6 research outputs found

    An Application of the Deutsch-Jozsa Algorithm to Formal Languages and the Word Problem in Groups

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    We adapt the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm to the context of formal language theory. Specifically, we use the algorithm to distinguish between trivial and nontrivial words in groups by finite presentations, under the promise that a word is of a certain type. This is done by extending the original algorithm to functions of arbitrary length binary output, with the introduction of a more general concept of parity. We provide examples in which properties of the algorithm allow to reduce the number of oracle queries with respect to the deterministic classical case. This has some consequences for the word problem in groups with a particular kind presentation

    Information transfer fidelity in spin networks and ring-based quantum routers

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    Spin networks are endowed with an Information Transfer Fidelity (ITF), which defines an absolute upper bound on the probability of transmission of an excitation from one spin to another. The ITF is easily computable but the bound can be reached asymptotically in time only under certain conditions. General conditions for attainability of the bound are established and the process of achieving the maximum transfer probability is given a dynamical model, the translation on the torus. The time to reach the maximum probability is estimated using the simultaneous Diophantine approximation, implemented using a variant of the Lenstra-Lenstra-Lov\'asz (LLL) algorithm. For a ring with uniform couplings, the network can be made a metric space by defining a distance (satisfying the triangle inequality) that quantifies the lack of transmission fidelity between two nodes. It is shown that transfer fidelities and transfer times can be improved significantly by means of simple controls taking the form of non-dynamic, spatially localized bias fields, opening up the possibility for intelligent design of spin networks and dynamic routing of information encoded in them, while being more flexible than engineering fixed couplings to favor some transfers, and less demanding than control schemes requiring fast dynamic controls

    Robustness of Spin-Chain State-Transfer Schemes

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