1,187 research outputs found
Improved linear response for stochastically driven systems
The recently developed short-time linear response algorithm, which predicts
the average response of a nonlinear chaotic system with forcing and dissipation
to small external perturbation, generally yields high precision of the response
prediction, although suffers from numerical instability for long response times
due to positive Lyapunov exponents. However, in the case of stochastically
driven dynamics, one typically resorts to the classical fluctuation-dissipation
formula, which has the drawback of explicitly requiring the probability density
of the statistical state together with its derivative for computation, which
might not be available with sufficient precision in the case of complex
dynamics (usually a Gaussian approximation is used). Here we adapt the
short-time linear response formula for stochastically driven dynamics, and
observe that, for short and moderate response times before numerical
instability develops, it is generally superior to the classical formula with
Gaussian approximation for both the additive and multiplicative stochastic
forcing. Additionally, a suitable blending with classical formula for longer
response times eliminates numerical instability and provides an improved
response prediction even for long response times
Large closed queueing networks in semi-Markov environment and its application
The paper studies closed queueing networks containing a server station and
client stations. The server station is an infinite server queueing system,
and client stations are single-server queueing systems with autonomous service,
i.e. every client station serves customers (units) only at random instants
generated by a strictly stationary and ergodic sequence of random variables.
The total number of units in the network is . The expected times between
departures in client stations are . After a service completion
in the server station, a unit is transmitted to the th client station with
probability , and being processed in the th client
station, the unit returns to the server station. The network is assumed to be
in a semi-Markov environment. A semi-Markov environment is defined by a finite
or countable infinite Markov chain and by sequences of independent and
identically distributed random variables. Then the routing probabilities
and transmission rates (which are expressed via
parameters of the network) depend on a Markov state of the environment. The
paper studies the queue-length processes in client stations of this network and
is aimed to the analysis of performance measures associated with this network.
The questions risen in this paper have immediate relation to quality control of
complex telecommunication networks, and the obtained results are expected to
lead to the solutions to many practical problems of this area of research.Comment: 35 pages, 1 figure, 12pt, accepted: Acta Appl. Mat
Pentaquark baryons in SU(3) quark model
We study the SU(3) group structure of pentaquark baryons which are made of
four quarks and one antiquark. The pentaquark baryons form {1}, {8}, {10},
{10}-bar, {27}, and {35} multiplets in SU(3) quark model. First, the flavor
wave functions of all the pentaquark baryons are constructed in SU(3) quark
model and then the flavor SU(3) symmetry relations for the interactions of the
pentaquarks with three-quark baryons and pentaquark baryons are obtained.Comment: REVTeX, 36 pages, 8 figures, references added, section for mass sum
rules is added, to appear in Phys. Rev.
Joule Heating and Current-Induced Instabilities in Magnetic Nanocontacts
We consider the electrical current through a magnetic point contact in the
limit of a strong inelastic scattering of electrons. In this limit local Joule
heating of the contact region plays a decisive role in determining the
transport properties of the point contact. We show that if an applied constant
bias voltage exceeds a critical value, the stationary state of the system is
unstable, and that periodic, non-harmonic oscillations in time of both the
electrical current through the contact and the local temperature in the contact
region develop spontaneously. Our estimations show that the necessary
experimental conditions for observing such oscillations with characteristic
frequencies in the range Hz can easily be met. We also show a
possibility to manipulate upon the magnetization direction of a magnetic grain
coupled through a point contact to a bulk ferromagnetic by exciting the
above-mentioned thermal-electric oscillations.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Physical Review
On the construction of generalized Grassmann representatives of state vectors
Generalized -graded Grassmann variables are used to label coherent
states related to the nilpotent representation of the q-oscillator of
Biedenharn and Macfarlane when the deformation parameter is a root of unity.
These states are then used to construct generalized Grassmann representatives
of state vectors.Comment: 8 page
Entropy of semiclassical measures for nonpositively curved surfaces
We study the asymptotic properties of eigenfunctions of the Laplacian in the
case of a compact Riemannian surface of nonpositive sectional curvature. We
show that the Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy of a semiclassical measure for the
geodesic flow is bounded from below by half of the Ruelle upper bound. We
follow the same main strategy as in the Anosov case (arXiv:0809.0230). We focus
on the main differences and refer the reader to (arXiv:0809.0230) for the
details of analogous lemmas.Comment: 20 pages. This note provides a detailed proof of a result announced
in appendix A of a previous work (arXiv:0809.0230, version 2
Вплив тіолових антиоксидантів на прояви ендотеліальної дисфункції в судинах головного мозку щурів з порушенням мозкового кровообігу
Modelling of brain blood circulation violation by means of bilateral occlusion of the common carotid artery caused the development of stable endothelial dysfunction, which is manifested in the increased level of homocysteine and nitrotyrosine. At the same time there was observed an increase of production of stable metabolites of nitric oxide and increased expression of neuronal and inducible NO-synthase. Holding pharmacotherapy thiotriazoline, α-lipoic acid, tiocetam and angiolin showed the ability of medications in varying degrees depress the manifestations of the endothelial dysfunction of cerebral vessels. The positive influence of medications manifested in limiting nitrosative stress, normalize homocysteine levels and the expression of NO-synthase. Revealed pathobiochemical effects, caused by the presence in the structure of these neuroprotectors of the thiol group, what allowing these medicines abridge oxidative damage to molecules and increase the bioavailability of nitric oxide in ischemia.Моделирование нарушения мозгового кровообращения с помощью двусторонней окклюзии общихсонных артерий вызывало развитие стабильной эндотелиальной дисфункции, которая проявлялась ввозрастании уровня гомоцистеина и нитротирозина. В то же время наблюдали увеличение продукциистабильных метаболитов оксида азота и повышение экспрессии нейрональной и индуцибельной NO -синтазы. Проведение фармакотерапии тиотриазолином, α-липоевой кислотой, тиоцетамом и ангио-лином продемонстрировало способность препаратов в той или иной степени подавлять проявленияэндотелиальной дисфункции сосудов головного мозга. Положительное влияние препаратов проявлялосьв ограничении нитрозативного стресса, нормализации уровня гомоцистеина и экспрессии нейрональнойNO -синтазы. Обнаружены патобиохимические эффекты, обусловленные наличием в структуре использо-ванных нейропротекторов тиольный группы, что позволяет этим препаратам снижать окислительноеповреждение молекул и повышать биодоступность оксида азота при ишемии.Моделювання порушення мозкового кровообігу за допомогою двосторонньої оклюзії загальних соннихартерій викликало розвиток стабільної ендотеліальної дисфункції, яка проявлялася зростанням рівнягомоцистеїну і нітротирозину. Водночас спостерігали збільшення продукції стабільних метаболітів ок-сиду азоту і підвищення експресії нейрональної та індуцибельної NO -синтази. Проведення фармакотерапіїтіотриазоліном, α-ліпоєвою кислотою, тіоцетамом і ангіоліном продемонструвало здатність препаратівтією чи іншою мірою пригнічувати прояви ендотеліальної дисфункції судин головного мозку. Позитивнийвплив препаратів полягав в обмеженні нітрозативного стресу, нормалізації рівня гомоцистеїну й експресіїнейрональної NO -синтази. Виявлено патобіохімічні ефекти, зумовлені наявністю в структурі використанихнейропротекторів тіольної групи, що дозволяє цим препаратам знижувати окисне пошкодження молекулта підвищувати біодоступність оксиду азоту за умов ішемії
Fragmentation channels of relativistic Be nuclei in peripheral interactions
Nuclei of Li were accelerated at the JINR Nuclotron. After the
charge-exchange reaction involving these nuclei at an external target a second
Be beam of energy 1.23A GeV was formed. This beam was used to expose
photo-emulsion chambers. The mean free path for inelastic Be interactions
in emulsion =14.00.8 cm coincides within the errors with those
for Li and Li nuclei. More than 10% of the Be events are associated
with the peripheral interactions in which the total charge of the relativistic
fragments is equal to the charge of the Be and in which charged mesons are
not produced. An unusual ratio of the isotopes is revealed in the composition
of the doubly charged Be fragments: the number of He fragments is twice
as large as that of He fragments. In 50% of peripheral interactions, a
Be nucleus decays to two doubly charged fragments. The present paper gives
the channels of the Be fragmentation to charged fragments. In 50% of
events, the Be fragmentation proceeds only to charged fragments involving
no emission of neutrons. Of them, the He+He channel dominates, the
He+d+p and Li+pchannels constitute 10% each. Two events involving no
emission of neutrons are registered in the 3-body He+t+p and He+d+d
channels. The mean free path for the coherent dissociation of relativistic
Be nuclei to He+He is 71 m. The particular features of the
relativistic Be fragmentation in such peripheral interactions are explained
by the He+He 2-cluster structure of the Be nucleus.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, 3 tables, conference: Conference on Physics of
Fundamental Interactions, Moscow, Russia, 5-9 Dec 200
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