828 research outputs found

    Qualitative Analysis of Grocery Store and Farmers Market Manager Perceptions Regarding Use of Fruit and Vegetable Educational Materials

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    The Pick it! Try it! Like it! (PTL) educational resource set, developed to display in grocery stores and farmers markets, teaches individuals how to shop for and prepare healthy fruit and vegetable dishes. Because program buy-in must be obtained from location managers before implementation occurs, the purpose of this study was to qualitatively examine the perceptions that grocery store and farmers market managers have regarding PTL implementation. Locations that requested PTL materials during 2013-14 were contacted and asked to answer 13 questions. Responses were analyzed using the content analysis method with themes generated and frequencies reported. Analyses examined manager perceptions for indications of buy-in to the PTL program or evidence of negative gatekeeper challenges to implementation. Overall, managers reported the PTL resource set as beneficial; however, barriers were identified which can be used in future program planning

    The existence of an inverse limit of inverse system of measure spaces - a purely measurable case

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    The existence of an inverse limit of an inverse system of (probability) measure spaces has been investigated since the very beginning of the birth of the modern probability theory. Results from Kolmogorov [10], Bochner [2], Choksi [5], Metivier [14], Bourbaki [3] among others have paved the way of the deep understanding of the problem under consideration. All the above results, however, call for some topological concepts, or at least ones which are closely related topological ones. In this paper we investigate purely measurable inverse systems of (probability) measure spaces, and give a sucient condition for the existence of a unique inverse limit. An example for the considered purely measurable inverse systems of (probability) measure spaces is also given

    On Resilient Behaviors in Computational Systems and Environments

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    The present article introduces a reference framework for discussing resilience of computational systems. Rather than a property that may or may not be exhibited by a system, resilience is interpreted here as the emerging result of a dynamic process. Said process represents the dynamic interplay between the behaviors exercised by a system and those of the environment it is set to operate in. As a result of this interpretation, coherent definitions of several aspects of resilience can be derived and proposed, including elasticity, change tolerance, and antifragility. Definitions are also provided for measures of the risk of unresilience as well as for the optimal match of a given resilient design with respect to the current environmental conditions. Finally, a resilience strategy based on our model is exemplified through a simple scenario.Comment: The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s40860-015-0002-6 The paper considerably extends the results of two conference papers that are available at http://ow.ly/KWfkj and http://ow.ly/KWfgO. Text and formalism in those papers has been used or adapted in the herewith submitted pape

    Relational Hidden Variables and Non-Locality

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    We use a simple relational framework to develop the key notions and results on hidden variables and non-locality. The extensive literature on these topics in the foundations of quantum mechanics is couched in terms of probabilistic models, and properties such as locality and no-signalling are formulated probabilistically. We show that to a remarkable extent, the main structure of the theory, through the major No-Go theorems and beyond, survives intact under the replacement of probability distributions by mere relations.Comment: 42 pages in journal style. To appear in Studia Logic

    Limits on models of the ultrahigh energy cosmic rays based on topological defects

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    An erratum exists for this article. Please see the description link below for details.Using the propagation of ultrahigh energy nucleons, photons, and electrons in the universal radiation backgrounds, we obtain limits on the luminosity of topological defect scenarios for the origin of the highest energy cosmic rays. The limits are set as a function of the mass of the X particles emitted by the cosmic strings or other defects, the cosmological evolution of the topological defects, and the strength of the extragalactic magnetic fields. The existing data on the cosmic ray spectrum and on the isotropic 100 MeV gamma-ray background limit significantly the parameter space in which topological defects can generate the flux of the highest energy cosmic rays, and rule out models with the standard X-particle mass of 10¹⁶GeV and higher.R. J. Protheroe and Todor Stane

    Challenges of open innovation: the paradox of firm investment in open-source software

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    Open innovation is a powerful framework encompassing the generation, capture, and employment of intellectual property at the firm level. We identify three fundamental challenges for firms in applying the concept of open innovation: finding creative ways to exploit internal innovation, incorporating external innovation into internal development, and motivating outsiders to supply an ongoing stream of external innovations. This latter challenge involves a paradox, why would firms spend money on R&D efforts if the results of these efforts are available to rival firms? To explore these challenges, we examine the activity of firms in opensource software to support their innovation strategies. Firms involved in open-source software often make investments that will be shared with real and potential rivals. We identify four strategies firms employ – pooled R&D/product development, spinouts, selling complements and attracting donated complements – and discuss how they address the three key challenges of open innovation. We conclude with suggestions for how similar strategies may apply in other industries and offer some possible avenues for future research on open innovation