222 research outputs found

    Computer Modelling System Application for Catalytic Reforming Unit Work Optimisation

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    Catalytic reforming of naphtha is one of the most important processes for high octane gasoline manufacture and aromatic hydrocarbons production. The application of computer modelling system “Catalyst's Control” for monitoring of catalytic reforming unit of Achinsk oil-refinery is stated. The mathematical model-based system takes into account the physical and chemical mechanisms of hydrocarbon mixture conversion reaction as well as the catalyst deactivation. The models created can be used for optimization and prediction of operating parameters (octane number, reactors outlet temperature and yield) of the reforming process. It is shown, that the work on the optimal activity allows increasing product output with a constant level of production costs, and get the information about Pt-Re catalyst work efficiency

    Synthesis, polarity, and structure of 2-chloro-N-[2-(methylsulfanyl)phenyl]- and 2-(diphenylthiophosphoryl)-N-[2-(methylsulfanyl)phenyl]acetamides

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    © 2015 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. Conformations of 2-chloro-N-[2-(methylsulfanyl)phenyl]- and 2-(diphenylthiophosphoryl)-N-[2-(methylsulfanyl)phenyl]acetamides have been studied by the dipole moment method and quantum chemical calculations. 2-(Diphenylthiophosphoryl)-N-[2-(methylsulfanyl)phenyl]acetamide has been found to exist as an equilibrium mixture of two conformers with synclinal and anticlinal orientations of the {C-{s{p^3}}} - {C-{s{p^2}}} and P=S bonds. 2-Chloro-N-[2-(methylsulfanyl)phenyl]acetamide is represented by one preferred conformer

    Conformational analysis of 2-aminophenyl-, 2-aminobenzyl-, and 2-nitrobenzyl(diphenyl)phosphine oxides

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    The polarity and conformations of 2-aminophenyl-, 2-aminobenzyl-, and 2-nitrobenzyl(diphenyl)-phosphine oxides were studied by the dipole moment method, IR spectroscopy, and quantum chemical calculations. 2-Aminophenyl- and 2-aminobenzyl(diphenyl)phosphine oxides were found to exist preferentially as conformers with intramolecular hydrogen bond. 2-Nitrobenzyl(diphenyl)phosphine oxide is likely to be represented by equilibrium mixture of three conformers in which the phosphoryl and nitro groups are oriented syn or anti with respect to the PCsp3 Csp2 fragment. © 2014 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Non-Specific Indication of Microorganisms in Environmental Samples

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    The review presents an analysis of modern methods and instruments for performing nonspecific detection of pathogenic biological agents in environmental objects. Discussed are technological characteristics of application of these methods for the detection of biological substances of protein nature in samples. The spectrum of means for non-specific PBA detection includes home-produced and foreign field devices based on protein contamination indication using various colorimetry variants. Technologies for remote and direct monitoring of environment for the presence of aerosols of biological nature are represented by hybrid lidar systems (biolidars) and biodetectors. For PBA nucleic acids tracing, the complexes based on DNA molecule binding with fluorophore with further fluorescence detection are described. Given are the examples of chemiluminescent analysis application in the developed automatic impurity detectors, as well as systems using bioluminescence. Based on the literature data analysis, put forward is a possible algorithm for indication of pathogenic biological agents when carrying out monitoring of the environment in zones of possible emergency situation occurrence and mass events holding

    Antibiofilm activity of aminopropanol derivatives against Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    Bacterial biofilm, particularly formed by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, are a cause of severe chronic infectious diseases. Bacteria within a biofilm are phenotypically more resistant to antibiotics and the macroorganism immune system, making it an important virulence factor for many microbes. The aminopropanol derivatives with adamantyl (KVM-97) and N-alkylaryl radicals (KVM-194, KVM-204, KVM-261, and KVM-262) were used as study object. The aim of this study was to investigate the antibiofilm activity of compounds on biofilm formation and on mature biofilm of P. aeruginosa. The effects of the aminopropanol derivatives on the biofilm mass were evaluated by using crystal violet assay. Ciprofloxacin, meropenem, ceftazidime, gentamicin were used as reference substances. Reported results demonstrate that all compounds displayed antibiofilm activity at the tested concentrations. Remarkable reduction in biofilm formation of P. aeruginosa was found after treatment with KVM-97, KVM-261 and KVM-262 in high concentration (5× MIC), biofilm inhibition activity were 84.3%, 90.5% and 83.3% respectively. After a treatment with KVM-204 at 250 μg/ml (5× MIC) 76.6% of the preformed 24-hr biofilms were destroyed. Furthermore, compounds KVM-97, KVM-194, and KVM-261 in both concentrations showed potent antibiofilm activity against the P. aeruginosa, inhibition activity values being between 56.7 and 65.7%. All tested compounds in dose-dependent manner exhibited pronounced inhibition activity against mature 5-days P. аeruginosa biofilm. It was also observed that tested compounds show high antibiofilm activity in comparison to reference antimicrobials. The aminopropanol derivatives may provide templates for a new group of antimicrobial agents and potential future therapeutics for treating chronic infections

