4,336 research outputs found

    Combinatorics of lattice paths with and without spikes

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    We derive a series of results on random walks on a d-dimensional hypercubic lattice (lattice paths). We introduce the notions of terse and simple paths corresponding to the path having no backtracking parts (spikes). These paths label equivalence classes which allow a rearrangement of the sum over paths. The basic combinatorial quantities of this construction are given. These formulas are useful when performing strong coupling (hopping parameter) expansions of lattice models. Some applications are described.Comment: Latex. 25 page

    Large NN reduction with the Twisted Eguchi-Kawai model

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    We examine the breaking of ZNZ_N symmetry recently reported for the Twisted Eguchi-Kawai model (TEK). We analyse the origin of this behaviour and propose simple modifications of twist and lattice action that could avoid the problem. Our results show no sign of symmetry breaking and allow us to obtain values of the large NN infinite volume string tension in agreement with extrapolations from results based upon straightforward methods.Comment: latex file 14 pages, 4 figure

    Integrability in Theories with Local U(1) Gauge Symmetry

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    Using a recently developed method, based on a generalization of the zero curvature representation of Zakharov and Shabat, we study the integrability structure in the Abelian Higgs model. It is shown that the model contains integrable sectors, where integrability is understood as the existence of infinitely many conserved currents. In particular, a gauge invariant description of the weak and strong integrable sectors is provided. The pertinent integrability conditions are given by a U(1) generalization of the standard strong and weak constraints for models with two dimensional target space. The Bogomolny sector is discussed, as well, and we find that each Bogomolny configuration supports infinitely many conserved currents. Finally, other models with U(1) gauge symmetry are investigated.Comment: corrected typos, version accepted in J. Phys.

    Adjoint modes as probes of gauge field structure

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    We show how zero-modes and quasi-zero-modes of the Dirac operator in the adjoint representation can be used to construct an estimate of the action density distribution of a pure gauge field theory, which is less sensitive to the ultraviolet fluctuations of the field. This can be used to trace the topological structures present in the vacuum. The construction relies on the special properties satisfied by the supersymmetric zero-modes.Comment: Latex file. 29 pages and 12 figure

    VLTI/AMBER spectro-interferometry of the late-type supergiants V766 Cen (=HR 5171 A), sigma Oph, BM Sco, and HD 206859

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    We add four warmer late-type supergiants to our previous spectro-interferometric studies of red giants and supergiants. V766 Cen (=HR 5171 A) is found to be a high-luminosity log(L/L_sun)=5.8+-0.4 source of Teff 4290+-760 K and radius 1490+-540 Rsun located close to both the Hayashi and Eddington limits; this source is consistent with a 40 Msun evolutionary track without rotation and current mass 27-36 Msun. It exhibits NaI in emission arising from a shell of radius 1.5 Rphot and a photocenter displacement of about 0.1 Rphot. V766 Cen shows strong extended molecular (CO) layers and a dusty circumstellar background component. This suggest an optically thick pseudo-photosphere at about 1.5 Rphot at the onset of the wind. V766 Cen is a red supergiant located close to the Hayashi limit instead of a yellow hypergiant already evolving back toward warmer Teff as previously discussed. The stars sigma Oph, BM Sco, and HD 206859 are found to have lower luminosities of about log(L/Lsun)=3.4-3.5 and Teff of 3900-5300 K, corresponding to 5-9 Msun tracks. They do not show extended molecular layers as observed for higher luminosity red supergiants of our sample. BM Sco shows an unusually strong contribution by an over-resolved circumstellar dust component. These stars are more likely high-mass red giants instead of red supergiants. This leaves us with an unsampled locus in the HR diagram corresponding to luminosities log(L/Lsun)~3.8-4.8 or masses 10-13 Msun, possibly corresponding to the mass region where stars explode as type II-P supernovae during the RSG stage. Our previously found relation of increasing strength of extended molecular layers with increasing luminosities is now confirmed to extend to double our previous luminosities and up to the Eddington limit. This might further point to steadily increasing radiative winds with increasing luminosity. [Abridged]Comment: 16 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics (A&A

    Wide Localized Solitons in Systems with Time and Space-Modulated Nonlinearities

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    In this work we apply point canonical transformations to solve some classes of nonautonomous nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger equation namely, those which possess specific cubic and quintic - time and space dependent - nonlinearities. In this way we generalize some procedures recently published which resort to an ansatz to the wavefunction and recover a time and space independent nonlinear equation which can be solved explicitly. The method applied here allow us to find wide localized (in space) soliton solutions to the nonautonomous nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger equation, which were not presented before. We also generalize the external potential which traps the system and the nonlinearities terms.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figure

    What causes the large extensions of red-supergiant atmospheres? Comparisons of interferometric observations with 1-D hydrostatic, 3-D convection, and 1-D pulsating model atmospheres

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    We present the atmospheric structure and the fundamental parameters of three red supergiants, increasing the sample of RSGs observed by near-infrared spectro-interferometry. Additionally, we test possible mechanisms that may explain the large observed atmospheric extensions of RSGs. We carried out spectro-interferometric observations of 3 RSGs in the near-infrared K-band with the VLTI/AMBER instrument at medium spectral resolution. To comprehend the extended atmospheres, we compared our observational results to predictions by available hydrostatic PHOENIX, available 3-D convection, and new 1-D self-excited pulsation models of RSGs. Our near-infrared flux spectra are well reproduced by the PHOENIX model atmospheres. The continuum visibility values are consistent with a limb-darkened disk as predicted by the PHOENIX models, allowing us to determine the angular diameter and the fundamental parameters of our sources. Nonetheless, in the case of V602 Car and HD 95686, the PHOENIX model visibilities do not predict the large observed extensions of molecular layers, most remarkably in the CO bands. Likewise, the 3-D convection models and the 1-D pulsation models with typical parameters of RSGs lead to compact atmospheric structures as well, which are similar to the structure of the hydrostatic PHOENIX models. They can also not explain the observed decreases in the visibilities and thus the large atmospheric molecular extensions. The full sample of our RSGs indicates increasing observed atmospheric extensions with increasing luminosity and decreasing surface gravity, and no correlation with effective temperature or variability amplitude, which supports a scenario of radiative acceleration on Doppler-shifted molecular lines.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Vortex solutions in the noncommutative torus

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    Vortex configurations in the two-dimensional torus are considered in noncommutative space. We analyze the BPS equations of the Abelian Higgs model. Numerical solutions are constructed for the self-dual and anti-self dual cases by extending an algorithm originally developed for ordinary commutative space. We work within the Fock space approach to noncommutative theories and the Moyal-Weyl connection is used in the final stage to express the solutions in configuration space.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure
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