6,779 research outputs found

    The Effect of Intellectual Capital on Non Performing Financing and IT's Implication Toward Financial Performance of Sharia Common Banks

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    This research aim to find out the influence element Intellectual Capital through Non Performing Financing (NPF) as the intervening variable to the Financial Performance (ROA) of Islamic banks registered in the financial services authority. The research population is all Syaria commercial banking companies in 2011-2017 periods. The statistic method has been done by using descriptive statistic and path analysis. The result of the research on Intellectual  Capital element consisting of  VACA (Value Added Capital Employed), VAHU (Value Added Human Capital) dan STVA (Structural Capital Value Added) shows that VAHU has insignificant and negative influence to Non Performing Financing (NPF) and significant and positive influence to the Financial Performance (ROA). STVA has insignificant and negative influence to Non Performing Financing (NPF) and insignificant and positive influence to the Financial Performance (ROA). VACA has significant and negative influence to Non Performing Financing (NPF) and significant and positive influence to the Financial Performance (ROA). The result of the research shows the magnitude of the indirect influence of Intellectual  Capital through Non Performing Financing (NPF) to the Financial Performance (ROA) is smaller than the magnitude of direct influence Intellectual  Capital to the Financial Performance (ROA

    Infection of Phytophthora Palmivora From Soil in Cocoa Plantation

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    Phytophthora palmivora causes serious losses on cocoa in Indonesia and world-wide. The research aimed to assess the potential of soil as source of inocula for Phytophthora diseases in cocoa. Soil samples were baited using a healthy cocoa pod tissue, and the pathogen was isolated for morphological and molecular identification. Baiting technique was successfully used to detect the presence of P. palmivora in soil samples, and this was confirmed by morphological and molecular identification. P. palmivora can be detected in soil in all year around in wet areas indicating that soil is a massive and consistent source of inocula. Surveys conducted on the soil of Amazonian, Amelonado and Trinitario blocks of various ages showed that P. palmivora can be found in old and young cocoa blocks, even as young as 3 or 4 years. P. palmivora infection from soil to the pods appears to be mainly through contact or rain splash. Baiting with whole healthy pods exposed at different heights above undisturbed litter and above bare soil showed that the infection still occurred at 100 cm above the soil, even though it decreased gradually with the height. Infection from litter was not different to that from bare soil, indicating that the litter layer is not acting physically as a shield preventing rain from splashing the inocula up from wet soil to the pods. However, in tests for the possibility of P. palmivora carried through air convection, no pod was found to be infected, suggesting that the pathogen was not carried through convective accend of aerosol droplets from soil surface up to pods in the canopy

    Studi Tentang Persepsi, Praktek Dan Sikap Terhadap Sistem HACCP Pada Industri Pakan Dalam Mencapai Kesesuaian Keamanan Pakan

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    Industry have not yet been implementing the feed safety system including the feed hygiene practices. Therefore,A study of perceptions, practices and attitudes on hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP) in achieving feedsafety compliance of Indonesian stock-feed production has been conducted. This study was carried out usingframe works of study as follows, i.e. Module I, Assessment on existing conditions using methods of survey,observe, interview, plant visit and distribute a questionnaire to medium and large feed industries at 6 provinces,i.e Lampung, Banten, West Java, Center of Java, East Java and South Sulawesi with the number of samples forrespondents about 20 feed industries; They were also asked about the feed hygiene practices in their business,their systems used such as HACCP, and the perceptions and attitudes toward a range of feed hygiene issues;Module II, Identification of potential critical control points; Module III, Evaluation of HACCP programs. Theanalysis was conducted using descriptive analysis method that developed by Hair et al. and to test the differenceusing one-way statistical analysis of variance. The results showed that the HACCP systems were implemented at95% in the large feed industries and 65% in the medium feed industry, respectively (P< 0.005); 30% medium and15% of large feed industry managers stated that their business represented a low-risk to feed safety. Higherlevels of feed hygiene qualifications among the industry managers and higher perceptions among managers ofthe risk of feed safety of the business were also significantly related to use HACCP in sectors (P<0.05). Sixpotential hazards were identified along the process to be controlled as critical control points (CCPs). Total cost forimplementing the system was around 1 billion and 400 millions rupiahs; while the time needed since designing upto fully operating the system with audit results fulfill the prerequisite programs and HACCP requirement was about7 months

