19 research outputs found

    Campagne Chalci 80-01 (20/8/1980-10/9/1980): résultats des chalutages

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    One additional Chalci campaign that, in line with the previous Chalci campaigns 78-01, 78-02, and 79/01, has as its major objective the trawl exploration of the Ivoirian continental shelf at the depth of 10 to 120 metres

    Campagne Chalci 79-01 (13/3/1979-31/3/1979): résultats des chalutages

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    In the line of the Chalci campaigns 78-01 and 78-02, the aim of this campaign too was the trawl exploration of the Ivoirian continental shelf at the depth of 10 to 120 metres

    Estimations des potentiels de pêche des stocks démersaux ivoiriens par les modèles globaux. Effets de la prolifération du Baliste (Balistes capriscus)

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    Statistical data (1959-1977) of the trawling fishery off the continental shelf of Côte d'Ivoire has been fitted to the Fox (PRODFIT) global model. Owing to the proliferation of baliste (B. capriscus) since the years 1971-1972, data were divided into two groups. Maximum Sustainable Yield MSY: PMMC in the text), for the whole of commercial species in the continental shelf, decreased from 8800t to 5900t between the two periods; the difference represents balistes potentialities at bottom level. The model has also been fitted to data which concern Sciaenidae coastal community and Sparidae community which are parts by the 50 m isobathe. Deep layer (50-120m) MSY is at 2350t during the whole period of study. Until 1977, this potentiality was never reached, because of the low productivity of the Sparidae community

    Standardisation des efforts de pêche des chalutiers ivoiriens et estimation de l'abondance relative dans les divers secteurs

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    The method developed by Robson (1966) is used to standardize fishing effort of Côte d'Ivoire trawlers whose size and power are very different. This method also allows the estimation of the relative abundances in the different fishing areas. The results obtained using 10 years data show that the entire Ivorian continental shelf can be considered as a single fishery unit. The relative fishing power of vessels is well correlated with gross tonnage, brake horse power and length of the vessel. The obsolescence of the trawlers affects their fishing power

    Recherches des larves de thonides dans l'Atlantique tropical-oriental: campagnes effectuées en 1976-1977 par le N/O Capricorne

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    This study gives the results of oblique plankton hauls (from the sea-surface to the top of the thermocline), made during the dry season (January to March) by oceanographic vessel R.V. Capricorne during three cruises, of tuna larvae research in 1976 and 1977, between the African Coast and the Equator, from 17 degrees W to 9 degrees E

    La pêche industrielle des poissons démersaux en Côte d'Ivoire. Généralités, localisation, homogéneité relative des zones de pêche ivoiriennes

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    This paper describes the fishery of Côte d'Ivoire and its evolution to the present day. The location of fishing off Côte d'Ivoire is specified for each area and each type of trawler. A comparison of productivity between the different areas shows disparities that allow to make clearer the repartition of effort of all types of trawlers in each area. The Côte d'Ivoire continental shelf is populated with demersal stocks of homogeneous densities

    Compte rendu de la campagne Echobal I n/o Capricorne du 18 âout 1980 au 24 âout 1980

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    This paper related an echosounding survey located off Côte d'Ivoire in cold season 1980. Biomass mean for the continental platform (20-125m) was 15 metric tons for one square mile

    Distribution et abondance des larves de thonidés dans l'Atlantique tropico-oriental. Étude des données de 1963 à 1974

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    From several sources of data, the authors study seasonal variations of larval abundance for five species of tuna in Eastern Tropical Atlantic and its relation to the hydrological conditions. Distributional maps and TS graphs are given

    Campagne Rythnic 07/05/1980 - 15/05/1980: résultats des chalutages pour l'étude des variations nycthémérales d'abondance des espèces démersales de Côte d'Ivoire

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    As explained in the title, this campaign aimed to assess the diurnal vertical variations in abundance of demersal species off the Côte d'Ivoir