    Antiseptic properties of aminoadamantane derivative

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    Development of microbial resistance to current antimicrobial drugs created a critical need of the new antiseptics. The object of our study was phenyladamantane derivative (4-(adamantyl-1)-1-(1-aminobutyl)benzol, AM-166). The aim of the presented study was to investigate the specific activity of 4% AM-166 solution in isopropanol and 5% AM-166 solution in 76% ethanol (manufactured by PJSC SIC «Borshchahivskiy CPP») against the wide spectrum of bacteria and fungi, and effective concentrations and exposition time determination. Desinfectant/antiseptic activity was evaluated by quantitative suspension method with subsequent neutralization. Our results showed that both solutions exhibited similar activity against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria as well as against yeasts. Antibacterial and antifungal action was demonstrated for all investigated concentrations (initial solution, 5-fold and 10-fold dilutions), observed effect was maintained throughout the whole observation period (from 5 to 30 min). Tested solutions in initial concentrations demonstrated fungicidal activity against A. niger. 5-fold dilution of 5% AM-166 solution in 76% ethanol was more effective than 5-fold dilution of 4% AM-166 solution in isopropanol. 10-fold dilutions of both solutions were ineffective against A. niger. The data obtained suggest the prospects of adamantane derivatives for the development of novel antiseptics

    Principles of Organization and Carrying out of Laboratory Diagnostics in the Mobile Indication Laboratory Used for Epizootiological Surveillance over Particularly Dangerous and Other Natural Foci Infections

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    Determined are optimal structure and basic principles of organization of work in the mobile indication laboratory for carrying-out of epizootiological surveillance over particularly dangerous and other natural foci infections. Outlined are the requirements to the laboratory itself, to specialists, and organization of investigations too. All the measures mentioned above will allow to entrench the order of laboratory diagnostics conducted in the mobile laboratory in case of epizootiological surveillance over natural foci of particularly dangerous infectious diseases

    Assessment of awareness of school children about HIV prevention

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    The purpose of the study is raising awareness of school-age children about the problem of HIV infection.Цель исследования – повышение осведомленности детей школьного возраста о проблеме ВИЧ-инфекции


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    Current paper presents the results of the system development for intracranial implantation aimed on therapy and prevention of brain gliomas relapse. The main property of the system, in prospective,  will be to direct the growth of glioma cells localized in the region  adjacent to the site of the removed tumor along the fi bers towards  the proximal part of the fiber-optic scaffold (neuroport). Such  approach will allow carrying out cells diagnostics by the  photoluminescence signal and provide subsequent destruction of  malignant cells by photodynamic action. Besides, this system could  be used for monitoring the processes occurring in the probed area in order to control the possible relapses. The localization of cells along  the fi ber structures covered with gelatin compound, which is the  source of amino acids during cultivation, was shown during the glioma cells growth dynamics study. Moreover, four different designs of intracranial scaffold models, serving as ports for diagnostic and therapeutic laser radiation delivery, were developed and  successfully tested in the framework of the research. The results  obtained on the rats brain with induced tumors (glioma C6) after  neuroport implantation demonstrate sufficiently intense fluorescence in the tumor bed after intravenous injection of the  nonmetallic sulfonated phthalocyanine based photosensitizer, and a  pronounced photodynamic effect leading to total destruction of the  tumor. In this way, the results of this study open the prospects of creating the neuroport with an internal fi ber structure that focuses the glioma cells growth.В работе представлены результаты разработки системы для внутричерепной имплантации с целью терапии и предотвращения рецидивирования глиом головного. Основное свойство  системы в перспективе будет состоять в том, чтобы направить рост клеток глиомы,  локализованных в области, прилегающей к месту удаленной опухоли, вдоль волокон по  направлению к проксимальной части волоконно-оптического имплантата (нейропорт) с  целью их регистрации по сигналу фотолюминесценции и последующей их деструкции в  результате фотодинамического воздействия. Такое устройство должно обеспечить  мониторинг процессов, происходящих в зондируемой области с целью контроля процессов  рецидивирования. В ходе данного исследования динамики роста клеток глиомы показана  локализация клеток вдоль волоконных структур, покрытых желатином, который является  источником аминокислот при культивировании. Также в ходе работы были разработаны и  успешно апробированы четыре различных конструкции макетов внутричерепных  имплантатов, выполняющие роль портов для доставки диагностического и терапевтического лазерного излучения. Получены на головном мозге крыс с индуцированными опухолями  (глиома С6) после имплантации нейропорта, демонстрирующие достаточно интенсивную  флуоресценцию в ложе опухоли при внутривенном введении фотосенсибилизатора на  основе безметального сульфированного фталоцианина и выраженный фотодинамический  эффект, приведший к тотальному разрушению опухоли. Полученные результаты открывают  перспективы создания нейропорта с внутренней волоконной структурой, фокусирующей рост клеток глиомы