    KIAI and ISLAMIC BANK (the Typology of Kiai Based on Their Perception and Behaviour Toward Islamic Bank)

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    This article aims to explain the perceptions and behavior of Moslem scholars (ulama/kiai) on the coast of Central Java toward Islamic banks. It is unassailable that finding out the kiai's perception and behavior toward Islamic banks becomes unavoidable because the kiai occupies a very important position in the social structure as an agent of social change. In order to have an approriate understanding toward the perception and behavior, this study used qualitative-phenomenological approach. The main source of primary data were obtained from the kiai in Pekalongan region by using purposive sampling technique. Indepth-interview as the prominent method in gaining data was reinforced by observation method. To get validity of data, internal and external validity were performed. The former was taken through four stages, namely triangulation, emic process, member checking and prolonged time; and the latter through transferability. Data were analyzed inductively through three cronological steps, e.i. data reduction, display and conclusion drawing. Based on the perceptions and behavior of scholars toward Islamic banks, this study concludes that there are three categories of kiai. The first is an idealist compromise (kompromis-idealis) which argues that Islamic banks do not fully comply with sharia compliance yet, the use of Islamic banks is compulsory and conventional banks are not substitutes for Islamic banks. The second is a realistic compromise (kompromis realistis) which infers that Islamic banks are not fully accordance with sharia commpliance, the use of Islamic banks is not mandatory, but conventional banks are not substitutes for Islamic banks. The third is resistance (resisten) which argues that Islamic banks are not much different from conventional banks, so making use of Islamic bank is not obligation, and conventional banks substitute Islamic banks

    Analisis Daya Dukung Potensi Wisata Bahari Baru di Kawasan Wisata Pulau Weh sebagai Pulau Terluar

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    Analisis Daya Dukung Potensi Wisata Bahari Baru Di Kawasan Wisata Pulau Weh Sebagai Pulau Terluar. Pulau Weh memiliki panorama alam yang menarik yang tersebar dihampir semua wilayah, salah satunya adalah keindahan pantai, pemandangan bawah laut dengan terumbu karang, berbagai jenis ikan hias, pemandangan alam pegunungan, dan monumen tugu kilometer nol Indonesia. Lokasi penelitian dilakukan di Pulau Sabang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam bentuk deskriptif kualitatif, dengan menggunakan pendekatan survei. Polupasi dan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah pelaku bisnis, masyarakat dan wisatawan yang berkunjung ke Objek Wisata Pantai Iboh. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan wawancara, pengamatan, dokumentasi, studi pustaka, kuesioner. Analisis data yang digunakan yaitu analisis deskriptif berdasarkan persentase, tentang penilain aspek fisik dan penialaian aspek prilaku masyarakat. Sedangkan untuk mengkaji potensi objek wisata, dilakukan analisis penilaian dan pengharkatan berdasarkan potensi yang dimiliki. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, empat aspek yang dianalsis, yaitu: atraksi, aktifitas, aksesibilitas dan amenitas menunjukkan bahwa semua aspek diatas memberikan kontribusi dalam pengembangan potensi wisata baru yang dapat dikembangkan di Pulau Weh, namun fokus pengembangan potensi daya tarik wisata yang ada di Pulau weh yaitu pada aspek fisik untuk mendukung atraksi dan aktivitas wisata yang ada

    Jenis-jenis Burung Di Perkebunan Sawit PT Hutahaean Kecamatan Tambusai Kabupaten Rokan Hulu

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    Research on diversity of bird in palm oil plantations PT Hutahaean Tambusai Rokan Hulu district of Riau have been conducted from November 2015 using survei methods, samples are identified directly in the field. Determination research station based on the by Purposive random sampling, technique with vegetation for station from results, the 8 families, 9 spesies with a total of 29 individu, namely Aegithinidae (Aegithina tiphia), Alcedinidae (Halcyon smyrnensis), Columbidae (Geopelia striata, Spilopelia chinensis), Phasianidae (Coturnix chinensis), Picidae (Dinopium javanense), Ploceidae (Passer montanus L), Pycnonotidae (Copsychus saularis), Sturnidae (Acridotheres cinereus). The bierd's spesies dominate is Geopelia striata, Spilopelia chinereus (Columbidae). Index diversity is category medium, with value .1.9
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