279 research outputs found

    Algebraic Linearization of Dynamics of Calogero Type for any Coxeter Group

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    Calogero-Moser systems can be generalized for any root system (including the non-crystallographic cases). The algebraic linearization of the generalized Calogero-Moser systems and of their quadratic (resp. quartic) perturbations are discussed.Comment: LaTeX2e, 13 pages, no figure

    Calogero-Moser Models III: Elliptic Potentials and Twisting

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    Universal Lax pairs of the root type with spectral parameter and independent coupling constants for twisted non-simply laced Calogero-Moser models are constructed. Together with the Lax pairs for the simply laced models and untwisted non-simply laced models presented in two previous papers, this completes the derivation of universal Lax pairs for all of the Calogero-Moser models based on root systems. As for the twisted models based on B_n, C_n and BC_nroot systems, a new type of potential term with independent coupling constants can be added without destroying integrability. They are called extended twisted models. All of the Lax pairs for the twisted models presented here are new, except for the one for the F_4 model based on the short roots. The Lax pairs for the twisted G_2 model have some novel features. Derivation of various functions, twisted and untwisted, appearing in the Lax pairs for elliptic potentials with the spectral parameter is provided. The origin of the spectral parameter is also naturally explained. The Lax pairs with spectral parameter, twisted and untwisted, for the hyperbolic, the trigonometric and the rational potential models are obtained as degenerate limits of those for the elliptic potential models.Comment: LaTeX2e with amsfonts.sty, 36 pages, no figure

    Calogero-Moser Models V: Supersymmetry and Quantum Lax Pair

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    It is shown that the Calogero-Moser models based on all root systems of the finite reflection groups (both the crystallographic and non-crystallographic cases) with the rational (with/without a harmonic confining potential), trigonometric and hyperbolic potentials can be simply supersymmetrised in terms of superpotentials. There is a universal formula for the supersymmetric ground state wavefunction. Since the bosonic part of each supersymmetric model is the usual quantum Calogero-Moser model, this gives a universal formula for its ground state wavefunction and energy, which is determined purely algebraically. Quantum Lax pair operators and conserved quantities for all the above Calogero-Moser models are established.Comment: LaTeX2e, 31 pages, no figure

    Generalised Calogero-Moser models and universal Lax pair operators

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    Calogero-Moser models can be generalised for all of the finite reflection groups. These include models based on non-crystallographic root systems, that is the root systems of the finite reflection groups, H_3, H_4, and the dihedral group I_2(m), besides the well-known ones based on crystallographic root systems, namely those associated with Lie algebras. Universal Lax pair operators for all of the generalised Calogero-Moser models and for any choices of the potentials are constructed as linear combinations of the reflection operators. The consistency conditions are reduced to functional equations for the coefficient functions of the reflection operators in the Lax pair. There are only four types of such functional equations corresponding to the two-dimensional sub-root systems, A_2, B_2, G_2, and I_2(m). The root type and the minimal type Lax pairs, derived in our previous papers, are given as the simplest representations. The spectral parameter dependence plays an important role in the Lax pair operators, which bear a strong resemblance to the Dunkl operators, a powerful tool for solving quantum Calogero-Moser models.Comment: 37 pages, LaTeX2e, no macro, no figur

    Quantum Inozemtsev model, quasi-exact solvability and N-fold supersymmetry

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    Inozemtsev models are classically integrable multi-particle dynamical systems related to Calogero-Moser models. Because of the additional q^6 (rational models) or sin^2(2q) (trigonometric models) potentials, their quantum versions are not exactly solvable in contrast with Calogero-Moser models. We show that quantum Inozemtsev models can be deformed to be a widest class of partly solvable (or quasi-exactly solvable) multi-particle dynamical systems. They posses N-fold supersymmetry which is equivalent to quasi-exact solvability. A new method for identifying and solving quasi-exactly solvable systems, the method of pre-superpotential, is presented.Comment: LaTeX2e 28 pages, no figure

    The Dn Ruijsenaars-Schneider model

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    The Lax pair of the Ruijsenaars-Schneider model with interaction potential of trigonometric type based on Dn Lie algebra is presented. We give a general form for the Lax pair and prove partial results for small n. Liouville integrability of the corresponding system follows a series of involutive Hamiltonians generated by the characteristic polynomial of the Lax matrix. The rational case appears as a natural degeneration and the nonrelativistic limit exactly leads to the well-known Calogero-Moser system associated with Dn Lie algebra.Comment: LaTeX2e, 14 pages; more remarks are added in the last sectio

    Quadratic Algebra associated with Rational Calogero-Moser Models

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    Classical Calogero-Moser models with rational potential are known to be superintegrable. That is, on top of the r involutive conserved quantities necessary for the integrability of a system with r degrees of freedom, they possess an additional set of r-1 algebraically and functionally independent globally defined conserved quantities. At the quantum level, Kuznetsov uncovered the existence of a quadratic algebra structure as an underlying key for superintegrability for the models based on A type root systems. Here we demonstrate in a universal way the quadratic algebra structure for quantum rational Calogero-Moser models based on any root systems.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX2e, no figure

    Quantum Calogero-Moser Models: Integrability for all Root Systems

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    The issues related to the integrability of quantum Calogero-Moser models based on any root systems are addressed. For the models with degenerate potentials, i.e. the rational with/without the harmonic confining force, the hyperbolic and the trigonometric, we demonstrate the following for all the root systems: (i) Construction of a complete set of quantum conserved quantities in terms of a total sum of the Lax matrix (L), i.e. (\sum_{\mu,\nu\in{\cal R}}(L^n)_{\mu\nu}), in which ({\cal R}) is a representation space of the Coxeter group. (ii) Proof of Liouville integrability. (iii) Triangularity of the quantum Hamiltonian and the entire discrete spectrum. Generalised Jack polynomials are defined for all root systems as unique eigenfunctions of the Hamiltonian. (iv) Equivalence of the Lax operator and the Dunkl operator. (v) Algebraic construction of all excited states in terms of creation operators. These are mainly generalisations of the results known for the models based on the (A) series, i.e. (su(N)) type, root systems.Comment: 45 pages, LaTeX2e, no figure

    Comprehensive inventory of protein complexes in the Protein Data Bank from consistent classification of interfaces

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Protein-protein interactions are ubiquitous and essential for all cellular processes. High-resolution X-ray crystallographic structures of protein complexes can reveal the details of their function and provide a basis for many computational and experimental approaches. Differentiation between biological and non-biological contacts and reconstruction of the intact complex is a challenging computational problem. A successful solution can provide additional insights into the fundamental principles of biological recognition and reduce errors in many algorithms and databases utilizing interaction information extracted from the Protein Data Bank (PDB).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have developed a method for identifying protein complexes in the PDB X-ray structures by a four step procedure: (1) comprehensively collecting all protein-protein interfaces; (2) clustering similar protein-protein interfaces together; (3) estimating the probability that each cluster is relevant based on a diverse set of properties; and (4) combining these scores for each PDB entry in order to predict the complex structure. The resulting clusters of biologically relevant interfaces provide a reliable catalog of evolutionary conserved protein-protein interactions. These interfaces, as well as the predicted protein complexes, are available from the Protein Interface Server (PInS) website (see Availability and requirements section).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our method demonstrates an almost two-fold reduction of the annotation error rate as evaluated on a large benchmark set of complexes validated from the literature. We also estimate relative contributions of each interface property to the accurate discrimination of biologically relevant interfaces and discuss possible directions for further improving the prediction method.</p
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