397 research outputs found

    D1D5 microstate geometries from string amplitudes

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    We reproduce the asymptotic expansion of the D1D5 microstate geometries by computing the emission amplitudes of closed string states from disks with mixed D1D5 boundary conditions. Thus we provide a direct link between the supergravity and D-brane descriptions of the D1D5 microstates at non-zero string coupling. Microscopically, the profile functions characterizing the microstate solutions are encoded in the choice of a condensate for the twisted open string states connecting D1 and D5 branes.Comment: 21 pages; added reference

    Spectral Degeneracy in Supersymmetric Gluodynamics and One-Flavor QCD related to N=1/2 SUSY

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    In supersymmetric gluodynamics (N=1 super-Yang-Mills theory) we show that the spectral functions induced by the nonchiral operator Tr G_{\alpha\beta} \bar\lambda^2 are fully degenerate in the J^{PC}=1^{\pm -} channels. The above operator is related to N=1/2 generalization of SUSY. Using the planar equivalence, this translates into the statement of degeneracy between the mesons produced from the vacuum by the operators (\bar \Psi \vec E\Psi + i\bar \Psi \vec B \gamma^5\Psi) and (\bar \Psi \vec B\Psi - i\bar \Psi \vec E \gamma^5\Psi) in one-flavor QCD, up to 1/N corrections. Here \Psi is the quark field, and \vec E ,\vec B are chromoelectric/chromomagnetic fields, respectively.Comment: Latex, 6 pages, two references adde

    Simulation of Dimensionally Reduced SYM-Chern-Simons Theory

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    A supersymmetric formulation of a three-dimensional SYM-Chern-Simons theory using light-cone quantization is presented, and the supercharges are calculated in light-cone gauge. The theory is dimensionally reduced by requiring all fields to be independent of the transverse dimension. The result is a non-trivial two-dimensional supersymmetric theory with an adjoint scalar and an adjoint fermion. We perform a numerical simulation of this SYM-Chern-Simons theory in 1+1 dimensions using SDLCQ (Supersymmetric Discrete Light-Cone Quantization). We find that the character of the bound states of this theory is very different from previously considered two-dimensional supersymmetric gauge theories. The low-energy bound states of this theory are very ``QCD-like.'' The wave functions of some of the low mass states have a striking valence structure. We present the valence and sea parton structure functions of these states. In addition, we identify BPS-like states which are almost independent of the coupling. Their masses are proportional to their parton number in the large-coupling limit.Comment: 18pp. 7 figures, uses REVTe

    Mergers and Typical Black Hole Microstates

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    We use mergers of microstates to obtain the first smooth horizonless microstate solutions corresponding to a BPS three-charge black hole with a classically large horizon area. These microstates have very long throats, that become infinite in the classical limit; nevertheless, their curvature is everywhere small. Having a classically-infinite throat makes these microstates very similar to the typical microstates of this black hole. A rough CFT analysis confirms this intuition, and indicates a possible class of dual CFT microstates. We also analyze the properties and the merging of microstates corresponding to zero-entropy BPS black holes and black rings. We find that these solutions have the same size as the horizon size of their classical counterparts, and we examine the changes of internal structure of these microstates during mergers.Comment: 49 pages, 5 figures. v2 references adde

    Excitations in the deformed D1D5 CFT

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    We perform some simple computations for the first order deformation of the D1D5 CFT off its orbifold point. It had been shown earlier that under this deformation the vacuum state changes to a squeezed state (with the further action of a supercharge). We now start with states containing one or two initial quanta and write down the corresponding states obtained under the action of deformation operator. The result is relevant to the evolution of an initial excitation in the CFT dual to the near extremal D1D5 black hole: when a left and a right moving excitation collide in the CFT, the deformation operator spreads their energy over a larger number of quanta, thus evolving the state towards the infrared.Comment: 26 pages, Latex, 4 figure

    Deforming the D1D5 CFT away from the orbifold point

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    The D1D5 brane bound state is believed to have an `orbifold point' in its moduli space which is the analogue of the free Yang Mills theory for the D3 brane bound state. The supergravity geometry generated by D1 and D5 branes is described by a different point in moduli space, and in moving towards this point we have to deform the CFT by a marginal operator: the `twist' which links together two copies of the CFT. In this paper we find the effect of this deformation operator on the simplest physical state of the CFT -- the Ramond vacuum. The twist deformation leads to a final state that is populated by pairs of excitations like those in a squeezed state. We find the coefficients characterizing the distribution of these particle pairs (for both bosons and fermions) and thus write this final state in closed form.Comment: 30 pages, 4 figures, Late

    Radiation from the non-extremal fuzzball

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    The fuzzball proposal says that the information of the black hole state is distributed throughout the interior of the horizon in a `quantum fuzz'. There are special microstates where in the dual CFT we have `many excitations in the same state'; these are described by regular classical geometries without horizons. Jejjala et.al constructed non-extremal regular geometries of this type. Cardoso et. al then found that these geometries had a classical instability. In this paper we show that the energy radiated through the unstable modes is exactly the Hawking radiation for these microstates. We do this by (i) starting with the semiclassical Hawking radiation rate (ii) using it to find the emission vertex in the CFT (iii) replacing the Boltzman distributions of the generic CFT state with the ones describing the microstate of interest (iv) observing that the emission now reproduces the classical instability. Because the CFT has `many excitations in the same state' we get the physics of a Bose-Einstein condensate rather than a thermal gas, and the usually slow Hawking emission increases, by Bose enhancement, to a classically radiated field. This system therefore provides a complete gravity description of information-carrying radiation from a special microstate of the nonextremal hole.Comment: corrected typo

    Emission from the D1D5 CFT: Higher Twists

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    We study a certain class of nonextremal D1D5 geometries and their ergoregion emission. Using a detailed CFT computation and the formalism developed in arXiv:0906.2015 [hep-th], we compute the full spectrum and rate of emission from the geometries and find exact agreement with the gravity answer. Previously, only part of the spectrum had been reproduced using a CFT description. We close with a discussion of the context and significance of the calculation.Comment: 39 pages, 6 figures, late

    Thermal noise in half infinite mirrors with non-uniform loss: a slab of excess loss in a half infinite mirror

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    We calculate the thermal noise in half-infinite mirrors containing a layer of arbitrary thickness and depth made of excessively lossy material but with the same elastic material properties as the substrate. For the special case of a thin lossy layer on the surface of the mirror, the excess noise scales as the ratio of the coating loss to the substrate loss and as the ratio of the coating thickness to the laser beam spot size. Assuming a silica substrate with a loss function of 3x10-8 the coating loss must be less than 3x10-5 for a 6 cm spot size and a 7 micrometers thick coating to avoid increasing the spectral density of displacement noise by more than 10%. A similar number is obtained for sapphire test masses.Comment: Passed LSC (internal) review. Submitted to Phys. Rev. D. (5/2001) Replacement: Minor typo in Eq. 17 correcte

    Yangians in Deformed Super Yang-Mills Theories

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    We discuss the integrability structure of deformed, four-dimensional N=4 super Yang-Mills theories using Yangians. We employ a recent procedure by Beisert and Roiban that generalizes the beta deformation of Lunin and Maldacena to produce N=1 superconformal gauge theories, which have the superalgebra SU(2,2|1)xU(1)xU(1). The deformed theories, including those with the more general twist, were shown to have retained their integrable structure. Here we examine the Yangian algebra of these deformed theories. In a five field subsector, we compute the two cases of SU(2)xU(1)xU(1)xU(1) and SU(2|1)xU(1)xU(1) as residual symmetries of SU(2,2|1)xU(1)xU(1). We compute a twisted coproduct for these theories, and show that only for the residual symmetry do we retain the standard coproduct. The twisted coproduct thus provides a method for symmetry breaking. However, the full Yangian structure of SU(2|3) is manifest in our subsector, albeit with twisted coproducts, and provides for the integrability of the theory.Comment: 17 page