41 research outputs found

    Художественное образование: к взаимосвязи литературного текста и графического образа

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    Discusses the role of art education in the process of development of creative potential of personality, grounded interrelationship of the literary text and the graphic imageРассмотрена роль художественного образования в процессе развития творческого потенциала личности, обоснована взаимосвязь литературного текста и графического образ

    Narrow-band UVB phototherapy in patients with atopic dermatitis: analysis of the factors determining treatment efficacy

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    Background. Efficacy the narrow-band UVB phototherapy in patients with atopic dermatitis varies greatly. An important condition for achieving optimal therapeutic effect is the identification of factors that can impact on the efficacy of therapy and considering their influence when prescribing treatment. Aims. The present study aimed to identify the factors which affect the efficacy of narrow-band phototherapy in patients with atopic dermatitis Methods. A prospective, open-label trial was conducted to evaluate the efficacy and safety of narrow-band UVB phototherapy for patients with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis. All patients were treated with narrow-band UVB phototherapy four times weekly for 5 weeks. Disease severity was evaluated by SCORing of the Atopic Dermatitis Index (SCORAD) and Eczema Area and Severity Index (EASI). Distribution of patients by the severity of therapeutic effect was evaluated. To compare the efficacy of therapy depending on initial atopic dermatitis severity, initial and cumulative irradiation doses, skin phototype, and smoking status patients were divided into subgroups. Results. 40 patients with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis received course of narrow-band UVB phototherapy. After NB-UVB therapy SCORAD and EASI scores reduced from 45.6 ± 11.4 at baseline to 22.6 ± 12.4 (p 0,05) and from 14.4 ± 7.2 at baseline to 4.1 ± 3.9 (p 0,05) respectively demonstrating the efficacy of narrow-band UVB phototherapy in patients with atopic dermatitis. Our investigation showed that tobacco smokers had definitely lower efficacy of NB-UVB phototherapy in comparison with non-smokers. Narrow-band UVB phototherapy had definitely higher efficacy when it is started with an initial dose 0.2–0.3 J/cm2 chosen in compliance with results of MED determing in comparison with an initial dose 0.05–0.15 J/cm2 selected according to skin phototype. Conclusions. Factors that impact on the efficacy of narrow-band UVB phototherapy in patients with atopic dermatitis were identified. It was determined that using higher initial dose is associated with higher efficacy of therapy. The obtained data suggest the opportunity of decrease in efficacy of therapy in smokers with atopic dermatitis

    Methods of carotid endarterectomy

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    This literature review is devoted to various carotid endarterectomy (CE) methods that exist today in Russia. The pros and cons of conventional and eversion technique of the operation are given. It is indicated that the former is associated with higher long-term rate of restenosis, aneurysm and patch infection. The second is associated with higher prevalence of intraoperative internal carotid artery (ICA) thrombosis due to intimal detachment distal to endarterectomy area. The following CE methods for patients with prolonged ICA involvement are described: neo bifurcation formation, autoarterial reconstruction, ICA autotransplantation, plastic using an occipital artery flap. The methods of CE with carotid body saving have been demonstrated: 1. Swallow tail type patch repair proposed by R.I. Izhbuldin; 2. S-shaped arteriotomy proposed by K. A. Antsupov; 3. Two types of operations proposed by R. А. Vinogradov; 4. Сutting off the ICA with sections of common and external carotid artery proposed by A. N. Kazantsev; 5. Glomus-saving ICA autotransplantation in patients with prolonged atherosclerotic involvement. The role of ICA transposition over the hypoglossal nerve in eversion CE is presented. The glomus-saving CE with ICA transposition, called Chik-Chirik CE, is described. Conclusions are drawn on the need to demonstrate all CE types in the novel Russian guidelines for the management of patients with of head and neck arterial diseases

    Экстренный экстра-интракраниальный микроанастомоз после каротидной эндартерэктомии, осложненной тромбозом внутренней сонной артерии

