165 research outputs found

    Decoding information for grasping from the macaque dorsomedial visual stream

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    Neurodecoders have been developed by researchers mostly to control neuroprosthetic devices, but also to shed new light on neural functions. In this study, we show that signals representing grip configurations can be reliably decoded from neural data acquired from area V6A of the monkey medial posterior parietal cortex. Two Macaca fascicularis monkeys were trained to perform an instructed-delay reach-to-grasp task in the dark and in the light toward objects of different shapes. Population neural activity was extracted at various time intervals on vision of the objects, the delay before movement, and grasp execution. This activity was used to train and validate a Bayes classifier used for decoding objects and grip types. Recognition rates were well over chance level for all the epochs analyzed in this study. Furthermore, we detected slightly different decoding accuracies, depending on the task's visual condition. Generalization analysis was performed by training and testing the system during different time intervals. This analysis demonstrated that a change of code occurred during the course of the task. Our classifier was able to discriminate grasp types fairly well in advance with respect to grasping onset. This feature might be important when the timing is critical to send signals to external devices before the movement start. Our results suggest that the neural signals from the dorsomedial visual pathway can be a good substrate to feed neural prostheses for prehensile actions

    A Rapid, Cost-Effective Method of Assembly and Purification of Synthetic DNA Probes >100 bp

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    Here we introduce a rapid, cost-effective method of generating molecular DNA probes in just under 15 minutes without the need for expensive, time-consuming gel-extraction steps. As an example, we enzymatically concatenated six variable strands (50 bp) with a common strand sequence (51 bp) in a single pool using Fast-Link DNA ligase to produce 101 bp targets (10 min). Unincorporated species were then filtered out by passing the crude reaction through a size-exclusion column (<5 min). We then compared full-length product yield of crude and purified samples using HPLC analysis; the results of which clearly show our method yields three-quarters that of the crude sample (50% higher than by gel-extraction). And while we substantially reduced the amount of unligated product with our filtration process, higher purity and yield, with an increase in number of stands per reaction (>12) could be achieved with further optimization. Moreover, for large-scale assays, we envision this method to be fully automated with the use of robotics such as the Biomek FX; here, potentially thousands of samples could be pooled, ligated and purified in either a 96, 384 or 1536-well platform in just minutes

    NiO-Nanofillers Embedded in Graphite/PVA-Polymer Matrix for efficient Electromagnetic Radiation Shielding

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    In this study, we report on the preparation of NiO/graphite sheets nanofillers in PVA-polymer matrix using a simple cost-effective hydrothermal process for EM shielding effectiveness applications. The careful optimization of the growth conditions and NiO/G/PVA relative ratios have resulted in NiO nanoparticles formation with homogeneous density. In this nanocomposite, the NiO nanoparticles and graphite sheets were incorporated into a polymer to enhance the electromagnetic shielding effectiveness. The morphological, structural, and chemical analysis have been conducted by SEM, EDX and XRD techniques. EDX and XRD analysis confirmed the exact chemical composition with high purity. SEM images showed the best morphology with homogenous NiO-nanoparticles distribution on graphite sheets for 15 wt% NiO relative ratio NiO/G/PVA nanocomposite. The nanocomposite was tested in different environments and shielding chambers that contained relatively high-level exposure to electromagnetic radiation. The shielding effectiveness (SE) measurements of NiO/G/PVA showed a significant increase of shielding effectiveness of about 17 dB compared to the commercial shielding paint. This can be ascribed to the homogenous distribution of NiO-NPs over the entire graphite sheets and the strong interaction of the incident electromagnetic radiation with the magnetic and electric dipoles in the nanocomposite. These finding is promising for enhanced flexible and cost-effective EMI shielding applications

    Connector Inversion Probe Technology: A Powerful One-Primer Multiplex DNA Amplification System for Numerous Scientific Applications

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    We combined components of a previous assay referred to as Molecular Inversion Probe (MIP) with a complete gap filling strategy, creating a versatile powerful one-primer multiplex amplification system. As a proof-of-concept, this novel method, which employs a Connector Inversion Probe (CIPer), was tested as a genetic tool for pathogen diagnosis, typing, and antibiotic resistance screening with two distinct systems: i) a conserved sequence primer system for genotyping Human Papillomavirus (HPV), a cancer-associated viral agent and ii) screening for antibiotic resistance mutations in the bacterial pathogen Neisseria gonorrhoeae. We also discuss future applications and advances of the CIPer technology such as integration with digital amplification and next-generation sequencing methods. Furthermore, we introduce the concept of two-dimension informational barcodes, i.e. “multiplex multiplexing padlocks” (MMPs). For the readers' convenience, we also provide an on-line tutorial with user-interface software application CIP creator 1.0.1, for custom probe generation from virtually any new or established primer-pairs

    PathogenMip Assay: A Multiplex Pathogen Detection Assay

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    The Molecular Inversion Probe (MIP) assay has been previously applied to a large-scale human SNP detection. Here we describe the PathogenMip Assay, a complete protocol for probe production and applied approaches to pathogen detection. We have demonstrated the utility of this assay with an initial set of 24 probes targeting the most clinically relevant HPV genotypes associated with cervical cancer progression. Probe construction was based on a novel, cost-effective, ligase-based protocol. The assay was validated by performing pyrosequencing and Microarray chip detection in parallel experiments. HPV plasmids were used to validate sensitivity and selectivity of the assay. In addition, 20 genomic DNA extracts from primary tumors were genotyped with the PathogenMip Assay results and were in 100% agreement with conventional sequencing using an L1-based HPV genotyping protocol. The PathogenMip Assay is a widely accessible protocol for producing and using highly discriminating probes, with experimentally validated results in pathogen genotyping, which could potentially be applied to the detection and characterization of any microbe
