25,328 research outputs found

    Dissecting the Functions of Conserved Prolines within Transmembrane Helices of the D2 Dopamine Receptor

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    G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) contain a number of conserved proline residues in their transmembrane helices, and it is generally assumed these play important functional and/or structural roles. Here we use unnatural amino acid mutagenesis, employing α-hydroxy acids and proline analogues, to examine the functional roles of five proline residues in the transmembrane helices of the D2 dopamine receptor. The well-known tendency of proline to disrupt helical structure is important at all sites, while we find no evidence for a functional role for backbone amide cis–trans isomerization, another feature associated with proline. At most proline sites, the loss of the backbone NH is sufficient to explain the role of the proline. However, at one site, P210^(5.50), a substituent on the backbone N appears to be essential for proper function. Interestingly, the pattern in functional consequences that we see is mirrored in the pattern of structural distortions seen in recent GPCR crystal structures

    Magnetic order in lightly doped La_{2-x}Sr_{x}CuO_{4}

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    We study long wavelength magnetic excitations in lightly doped La_{2-x}Sr_{x}CuO_{4} (x < 0.03) detwinned crystals. The lowest energy magnetic anisotropy induced gap can be understood in terms of the antisymmetric spin interaction inside the antiferromagnetic (AF) phase. The second magnetic resonace, analyzed in terms of in-plane spin anisotropy, shows unconventional behavior within the AF state and led to the discovery of collective spin excitations pertaining to a field induced magnetically ordered state. This state persists in a 9 T field to more than 100 K above the N\'{e}el temperature in x = 0.01.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    0+ states in the large boson number limit of the Interacting Boson Approximation model

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    Studies of the Interacting Boson Approximation (IBA) model for large boson numbers have been triggered by the discovery of shape/phase transitions between different limiting symmetries of the model. These transitions become sharper in the large boson number limit, revealing previously unnoticed regularities, which also survive to a large extent for finite boson numbers, corresponding to valence nucleon pairs in collective nuclei. It is shown that energies of 0_n^+ states grow linearly with their ordinal number n in all three limiting symmetries of IBA [U(5), SU(3), and O(6)]. Furthermore, it is proved that the narrow transition region separating the symmetry triangle of the IBA into a spherical and a deformed region is described quite well by the degeneracies E(0_2^+)=E(6_1^+), E(0_3^+)=E(10_1^+), E(0_4^+)=E(14_1^+), while the energy ratio E(6_1^+) /E(0_2^+) turns out to be a simple, empirical, easy-to-measure effective order parameter, distinguishing between first- and second-order transitions. The energies of 0_n^+ states near the point of the first order shape/phase transition between U(5) and SU(3) are shown to grow as n(n+3), in agreement with the rule dictated by the relevant critical point symmetries resulting in the framework of special solutions of the Bohr Hamiltonian. The underlying partial dynamical symmetries and quasi-dynamical symmetries are also discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 4 postscript figures, LaTeX. To appear in the Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics: From Stable Beams to Exotic Nuclei (Cappadocia, 2008

    The hard X-ray burst spectrometer event listing 1980, 1981 and 1982

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    A comprehensive reference for the hard X-ray bursts detected with the Hard X-Ray Burst Spectrometer on the Solar Maximum Mission for the time of launch on February 14, 1980 to March 1983 is provided. Over 6300 X-ray events were detected in the energy range from 30 to approx 500 keV with the vast majority being solar flares. The listing includes the start time, peak time, duration and peak rate of each event

    The 1988 Solar Maximum Mission event list

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    Information on solar burst and transient activity observed by the Solar Maximum Mission (SMM) during 1988 pointed observations is presented. Data from the following SMM experiments are included: (1) gamma ray spectrometer; (2) hard x ray burst spectrometer; (3) flat crystal spectrometers; (4) bent crystal spectrometer; (5) ultraviolet spectrometer polarimeter; and (6) coronagraph/polarimeter. Correlative optical, radio, and Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) x ray data are also presented. Where possible, bursts, or transients observed in the various wavelengths were grouped into discrete flare events identified by unique event numbers. Each event carries a qualifier denoting the quality or completeness of the observation. Spacecraft pointing coordinates and flare site angular displacement values from sun center are also included

    The diffuse X-ray spectrum from 14-200 keV as measured on OSO-5

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    The measurement of energy spectrum of the diffuse component of cosmic X-ray flux made on the OSO-5 spacecraft is described. The contributions to the total counting rate of the actively shielded X-ray detector are considered in some detail and the techniques used to eliminate the non-cosmic components are described. Positive values for the cosmic flux are obtained in seven energy channels between 14 and 200 keV and two upper limits are obtained between 200 and 254 keV. The results can be fitted by a power law spectrum. A critical comparison is made with the OSO-3 results. Conclusions show that the reported break in the energy spectrum at 40 keV is probably produced by an erroneous correction for the radioactivity induced in the detector on each passage through the intense charged particle fluxes in the South Atlantic anomaly