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    We report a case of emergency extra- intracranial microanastomosis in a patient with acute thrombosis of the internal carotid artery, formed on the first day after classical carotid endarterectomy using a temporary by-pass under conditions of contralateral occlusion. The causes of the complication are analyzed. A set of instrumental examinations was demonstrated, including multispiral computed tomography with angiography of the brain and extracranial arteries, as well as multispiral computed tomography with the study of parameters of cerebral perfusion after acetazolamide. The main stages of surgical correction, the dynamics of clinical indicators are presented. The conclusion was made about the effectiveness and safety of the chosen revascularization strategy.Представлен случай экстренного экстра-интракраниального микроанастомоза у пациента с острым тромбозом внутренней сонной артерии, сформировавшимся в первые сутки после классической каротидной эндартерэктомии с применением временного шунта в условиях контралатеральной окклюзии. Разобраны причины осложнения. Продемонстрирован комплекс инструментальных обследований, включающих мультиспиральную компьютерную томографию с ангиографией головного мозга и экстракраниальных артерий, а также мультиспиральную компьютерную томографию с изучением показателей перфузии головного мозга после приема ацетазоламида. Представлены основные этапы оперативной коррекции, динамика клинических показателей. Сделано заключение об эффективности и безопасности выбранной стратегии реваскуляризации

    Экстренная каротидная эндартерэктомия при тромбозе внутренней сонной артерии на фоне CОVID-19

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    A case of successful emergency carotid endarterectomy (CEE) in the acute period of ischemic stroke (within an hour after the onset of symptoms) in a patient with acute occlusive thrombosis of the internal carotid artery in the course of moderate-severe COVID-19 with a positive result of the polymerase chain reaction of the nasopharyngeal smear for SARS-CoV-2. The diameter of the ischemic focus in the brain according to multispiral computed tomography did not exceed 2.5 cm. The course of ischemic stroke was characterized by mild neurological deficit (score 5 according to National Institute of Health Stroke Scale). It was demonstrated that the severity of the patient’s condition was associated with bilateral, polysegmental, viral penvmonia with 65% damage to the lung tissue, a decrease in SpO2 to 93%. Laboratory noted coagulopathy with an increase in D-dimer (2837.0 ng/ml), prothrombin according to Quick (155.3%), fibrinogen (14.5 g/l) and signs of a “cytokine storm” with leukocytosis (28.4 10E9/l), an increase in C-reactive protein (183.5 mg/l), ferritin (632.8 ng/ml), interleukin-6 (176.9 pg/ml). The patient underwent glomus-sparing eversional CEE. The intervention was performed under local anesthesia due to the high risk of developing pulmonary barotrauma when using mechanical ventilation. To prevent the development of acute hematoma, a double active drainage was used into the paravasal space and subcutaneous fatty tissue (SFT). In case of thrombosis of one of the drainages, the second could serve as a spare. Also, upon receipt of hemorrhagic discharge from the drainage located in the SFT, the patient would not need to be transported to the operating room. Removal of skin sutures with revision and stitching of the bleeding source could be performed under local anesthesia in a dressing room. The postoperative period was uneventful, with complete regression of neurological symptoms. Used anticoagulant (heparin 5 thousand units 4 times a day s/c) and antiplatelet therapy (acetylsalicylic acid 125 mg at lunch). The patient was discharged from the hospital on the 12th day after CEE in satisfactory condition.Представлен случай успешной экстренной каротидной эндартерэктомии (КЭЭ) в острейшем периоде ишемического инсульта (в течение часа с момента развития симптомов) у пациента с острым окклюзионным тромбозом внутренней сонной артерии на фоне средне-тяжелого течения COVID-19 с положительным результатом полимеразной цепной реакции носоглоточного мазка на наличие SARS-CoV-2. Диаметр ишемического очага в головном мозге по данным мультиспиральной компьютерной томографии не превышал 2,5 см. Течение ишемического инсульта характеризовалось легким неврологическим дефицитом (5 баллов по шкале National Institute of Health Stroke Scale). Продемонстрировано, что тяжесть состояния пациента была обусловлена двусторонней полисегментарной вирусной пневмонией с 65% поражением легочной ткани, снижением SpO2 до 93%. Лабораторно отмечалась коагулопатия с повышением D-димера (2837,0 нг/мл), протромбина по Квику (155,3%), фибриногена (14,5 гр/л) и признаки «цитокинового шторма» с лейкоцитозом (28,4·109/л), повышением уровня С-реактивного белка (183,5 мг/л), ферритина (632,8 нг/мл), интерлейкина-6 (176,9 пг/мл).Пациенту выполнена гломус-сберегающая эверсионная КЭЭ. Вмешательство выполнялось под местной анестезией ввиду высокого риска развития легочной баротравмы при применении искусственной вентиляции легких. Для профилактики развития острой гематомы применялся двойной активный дренаж в паравазальное пространство и подкожно-жировую клетчатку (ПЖК). При тромбозе одного из дренажей второй мог бы выполнять функцию запасного. Также при поступлении геморрагического отделяемого из дренажа, расположенного в ПЖК, не требовалась бы транспортировка больного в операционную. Удаление кожных швов с ревизией и прошиванием источника кровотечения могло бы выполняться под местной анестезией в условиях перевязочного кабинета. Послеоперационный период протекал без осложнений, отмечался полный регресс неврологической симптоматики. Применялась антикоагулянтная (гепарин 5 тысяч ЕД 4 раза в день подкожно) и дезагрегантная терапия (ацетилсалициловая кислота 125 мг в обед). Пациент был выписан из стационара на 12-е сутки после КЭЭ в удовлетворительном состоянии

    Pricing Python Parallelism: A Dynamic Language Cost Model for Heterogeneous Platforms

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    Execution times may be reduced by offloading parallel loop nests to a GPU. Auto-parallelizing compilers are common for static languages, often using a cost model to determine when the GPU execution speed will outweigh the offload overheads. Nowadays scientific software is increasingly written in dynamic languages and would benefit from compute accelerators. The ALPyNA framework analyses moderately complex Python loop nests and automatically JIT compiles code for heterogeneous CPU and GPU architectures. We present the first analytical cost model for auto-parallelizing loop nests in a dynamic language on heterogeneous architectures. Predicting execution time in a language like Python is extremely challenging, since aspects like the element types, size of the iteration space, and amenability to parallelization can only be determined at runtime. Hence the cost model must be both staged, to combine compile and run-time information, and lightweight to minimize runtime overhead. GPU execution time prediction must account for factors like data transfer, block-structured execution, and starvation. We show that a comparatively simple, staged analytical model can accurately determine during execution when it is profitable to offload a loop nest. We evaluate our model on three heterogeneous platforms across 360 experiments with 12 loop-intensive Python benchmark programs. The results show small misprediction intervals and a mean slowdown of just 13.6%, relative to the optimal (oracular) offload strategy

    Сравнительные результаты экстренной каротидной эндартерэктомии и экстренной каротидной ангиопластики со стентированием в острейшем периоде ишемического инсульта. Результаты многоцентрового исследования

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     AIM OF STUDY Study of hospital results of emergency carotid endarterectomy (CEE) and carotid angioplasty with stenting (CAS) in the acute period of acute cerebrovascular accident (ACVA).MATERIAL AND METHODS From January 2008 to August 2020, the study included 615 patients with hemodynamically significant stenosis of the internal carotid arteries (ICA), operated on in the acute period of ischemic stroke (within 3 days from the onset of stroke). Depending on the type of revascularization implemented, all patients were divided into 2 groups: group 1 — CAS (n=312); 2nd group — CEE (n=357). Inclusion criteria were as follows: 1. Mild neurological disorders: NIHSS score 3–8; Modified Rankin Scale score 2 of less; Barthel Scale > 61; 2. Indications for CEE / CAS  according to the current national recommendations; 3. Ischemic focus in the brain not more than 2.5 cm in diameter. Exclusion criteria: 1. Presence of  con-traindications to CEE / CAS. Carotid angioplasty with stenting was performed according to the standard technique; in all cases, distal embolism  protection systems were used. Carot-id endarterectomy was performed  according to the classical and eversion techniques. When the retrograde pressure in the ICA was less than 60% of the systemic pressure, a temporary shunt (TS) was installed. In the postoperative period, all patients underwent multispiral computed tomography (MSCT) of the brain. In the absence of negative dynam-ics in the neurological status, MSCT was performed on the 7th day after the operation, if available, it was performed urgently. The checkpoints were the development of such unfa-vorable cardiovascular events as death, myocardial infarction (MI), stroke / transient is-chemic attack (TIA), “mute” stroke, “mute” hemorrhagic transformations, combinedend-point (death + all strokes / TIA + MI). Strokes were mute if diagnosed according to MSCT, without symptoms.RESULTS In 69% of diabetic patients with anterior myocardial infarction and in 63% of patients with posterolateral MI 12 months after PCI, signs of LV inferiority were revealed in the form of an increase in the indices of end-diastolic and systolic volumes of the LV and low ejection fraction (≤45%). In patients without diabetes, these figures were 18% and 31%, respectively. High concentrations of NT-proBNP on the first day of myocardial infarction after PCI were of the greatest value in the  diagnosis and prognosis of LV UR after 12 months.RESULTS When analyzing hospital complications, significant differences in the frequency of lethal outcome were not obtained (group 1: n=6 (1.92%); group 2: n=8 (2.24%); p=0.98; OR=0.85; 95% CI 0.29–2.49); MI (group 1: n=5 (1.6%); group 2: n=5 (1.4%); p=0.91; OR=1.14; 95% CI 0.32–3.99 ); ACVA (ischemic type) / TIA (group 1: n=5 (1.6%); group 2: n=6 (1.7%); p=0.82; OR=0.95; 95% CI 0.28–3.15), as well as “mute” ACVA (group 1: n=7 (2.2%);  group 2: n=15 (4.2%); p=0.23; OR=0.52; 95% CI 0.21–1.3). However, the vast majority of hemorrhagic transformations (group 1: n=2 (0.64%); group 2:  n=13 (3.6%); p=0.018; OR=0.17; 95% CI 0.03–0.76) and all “mute” hemorrhagic transformations (group 1: n=0; group 2: n=26 (7.3%); p=0.001;  OR=0.02; 95% CI 0.001–0.33) were observed only in the CEE group, which was reflected in the maximum values of the combined end point: group 1: n=22 (7.05%); group 2: n=73 (20.4%); p<0.0001; OR=0.29; 95% CI 0.17–0.48). Thus, in the CEE group, every 5th patient had a complication.CONCLUSION Carotid angioplasty with stenting is the safest method of revascularization for patients in the acute period of ACVA. This is largely due to the reduction in the risk of reperfusion syndrome and the prevention of embolism due to the use of modern protection systems. Carotid  endarterectomy can be performed with comparable efficiency only when a tempo-rary shunt is placed in the internal carotid arteries in the absence of unstable atheroscle-rotic plaque. Цель Изучение госпитальных результатов экстренной каротидной эндартерэктомии (КЭЭ) и каротидной ангиопластики со стентированием (КАС) в острейшем периоде острого нарушения мозгового кровообращения (ОНМК).Материал и методы C января 2008 по август 2020 г. в  исследование вошли 615 пациентов с гемодинамически  значимыми стенозами внутренних сонных артерий (ВСА),  оперированными в острейшем периоде ишемического  инсульта (в течение 3 суток от дебюта ОНМК). В зависимости от реализованного вида реваскуляризации все больные были распределены на две группы: 1-я группа — КАС (n=312); 2-я группа — КЭЭ (n=357). Критериями включения стали: 1. Неврологические нарушения легкой степени: от 3  до 8 баллов по шкале NIHSS; не более 2 баллов по  модификационной шкале Рэнкина; более 61 балла по шкале Бартел; 2. Показания для КЭЭ/КАС согласно действующим  национальным рекомендациям; 3. Ишемический очаг в  головном мозге не более 2,5 см в диаметре.  Критерии  исключения: 1. Наличие противопоказаний к КЭЭ/КАС.  Каротидную ангиопластику со стентированием выполняли по стандартной методике, во всех случаях использовали  системы защиты от дистальной эмболии. Каротидную эндартерэктомию производили по классической и эверсионной методикам. При ретроградном давлении в ВСА  менее 60% от системного устанавливали временный  шунт (ВШ). В послеоперационном периоде всем больным  выполняли мультиспиральную компьютерную томографию  (МСКТ) головного мозга (ГМ). При отсутствии  отрицательной динамики в неврологическом статусе — МСКТ выполняли на 7-е сутки после операции, при наличии  — неотложно. Под контрольными точками понималось  развитие таких неблагоприятных кардиоваскулярных событий, как летальный исход, инфаркт миокарда (ИМ),  ОНМК/транзиторная ишемическая атака (ТИА), «немые» ОНМК, «немые» геморрагические трансформации,  комбинированная конечная точка (смерть + все ОНМК/ ТИА+ИМ). «Немыми» считали инсульты, диагностированные  по данным контрольной МСКТ ГМ, не имеющие  симптоматики.Результаты При анализе госпитальных осложнений  значимые различия не были получены по частоте  летального исхода (группа 1: n=6 (1,92%); группа 2: n=8  (2,24%); р=0,98; ОШ=0,85; 95% ДИ 0,29–2,49); ИМ (группа 1: n=5 (1,6%); группа 2: n=5 (1,4%); р=0,91; ОШ=1,14; 95% ДИ 0,32–3,99); ОНМК (ишемический тип)/ТИА (группа 1: n=5 (1,6%); группа 2: n=6 (1,7%); р=0,82; ОШ=0,95; 95% ДИ 0,28–3,15), а также «немых» ОНМК (группа 1: n=7 (2,2%); группа 2: n=15 (4,2%); р=0,23; ОШ=0,52; 95% ДИ 0,21–1,3). Однако подавляющее большинство геморрагических  трансформаций (группа 1: n=2 (0,64%); группа 2: n=13 (3,6%);  р=0,018; ОШ=0,17; 95% ДИ 0,03–0,76) и все «немые»  геморрагические трансформации (группа 1: n=0; группа 2:  n=26 (7,3%); р=0,001; ОШ=0,02; 95% ДИ 0,001–0,33) были зафиксированы только в группе КЭЭ, что отразилось на  максимальных значениях комбинированной конечной  точки: группа 1: n=22 (7,05%); группа 2: n=73 (20,4%);  р<0,0001; ОШ=0,29; 95% ДИ 0,17–0,48). Таким образом в группе КЭЭ осложнение получил каждый 5-й пациент.Заключение Для больных в острейшем периоде острого нарушения мозгового кровообращения наиболее  безопасным способом реваскуляризации является  каротидная ангиопластика со стентированием. Во многом это обусловлено снижением риска реперфузионного синдрома и профилактикой эмболии благодаря применению современных систем защиты. Каротидная эндартерэктомия может выполняться с сопоставимой эффективностью только при установке временного шунта во  внутренние сонные артерии при условии отсутствия  нестабильной атеросклеротической бляшки.

    Inflammation and itching in patients suffering from atopic dermatitis and psoriasis. Assessment of the expression of neurotrophins аnd neuropeptides

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    Goal. To assess the expression of neurotrophin, a nerve growth factor, amphiregulin, an epidermal growth factor, semaphorin 3A, a nerve repulsion factor, and PGP9.5 protein, a nerve fiber marker, in the skin of patients suffering from atopic dermatitis and psoriasis. Materials and methods. The study involved 30 patients suffering from atopic dermatitis and 30 patients suffering from psoriasis vulgaris. The disease severity was assessed by SCORAD and PASI. The extent of itching was assessed by the visual analogue scale. The expression of amphiregulin, semaphorin 3A (a nerve growth factor) and PGP9.5 protein (a nerve fiber marker) in the skin of patients was assessed by the indirect immunofluorescence method. Quantitative parameters of their expression were assessed by using the basic pack of the Olympus Fluoview software, Ver. 1.7b. Results. Increased epidermal innervation was revealed in the patients suffering from atopic dermatitis and psoriasis, which demonstrates an increased skin production of anti-inflammatory neuropeptides and reduced itching sensitivity threshold. A positive correlation between the itching extent and skin expression of neurotrophin (a nerve growth factor) was revealed in the patients with atopic dermatitis. In patients with severe psoriasis, an increased skin expression of amphiregulin, an epidermal growth factor, was discovered. Conclusion. These data demonstrate a pathogenic value of neurotrophin, a nerve growth factor, for the development of itching in patients with atopic dermatitis and amphiregulin in case of psoriasis vulgaris

    Neurotrophins and neuropeptides as inflammatory mediators in case of chronic dermatosis

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    This literature review examines the role of neurotrophins and neuropeptides for the development of skin inflammatory reactions in case of chronic inflammatory dermatoses. The article describes inflammatory effects of neurotrophin, a nerve growth factor, neuropeptide substance P and calcitonin gene-related peptide. Factors affecting the condition of skin innervation and development of inflammation - neurotrophin, a nerve growth factor, amphiregulin, an epidermal growth factor, and semaphorin 3A, a nerve repulsion factor - were examined. Searching for and administering antagonists of proinflammatory effects of neuropeptides, neurotrophins and epidermal growth factor can become new approaches to the treatment of chronic inflammatory dermatoses

    Transcatheter arterial embolization in the treatment of gastrointestinal ulcer bleeding

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    The objective was to study the efficacy of transcatheter arterial embolization of gastric and duodenal vessels and to determine the indications for its use in gastroduodenal ulcer bleeding.Material and methods. The study was based on the results of arterial embolization in 61 patients with gastroduodenal ulcer bleeding.Results. Transcatheter arterial embolization of the left gastric artery, its branches and the gastroduodenal artery with an adhesive glue composite based on N-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate is highly effective in arresting bleeding permanently and preventing its relapse.Conclusion. Transcatheter arterial embolization is an alternative to the surgical treatment in patients with gastrointestinal bleeding