62 research outputs found

    Locked modes and magnetic field errors in the Madison Symmetric Torus

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    In the Madison Symmetric Torus (MST) reversed-field pinch [Fusion Technol. 19, 13 1 ( 1991)] magnetic oscillations become stationary (locked) in the lab frame as a result of a process involving interactions between the modes, sawteeth, and field errors. Several helical modes become phase locked to each other to form a rotating localized disturbance, the disturbance locks to an impulsive field error generated at a sawtooth crash, the error fields grow monotonically after locking (perhaps due to an unstable interaction between the modes and field error), and over tens of milliseconds of growth confinement degrades and the discharge event.ually terminates. Field error control has been partially su&essful in eliminating locking

    Actual problems dealing with typological aspects assessment in dentistr

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    Dental problems are rather distributed and studied by scientists in different countries in children thus describing ethno-age typological aspects in dentistry. Dental traumas are in the dentists attention focus in Iran, Brazil Iranian women exhibit more dental anxiety and fear comparatively to men and this work can be ethno-gender typological aspect reflection. Separately ethno-gender age is paid attention: dentists established dental higher distribution in Iranian boy

    Pain threshold comparison in the HSEEU «UMSA» left- and right-handed students from Morocco, Egypt, Iran, Iraq and Sudan

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    Ethno-age aspect plus emphasizing about rural conditions is described by the works about worse health and worse adaptation in children non attending school comparatively to the ones who attend, about the child labor in the artisan sector Urban milieu in ethno-age aspect is emphasized in the works about Moroccan adolescents , prevalence of intestinal parasitic infections (protozoa and helminthes) in Moroccan urban primary school students

    First results from the multichannel interferometer system on HSX

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    Transport reduction by current profile control in the reversed‐field pinch

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    This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder