487 research outputs found

    Transport and Entanglement Generation in the Bose-Hubbard Model

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    We study entanglement generation via particle transport across a one-dimensional system described by the Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian. We analyze how the competition between interactions and tunneling affects transport properties and the creation of entanglement in the occupation number basis. Alternatively, we propose to use spatially delocalized quantum bits, where a quantum bit is defined by the presence of a particle either in a site or in the adjacent one. Our results can serve as a guidance for future experiments to characterize entanglement of ultracold gases in one-dimensional optical lattices.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    Thermal fluctuations and disorder effects in vortex lattices

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    We calculate using loop expansion the effect of fluctuations on the structure function and magnetization of the vortex lattice and compare it with existing MC results. In addition to renormalization of the height of the Bragg peaks of the structure function, there appears a characteristic saddle shape ''halos'' around the peaks. The effect of disorder on magnetization is also calculated. All the infrared divergencies related to soft shear cancel.Comment: 10 pages, revtex file, one figur

    Structure of Flux Line Lattices with Weak Disorder at Large Length Scales

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    Dislocation-free decoration images containing up to 80,000 vortices have been obtained on high quality Bi2_{2}Sr2_{2}CaCu2_{2}O8+x_{8+x} superconducting single crystals. The observed flux line lattices are in the random manifold regime with a roughening exponent of 0.44 for length scales up to 80-100 lattice constants. At larger length scales, the data exhibit nonequilibrium features that persist for different cooling rates and field histories.Comment: 4 pages, 3 gif images, to appear in PRB rapid communicatio

    Flux-Line Lattice Structures in Untwinned YBa2Cu3O

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    A small angle neutron scattering study of the flux-line lattice in a large single crystal of untwinned YBa2Cu3O is presented. In fields parallel to the c-axis, diffraction spots are observed corresponding to four orientations of a hexagonal lattice, distorted by the a-b anisotropy. A value for the anisotropy, the penetration depth ratio, of 1.18(2) was obtained. The high quality of the data is such that second order diffraction is observed, indicating a well ordered FLL. With the field at 33 degrees to c a field dependent re-orientation of the lattice is observed around 3T.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Vortex fluctuations in underdoped Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d crystals

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    Vortex thermal fluctuations in heavily underdoped Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d (Tc=69.4 K) are studied using Josephson plasma resonance (JPR). From the data in zero magnetic field, we obtain the penetration depth along the c-axis, lambda_{L,c}(0) = 229 micrometers and the anisotropy ratio gamma(0) = 600. The low plasma frequency allows us to study phase correlations over the whole vortex solid (Bragg-glass) state. The JPR results yield a wandering length r_{w} of vortex pancakes. The temperature dependence of r_{w} as well as its increase with applied dc magnetic field can only be explained by the renormalization of the tilt modulus by thermal fluctuations, and suggest the latter is responsible for the dissociation of the vortices at the first order transition.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Entanglement transmission and generation under channel uncertainty: Universal quantum channel coding

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    We determine the optimal rates of universal quantum codes for entanglement transmission and generation under channel uncertainty. In the simplest scenario the sender and receiver are provided merely with the information that the channel they use belongs to a given set of channels, so that they are forced to use quantum codes that are reliable for the whole set of channels. This is precisely the quantum analog of the compound channel coding problem. We determine the entanglement transmission and entanglement-generating capacities of compound quantum channels and show that they are equal. Moreover, we investigate two variants of that basic scenario, namely the cases of informed decoder or informed encoder, and derive corresponding capacity results.Comment: 45 pages, no figures. Section 6.2 rewritten due to an error in equation (72) of the old version. Added table of contents, added section 'Conclusions and further remarks'. Accepted for publication in 'Communications in Mathematical Physics

    Disorder Driven Melting of the Vortex Line Lattice

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    We use Monte Carlo simulations of the 3D uniformly frustrated XY model, with uncorrelated quenched randomness in the in-plane couplings, to model the effect of random point pins on the vortex line phases of a type II superconductor. We map out the phase diagram as a function of temperature T and randomness strength p for fixed applied magnetic field. We find that, as p increases to a critical value p_c, the first order vortex lattice melting line turns parallel to the T axis, and continues smoothly down to low temperature, rather than ending at a critical point. The entropy jump across this line at p_c vanishes, but the transition remains first order. Above this disorder driven transition line, we find that the helicity modulus parallel to the applied field vanishes, and so no true phase coherent vortex glass exists.Comment: 4 pages, 6 eps figure