183 research outputs found

    Full Current Statistics of Incoherent "Cold Electrons"

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    We evaluate the full current statistics (FCS) in the low dimensional (1D and 2D) diffusive conductors in the incoherent regime, eVETh=D/L2eV\gg E_{\rm Th}=D/L^2, EThE_{\rm Th} being the Thouless energy. It is shown that Coulomb interaction substantially enhances the probability of big current fluctuations for short conductors with ETh1/τEE_{\rm Th}\gg1/\tau_E, τE\tau_E being the energy relaxation time, leading to the exponential tails in the current distribution. The current fluctuations are most strong for low temperatures, provided ETh[(eV)2/Dν12]1/3E_{\rm Th}\sim [(eV)^2/D\nu_1^2\bigr]^{1/3} for 1D and ETh(eV/g)lngE_{\rm Th}\sim (eV/g)\ln g for 2D, where gg is a dimensionless conductance and ν1\nu_1 is a 1D density of states. The FCS in the "hot electron" regime is also discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 1 table, 2 figure

    Full Current Statistics in the Regime of Weak Coulomb Interaction

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    We evaluate the full statistics of the current via a Coulomb island that is strongly coupled to the leads. This strong coupling weakens Coulomb interaction. We show that in this case the effects of the interaction can be incorporated into the renormalization of transmission eigenvalues of the scatterers that connect the island and the leads. We evaluate the Coulomb blockade gap in the current-voltage characteristics, the value of the gap being exponentially suppressed as compared to the classical charging energy of the island.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Interaction Quench in Nonequilibrium Luttinger Liquids

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    We study the relaxation dynamics of a nonequilibrium Luttinger liquid after a sudden interaction switch-on ("quench"), focussing on a double-step initial momentum distribution function. In the framework of the non-equilibrium bosonization, the results are obtained in terms of singular Fredholm determinants that are evaluated numerically and whose asymptotics are found analytically. While the quasi-particle weights decay exponentially with time after the quench, this is not a relaxation into a thermal state, in view of the integrability of the model. The steady-state distribution emerging at infinite times retains two edges which support Luttinger-liquid-like power-law singularities smeared by dephasing. The obtained critical exponents and the dephasing length are found to depend on the initial nonequilibrium state.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Influence of Coulomb interaction on the Aharonov-Bohm effect in an electronic Fabry-Perot interferometer

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    We study the role of Coulomb interaction in an electronic Fabry-Perot interferometer (FPI) realized with chiral edge states in the integer quantum Hall regime in the limit of weak backscattering. Assuming that a compressible Coulomb island in a bulk region of the FPI is formed, we develop a capacitance model which explains the plethora of experimental data on the flux and gate periodicity of conductance oscillations. It is also shown that a suppression of finite-bias visibility stems from a combination of weak Coulomb blockade and a nonequilibrium dephasing by the quantum shot noise

    Magnetoresistance of atomic-sized contacts: an ab-initio study

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    The magnetoresistance (MR) effect in metallic atomic-sized contacts is studied theoretically by means of first-principle electronic structure calculations. We consider three-atom chains formed from Co, Cu, Si, and Al atoms suspended between semi-infinite Co leads. We employ the screened Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker Green's function method for the electronic structure calculation and evaluate the conductance in the ballistic limit using the Landauer approach. The conductance through the constrictions reflects the spin-splitting of the Co bands and causes high MR ratios, up to 50%. The influence of the structural changes on the conductance is studied by considering different geometrical arrangements of atoms forming the chains. Our results show that the conductance through s-like states is robust against geometrical changes, whereas the transmission is strongly influenced by the atomic arrangement if p or d states contribute to the current.Comment: Revised version, presentation of results is improved, figure 2 is splitted to two figure

    Frequency dispersion of photon-assisted shot noise in mesoscopic conductors

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    We calculate the low-frequency current noise for AC biased mesoscopic chaotic cavities and diffusive wires. Contrary to what happens for the admittance, the frequency dispersion is not dominated by the electric response time (the "RC" time of the circuit), but by the time that electrons need to diffuse through the structure (dwell time or diffusion time). Frequency dispersion of noise stems from fluctuations of the Fermi distribution function that preserve charge neutrality. Our predictions can be verified with present experimental technology.Comment: 5 pages, 3 Figure

    Fluctuation Theorem in a Quantum-Dot Aharonov-Bohm Interferometer

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    In the present study, we investigate the full counting statistics in a two-terminal Aharonov-Bohm interferometer embedded with an interacting quantum dot. We introduce a novel saddle-point solution for a cumulant-generating function, which satisfies the fluctuation theorem and accounts for the interaction in the mean-field level approximation. Nonlinear transport coefficients satisfy universal relations imposed by microscopic reversibility, though the scattering matrix itself is not reversible. The skewness can be finite even in equilibrium, owing to the interaction and is proportional to the asymmetric component of nonlinear conductance.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure