4,398 research outputs found

    Mixtures of Spatial Spline Regressions

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    We present an extension of the functional data analysis framework for univariate functions to the analysis of surfaces: functions of two variables. The spatial spline regression (SSR) approach developed can be used to model surfaces that are sampled over a rectangular domain. Furthermore, combining SSR with linear mixed effects models (LMM) allows for the analysis of populations of surfaces, and combining the joint SSR-LMM method with finite mixture models allows for the analysis of populations of surfaces with sub-family structures. Through the mixtures of spatial splines regressions (MSSR) approach developed, we present methodologies for clustering surfaces into sub-families, and for performing surface-based discriminant analysis. The effectiveness of our methodologies, as well as the modeling capabilities of the SSR model are assessed through an application to handwritten character recognition

    Wide-angle perfect absorber/thermal emitter in the THz regime

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    We show that a perfect absorber/thermal emitter exhibiting an absorption peak of 99.9% can be achieved in metallic nanostructures that can be easily fabricated. The very high absorption is maintained for large angles with a minimal shift in the center frequency and can be tuned throughout the visible and near-infrared regime by scaling the nanostructure dimensions. The stability of the spectral features at high temperatures is tested by simulations using a range of material parameters.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Higher Order Effects in the Dielectric Constant of Percolative Metal-Insulator Systems above the Critical Point

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    The dielectric constant of a conductor-insulator mixture shows a pronounced maximum above the critical volume concentration. Further experimental evidence is presented as well as a theoretical consideration based on a phenomenological equation. Explicit expressions are given for the position of the maximum in terms of scaling parameters and the (complex) conductances of the conductor and insulator. In order to fit some of the data, a volume fraction dependent expression for the conductivity of the more highly conductive component is introduced.Comment: 4 pages, Latex, 4 postscript (*.epsi) files submitted to Phys Rev.

    Quantum Statistical Calculations and Symplectic Corrector Algorithms

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    The quantum partition function at finite temperature requires computing the trace of the imaginary time propagator. For numerical and Monte Carlo calculations, the propagator is usually split into its kinetic and potential parts. A higher order splitting will result in a higher order convergent algorithm. At imaginary time, the kinetic energy propagator is usually the diffusion Greens function. Since diffusion cannot be simulated backward in time, the splitting must maintain the positivity of all intermediate time steps. However, since the trace is invariant under similarity transformations of the propagator, one can use this freedom to "correct" the split propagator to higher order. This use of similarity transforms classically give rises to symplectic corrector algorithms. The split propagator is the symplectic kernel and the similarity transformation is the corrector. This work proves a generalization of the Sheng-Suzuki theorem: no positive time step propagators with only kinetic and potential operators can be corrected beyond second order. Second order forward propagators can have fourth order traces only with the inclusion of an additional commutator. We give detailed derivations of four forward correctable second order propagators and their minimal correctors.Comment: 9 pages, no figure, corrected typos, mostly missing right bracket

    Any-order propagation of the nonlinear Schroedinger equation

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    We derive an exact propagation scheme for nonlinear Schroedinger equations. This scheme is entirely analogous to the propagation of linear Schroedinger equations. We accomplish this by defining a special operator whose algebraic properties ensure the correct propagation. As applications, we provide a simple proof of a recent conjecture regarding higher-order integrators for the Gross-Pitaevskii equation, extend it to multi-component equations, and to a new class of integrators.Comment: 10 pages, no figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Nonequilibrium Atom-Dielectric Forces Mediated by a Quantum Field

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    In this paper we give a first principles microphysics derivation of the nonequilibrium forces between an atom, treated as a three dimensional harmonic oscillator, and a bulk dielectric medium modeled as a continuous lattice of oscillators coupled to a reservoir. We assume no direct interaction between the atom and the medium but there exist mutual influences transmitted via a common electromagnetic field. By employing concepts and techniques of open quantum systems we introduce coarse-graining to the physical variables - the medium, the quantum field and the atom's internal degrees of freedom, in that order - to extract their averaged effects from the lowest tier progressively to the top tier. The first tier of coarse-graining provides the averaged effect of the medium upon the field, quantified by a complex permittivity (in the frequency domain) describing the response of the dielectric to the field in addition to its back action on the field through a stochastic forcing term. The last tier of coarse- graining over the atom's internal degrees of freedom results in an equation of motion for the atom's center of mass from which we can derive the force on the atom. Our nonequilibrium formulation provides a fully dynamical description of the atom's motion including back action effects from all other relevant variables concerned. In the long-time limit we recover the known results for the atom-dielectric force when the combined system is in equilibrium or in a nonequilibrium stationary state.Comment: 24 pages, 2 figure

    Enhanced dispersion interaction in confined geometry

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    The dispersion interaction between two point-like particles confined in a dielectric slab between two plates of another dielectric medium is studied within a continuum (Lifshitz) theory. The retarded (Casimir-Polder) interaction at large inter-particle distances is found to be strongly enhanced as the mismatch between the dielectric permittivities of the two media is increased. The large-distance interaction is multiplied due to confinement by a factor of (33γ5/2+13γ−3/2)/46(33\gamma^{5/2}+13\gamma^{-3/2})/46 at zero temperature, and by (5γ2+γ−2)/6(5\gamma^2+\gamma^{-2})/6 at finite temperature, \gamma=\ein(0)/\eout(0) being the ratio between the static dielectric permittivities of the inner and outer media. This confinement-induced amplification of the dispersion interaction can reach several orders of magnitude.Comment: 4 page

    One-loop effective potential in M4 x T2 with and without 't Hooft flux

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    We review the basic notions of compactification in the presence of a background flux. In extra-dimentional models with more than five dimensions, Scherk and Schwarz boundary conditions have to satisfy 't Hooft consistency conditions. Different vacuum configurations can be obtained, depending whether trivial or non-trivial 't Hooft flux is considered. The presence of the "magnetic" background flux provide, in addition, a mechanism for producing four-dimensional chiral fermions. Particularizing to the six-dimensional case, we calculate the one-loop effective potential for a U(N) gauge theory on M4 x T2. We firstly review the well known results of the trivial 't Hooft flux case, where one-loop contributions produce the usual Hosotani dynamical symmetry breaking. Finally we applied our result for describing, for the first time, the one-loop contributions in the non-trivial 't Hooft flux case

    Preheating after N-flation

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    We study preheating in N-flation, assuming the Mar\v{c}enko-Pastur mass distribution, equal energy initial conditions at the beginning of inflation and equal axion-matter couplings, where matter is taken to be a single, massless bosonic field. By numerical analysis we find that preheating via parametric resonance is suppressed, indicating that the old theory of perturbative preheating is applicable. While the tensor-to-scalar ratio, the non-Gaussianity parameters and the scalar spectral index computed for N-flation are similar to those in single field inflation (at least within an observationally viable parameter region), our results suggest that the physics of preheating can differ significantly from the single field case.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figures, references added, fixed typo

    Matter-screened Casimir force and Casimir-Polder force in planar structures

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    Using a recently developed theory of the Casimir force (Raabe C and Welsch D-G 2005 Phys. Rev. A 71 013814), we calculate the force that acts on a plate in front of a planar wall and the force that acts on the plate in the case where the plate is part of matter that fills the space in front of the wall. We show that in the limit of a dielectric plate whose permittivity is close to unity, the force obtained in the former case reduces to the ordinary, i.e., unscreened Casimir-Polder force acting on isolated atoms. In the latter case, the theory yields the Casimir-Polder force that is screened by the surrounding matter.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure -- published online at J. Opt. B on Nov 16 200
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