32 research outputs found

    On the tame authomorphism approximation, augmentation Topology of Automorphism Groups and IndInd-schemes, and authomorphisms of tame automorphism groups

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    We study authomorphisms of IndInd-groups of polynomial automorphisms (wich are singular) via tame approximations. Such objects were pioneeered in research by B.I.Plotkin We obtain a number of properties of Aut(Aut(A))Aut(Aut(A)), where AA is the polynomial or free associative algebra over the base field KK. We prove that all IndInd-scheme automorphisms of Aut(K[x1,,xn])Aut(K[x_1,\dots,x_n]) are inner for n3n\ge 3, and all IndInd-scheme automorphisms of Aut(Kx1,,xn)Aut(K\langle x_1,\dots, x_n\rangle) are semi-inner. As an application, we prove that Aut(K[x1,,xn])Aut(K[x_1,\dots,x_n]) cannot be embedded into Aut(Kx1,,xn)Aut(K\langle x_1,\dots,x_n\rangle) by the natural abelianization. In other words, the {\it Automorphism Group Lifting Problem} has a negative solution. We explore close connection between the above results and the Jacobian conjecture type questions, formulate the Jacobian conjecture for fields of any characteristic.Comment: 40 pages, dedicated to 90-th aniversary of prof. B.I.Plotkin. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1207.2045, Acctped to the special Issue of International Journal of Aljebra and computation, dedicated to prof. B.I.Plotkin, 201

    About the first experiment at JINR nuclotron deuteron beam with energy 2.52 gev on investigation of transmutation of I-129, NP-237, PU-238 and PU-239 in the field of neutrons generated in pbtarget with U-blanket

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    The experiment described in this communication is a part of the scientific program „Investigations of physical aspects of electronuclear method of energy production and transmutation of radioactive waste of atomic energetic using relativistic beams from the JINR Synchrophasotron/Nuclotron“ - the project „Energy plus Transmutation“. The performing of the first experiment at deuteron beam with energy 2.52 GeV at the electronuclear setup which consists of Pb-target with U-blanket (206.4 kg of natural uranium) and transmutation samples and its preliminary results are described. The hermetic samples of isotopes of I-129, Np-237, Pu-238 and Pu-239 which are produced in atomic reactors and industry setups which use nuclear materials and nuclear technologies were irradiated in the field of electronuclear neutrons produced in the Pbtarget surrounded with the U-blanket setup “Energy plus transmutation”. The estimations of its transmutations (radioecological aspect) were obtained in result of measurements of gamma activities of these samples. The information about space-energy distribution of neutrons in the volume of the Pb-target and the U-blanket was obtained with help of sets of activation threshold detectors (Al, V, Cu, Co, Y, In, I, Ta, Au, W, Bi and other), solid state nuclear track detectors, He-3 neutron detectors and nuclear emulsions

    Creation of the precision magnetic spectrometer SCAN-3

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    The new JINR project [1] is aimed at studies of highly excited nuclear matter created in nuclei by a high-energy deuteron beam. The matter is studied through observation of its particular decay products - pairs of energetic particles with a wide opening angle, close to 180°. The new precision hybrid magnetic spectrometer SCAN-3 is to be built for detecting charged (π±, K±, p) and neutral (n) particles produced at the JINR Nuclotron internal target in dA collisions. One of the main and complex tasks is a study of low-energy ηA interaction and a search for η-bound states (η-mesic nuclei). Basic elements of the spectrometer and its characteristics are discussed in the article

    Oncological service of the Sverdlovsk region 90 years

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    Variation of mammaplasty in conservative surgery of breast cancer

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    This article presents variation of mammopasty in organconcerving surgery of breast cancer.В статье представлены варианты пластики молочной железы при органосохраняющей хирургии рака молочной железы

    Surgery of non-small cell lung cancer as a stage of combined treatment

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    The paper analyzes the immediate results of surgical treatment of 30 patients with non-small cell lung cancer after neoadjuvant treatment (drug therapy or chemoradiation). H-staging was carried out on the basis of evaluation of PET-CT results, followed by pathomorphological examination of remote lymph nodes. Postoperative complications were assessed.В работе проанализированы непосредственные результаты хирургического лечения 30 больных немелкоклеточным раком легкого после проведения неоадьювантного лечения (лекарственной или химиолучевой терапии). N- стадирование проводилось на основании оценки результатов ПЭТ – КТ, с последующим патоморфологическим исследованием удаленных лимфоузлов. Проведена оценка послеоперационных осложнени

    The impact of innovation on the performance of health care in the economic security system of the region

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    A breakthrough in innovations largely depends on the quality of human potential. In the context of demographic threats for economic security of the region, the national project “Healthcare” has prepared measures for reducing the mortality of the working age population, including mortality from cancer. However, the costs of cancer detection and treatment, as well as social costs of temporary disability are later compensated by reduced mortality losses and increased contribution of the labour potential to gross regional product (GRP). During the research we applied systematic and integrative approaches, methods of comparative and statistical analysis using modern IT solutions. The research is based on the data from oncology services of Tyumen and Sverdlovsk regions. The organizational and medical innovations in Tyumen region, including modern diagnostics on the basis of radiological centre, have increased the detection rate of malignant neoplasm. Moreover, these innovations have significantly reduced the number of cancer-related deaths in comparison with the national average value. In 2017, this indicator per 100 thousand was 112.78 in the Russian Federation, while in Tyumen region it was 90.04. For the period from 2013 to 2017, improvements in diagnostics and quality of the oncology service in Sverdlovsk region contributed to a higher detection of various diseases, longer treatment in the hospital and at home, which did not allow achieving economic effects by reducing costs. However, these measures have led to significant reduction of damage from working age population mortality. An indicator of “multidimensional economic effect in health care” is calculated as the sum of various types of effects. Its value demonstrates compensation for costs incurred at certain stages of medical assistance with the effects resulting from preservation of human potential by reducing mortality. Our forecast shows that medical and demographic indicators of the oncology service of the Sverdlovsk region will improve by 2022. Such improvements will result from constructing and equipping the centre of nuclear medicine and the proton centre in the framework of the public-private partnership in Sverdlovsk region healthcare. The results of the study can be applied for an objective assessment of health care and its contribution to the regional economy. © 2018 Institute of Economics Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. All Rights Reserved.Проведено исследование в региональном здравоохранении на примере онкологической службы Тюменской и Свердловской областей. Определены задачи снижения смертности населения трудоспособного возраста, в том числе по причине онкологических заболеваний. Доказана целесообразность государственно-частного партнерства при строительстве объектов здравоохранения, оснащении современным медицинским оборудованием.The article has been prepared with the support of Russian Foundation for Basic Research within the research project No 19-010-00396 Effectiveness of health system as a factor of sustainable social and economic development of regions