camera. The mean daily June exposure was found to be 409 kJm-2. Under the constraints of the uncertainty of both the UVA measurement system and clear-sky model, one case of enhanced UVA irradiance was found. Three cases of cloud enhancement of daily UVA exposure, approaching clear-sky levels, were also determined using a calculated clear-sky envelope. It was also determined that for a fulltime outdoor worker, the additional UVA exposure could approach approximately that of one third of a full winter's day. For indoor workers with an outside lunch break of noon to 1 pm, the additional UVA exposure was on average 6.9 kJm-2 over three cloud enhanced days. To the authors' knowledge this is the first paper to present some evidence of cloud enhanced UVA human exposure

    Slow Dynamics in Glasses

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    We will review some of the theoretical progresses that have been recently done in the study of slow dynamics of glassy systems: the general techniques used for studying the dynamics in the mean field approximation and the emergence of a pure dynamical transition in some of these systems. We show how the results obtained for a random Hamiltonian may be also applied to a given Hamiltonian. These two results open the way to a better understanding of the glassy transition in real systems

    On the approach to equilibrium of an Hamiltonian chain of anharmonic oscillators

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    In this note we study the approach to equilibrium of a chain of anharmonic oscillators. We find indications that a sufficiently large system always relaxes to the usual equilibrium distribution. There is no sign of an ergodicity threshold. The time however to arrive to equilibrium diverges when g0g \to 0, gg being the anharmonicity.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    A conjectured scenario for order-parameter fluctuations in spin glasses

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    We study order-parameter fluctuations (OPF) in disordered systems by considering the behavior of some recently introduced paramaters G,GcG,G_c which have proven very useful to locate phase transitions. We prove that both parameters G (for disconnected overlap disorder averages) and GcG_c (for connected disorder averages) take the respective universal values 1/3 and 13/31 in the T0T\to 0 limit for any {\em finite} volume provided the ground state is {\em unique} and there is no gap in the ground state local-field distributions, conditions which are met in generic spin-glass models with continuous couplings and no gap at zero coupling. This makes G,GcG,G_c ideal parameters to locate phase transitions in disordered systems much alike the Binder cumulant is for ordered systems. We check our results by exactly computing OPF in a simple example of uncoupled spins in the presence of random fields and the one-dimensional Ising spin glass. At finite temperatures, we discuss in which conditions the value 1/3 for G may be recovered by conjecturing different scenarios depending on whether OPF are finite or vanish in the infinite-volume limit. In particular, we discuss replica equivalence and its natural consequence limVG(V,T)=1/3\lim_{V\to\infty}G(V,T)=1/3 when OPF are finite. As an example of a model where OPF vanish and replica equivalence does not give information about G we study the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick spherical spin-glass model by doing numerical simulations for small sizes. Again we find results compatible with G=1/3 in the spin-glass phase.Comment: 18 pages, 9 postscript figure

    Magnetic field chaos in the SK Model

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    We study the Sherrington--Kirkpatrick model, both above and below the De Almeida Thouless line, by using a modified version of the Parallel Tempering algorithm in which the system is allowed to move between different values of the magnetic field h. The behavior of the probability distribution of the overlap between two replicas at different values of the magnetic field h_0 and h_1 gives clear evidence for the presence of magnetic field chaos already for moderate system sizes, in contrast to the case of temperature chaos, which is not visible on system sizes that can currently be thermalized.Comment: Latex, 16 pages including 20 postscript figure

    On the Use of Optimized Monte Carlo Methods for Studying Spin Glasses

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    We start from recently published numerical data by Hatano and Gubernatis cond-mat/0008115 to discuss properties of convergence to equilibrium of optimized Monte Carlo methods (bivariate multi canonical and parallel tempering). We show that these data are not thermalized, and they lead to an erroneous physical picture. We shed some light on why the bivariate multi canonical Monte Carlo method can fail.Comment: 6 pages, 5 eps figures include

    Loop expansion around the Bethe-Peierls approximation for lattice models

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    We develop an effective field theory for lattice models, in which the only non-vanishing diagrams exactly reproduce the topology of the lattice. The Bethe-Peierls approximation appears naturally as the saddle point approximation. The corrections to the saddle-point result can be obtained systematically. We calculate the lowest loop corrections for magnetisation and correlation function.Comment: 8 page

    On the Four-Dimensional Diluted Ising Model

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    In this letter we show strong numerical evidence that the four dimensional Diluted Ising Model for a large dilution is not described by the Mean Field exponents. These results suggest the existence of a new fixed point with non-gaussian exponents.Comment: 9 pages. compressed ps-file (uufiles