38 research outputs found

    Rezultati ispitivanja ratarskih prskalica u uslovima centralne Srbije

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    Proper protection and quality work of sprayer enable the optimization of the pesticide application and reduces the harmful effects on the environment and human health. The efficiency of the implemented protection is reflected in several aspects, and one of the most important is the quality of the work of sprayers, that is, the equality of pesticides distribution with nozzles. The paper presents an analysis and comparison of test results in the framework of the inspection of field crop sprayers in the exploitation conditions of central Serbia, in accordance with European standards EN 13790, which prescribes methods and equipment for inspection. The aim of the research was to determine the quality of the work of chests and the uniformity of the flow of various sprays, depending on the defined parameters. The test equipment used 'AAMSSALVARANI' measuring equipment, and the flow of the nozzles was measured by the SN S001 individual nozzles. On the basis of the obtained results, it was concluded that the average values of the flow of the sprayer amounted to 0.954 l min-1 (typ A), 1.169 l min-1 (typ B), or until 1.190 l min-1 (sprayer typ C), where the coefficient of variation was in the range 12.24% to 29.49%.Pravilnom zaštitom i kvalitetnim radom prskalica omogućuje se optimizacija aplikacije pesticida i smanjuje štetni uticaj na životnu sredinu i zdravlje ljudi. Efikasnost izvedene zaštite ogleda se sa više aspekata a jedan od najznačajnijih je kvalitet rada prskalica, odnosno uniformnost distribucije pesticida rasprskivačima. Rad predstavlja analizu i upoređenje rezultata ispitivanja u sklopu inspekcijske kontrole ratarskih prskalica u eksploatacionim uslovima centralne Srbije, u skladu sa evropskim normama EN 13790 koji propisuje metode i opremu za obavljanje inspekcije. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se utvrdi kvalitet rada prsaklica i uniformnost protoka različitih rasprskivača u zavisnosti od definisanih parametara. Za ispitivanje je korišćena merna oprema 'AAMSSALVARANI', a protok rasprskivača je meren pomoću ispitivača pojedinačnih rasprskivača SN S001. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata zaključeno je da su prosečne vrednosti protoka rasprskivača iznosile 0,954 l min-1 (tip A), 1,169 l min-1 (tip B), odnosno 1,190 l min-1 (tip C), pri čemu je koeficijent varijacije bio u rasponu 12,24% do 29,49%

    Die Reversibilität der Fruchtfarbe der Birnensorte Max Red Bartlett

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    Magnetoelectric Coupling in Single Crystal Cu_{2}OSeO_{3} Studied by a Novel Electron Spin Resonance Technique

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    The magneto-electric (ME) coupling on spin-wave resonances in single-crystal Cu2OSeO3 was studied by a novel technique using electron spin resonance combined with electric field modulation. An external electric field E induces a magnetic field component \mu_0 H^i = \gamma E along the applied magnetic field H with \gamma=0.7(1) \mu T/(V/mm) at 10 K. We found that ME coupling strength \gamma is temperature dependent and highly anisotropic. \gamma(T) nearly follows that of spin susceptibility J(T) and rapidly decreases above the Curie temperature Tc. The ratio \gamma/J monotonically decreases with increasing temperature without an anomaly at Tc.Comment: to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Creation of land fund for the purpose of land management in the Republic of Serbia

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    This paper presents the activities carried out by the authorities of the Republic of Serbia in order to properly manage agricultural land. It is well known that land, as a scarce resource in any country, must be managed in a proper way. The government is in charge of land management, land legislation and land policies that have a major influence on land development. The Republic of Serbia is currently in transition from fully state owned land to private ownership, but this path is fraught with numerous obstacles. While the experiences of other countries may help avoid some common pitfalls, each country faces a unique set of challenges not found elsewhere. To be able to properly choose the right direction of land management, it is essential to consider multiple potential scenarios of good land stewardship. A land fund is an example of a good international practice that countries like Serbia should follow, implement and adapt in a way which reflects its national heritage and current circumstances. The real estate market is turbulent and changes over time, but it must be and remain transparent, open and without restrictions in order to assure the wellbeing of future generations and development of the country