1,504 research outputs found

    Deuteron Elastic Scattering from He3 and H3

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    The elastic scattering of deuterons from He3 and H3 has been studied for bombarding energies up to 11 MeV. The excitation curves obtained show a broad resonance in the scattering cross section corresponding to an excitation energy of 20±0.5 MeV in both He5 and Li5. These data, together with H3(d, n)He4 and He3(d, p)He4 data from other sources, tend to indicate that D waves are responsible for the anomaly

    Formation of even-numbered hydrogen cluster cations in ultracold helium droplets

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    Neutral hydrogen clusters are grown in ultracold helium nanodroplets by successive pickup of hydrogen molecules. Even-numbered hydrogen cluster cations are observed upon electron-impact ionization with and without attached helium atoms and in addition to the familiar odd-numbered H(n)(+). The helium matrix affects the fragmentation dynamics that usually lead to the formation of overwhelmingly odd-numbered H(n)(+). The use of high-resolution mass spectrometry allows the unambiguous identification of even-numbered H(n)(+) up to n congruent to 120 by their mass excess that distinguishes them from He(n)(+), mixed He(m)H(n)(+), and background ions. The large range in size of these hydrogen cluster ions is unprecedented, as is the accuracy of their definition. Apart from the previously observed magic number n = 6, pronounced drops in the abundance of even-numbered cluster ions are seen at n = 30 and 114, which suggest icosahedral shell closures at H(6)(+)(H(2))(12) and H(6)(+)(H(2))(54). Possible isomers of H(6)(+) are identified at the quadratic configuration interaction with inclusion of single and double excitations (QCISD)/aug-cc-pVTZ level of theory (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics. [DOI: 10.1063/1.3035833

    The projective translation equation and unramified 2-dimensional flows with rational vector fields

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    Let X=(x,y). Previously we have found all rational solutions of the 2-dimensional projective translation equation, or PrTE, (1-z)f(X)=f(f(Xz)(1-z)/z); here f(X)=(u(x,y),v(x,y)) is a pair of two (real or complex) functions. Solutions of this functional equation are called projective flows. A vector field of a rational flow is a pair of 2-homogenic rational functions. On the other hand, only special pairs of 2-homogenic rational functions give rise to rational flows. In this paper we are interested in all non-singular (satisfying the boundary condition) and unramified (without branching points, i.e. single-valued functions in C^2\{union of curves}) projective flows whose vector field is still rational. We prove that, up to conjugation with 1-homogenic birational plane transformation, these are of 6 types: 1) the identity flow; 2) one flow for each non-negative integer N - these flows are rational of level N; 3) the level 1 exponential flow, which is also conjugate to the level 1 tangent flow; 4) the level 3 flow expressable in terms of Dixonian (equianharmonic) elliptic functions; 5) the level 4 flow expressable in terms of lemniscatic elliptic functions; 6) the level 6 flow expressable in terms of Dixonian elliptic functions again. This reveals another aspect of the PrTE: in the latter four cases this equation is equivalent and provides a uniform framework to addition formulas for exponential, tangent, or special elliptic functions (also addition formulas for polynomials and the logarithm, though the latter appears only in branched flows). Moreover, the PrTE turns out to have a connection with Polya-Eggenberger urn models. Another purpose of this study is expository, and we provide the list of open problems and directions in the theory of PrTE; for example, we define the notion of quasi-rational projective flows which includes curves of arbitrary genus.Comment: 34 pages, 2 figure

    p-He^4 Final-State Interaction in He^3(He^3, 2p)He^4

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    The He^3(He^3, 2p)He^4 reaction, leading to a three-body final state consisting of an alpha particle and two protons, has been investigated at bombarding energies from 3 to 18 MeV using a He^3 beam from the ONR-CIT tandem accelerator. The motivation for this work has been twofold; to gain an understanding of the reaction mechanism over a wide range of bombarding energy and to develop a consistent method for determining the total reaction cross section that can be extended to lower bombarding energies. What follows is a preliminary report dealing with general features of the experimental results

    Scattering of He3 from He3

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    The elastic scattering of He3 particles from a He3 target has been investigated for bombarding energies between 3 and 12 MeV. Excitation curves were obtained for center-of-mass scattering angles 30.6°, 54.8°, 70.1°, and 90°; and angular distributions were measured at bombarding energies of 3.03, 5.90, 7.91, 9.92, and 11.93 MeV. The excitation curves are without structure and all decrease with increasing energy in a smooth, monotonic fashion. The five angular distributions exhibit marked disagreement with theoretical predictions based on the resonating group structure method

    Studies of Pi° Production Near Threshold

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    Supported by the National Science Foundation and Indiana Universit

    Atomic Alchemy

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    We consider the transitions between electromagnetic bound states, such as the exclusive weak decay of a muonic atom into an electronic atom: (μ−Z)→(e−Z)νˉeνμ.(\mu^- Z) \to (e^- Z) {\bar \nu_e }\nu_\mu . We show that relativistic effects in the atomic wavefunctions are crucial for determining the rate. In the case of heavy atoms, the exclusive channel branching ratios exceed 10−6,10^{-6}, possibly bringing the study of these rare decays within experimental reach. Such processes thus provide a detailed laboratory for studying the high momentum tail of wavefunctions in atomic physics; in addition, they provide a simple toy model for investigating analogous exclusive heavy hadronic decays in quantum chromodynamics such as B→πeν.B \to \pi e \nu.Comment: 16 pages and 5 Figures, SLAC-PUB-648

    Nuclear recoil effect on the magnetic-dipole decay rates of atomic levels

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    The effect of finite nuclear mass on the magnetic-dipole transition probabilities between fine-structure levels of the same term is investigated. Based on a rigorous QED approach a nonrelativistic formula for the recoil correction to first order in m_e/M is derived. Numerical results for transitions of experimental interest are presented.Comment: 9 page

    Roper excitation in p⃗+α→p⃗+α+X\vec{p}+\alpha \to \vec{p}+\alpha+X reactions

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    We calculate differential cross sections and the spin transfer coefficient DnnD_{nn} in the p⃗+α→p⃗+α+π0\vec{p}+\alpha \to \vec{p}+\alpha+\pi^0 reaction for proton bombarding energies from 1 to 10 GeV and π0−p\pi^0 - p invariant masses spanning the region of the N∗^*(1440) Roper resonance. Two processes -- Δ\Delta excitation in the α\alpha-particle and Roper excitation in the proton -- are included in an effective reaction model which was shown previously to reproduce existing inclusive spectra. The present calculations demonstrate that these two contributions can be clearly distinguished via DnnD_{nn}, even under kinematic conditions where cross sections alone exhibit no clear peak structure due to the excitation of the Roper.Comment: 12 pages, 11 ps figures, Late
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