25 research outputs found

    Shell Model Study of the Neutron-Rich Nuclei around N=28

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    We describe the properties of the neutron rich nuclei around N=28 in the shell mode framework. The valence space comprises the sdsd shell for protons an the pfpf shell for neutrons without any restriction. Good agreement is found with the available experimental data. The N=28 shell closure, even if eroded due to the large neutron excess, persists. The calculations predict that 40^{40}S and 42^{42}S are deformed with ÎČ=0.29\beta=0.29 and ÎČ=0.32\beta=0.32 respectively.Comment: 17 pages and 19 figures, LateX, RevTe

    Shell Model Study of the Double Beta Decays of 76^{76}Ge, 82^{82}Se and 136^{136}Xe

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    The lifetimes for the double beta decays of 76^{76}Ge, 82^{82}Se and 136^{136}Xe are calculated using very large shell model spaces. The two neutrino matrix elements obtained are in good agreement with the present experimental data. For <1<1 eV we predict the following upper bounds to the half-lives for the neutrinoless mode: T1/2(0Îœ)(Ge)>1.85 1025yr.T^{(0\nu)}_{1/2}(Ge) > 1.85\,10^{25} yr., T1/2(0Îœ)(Se)>2.36 1024yr.T^{(0\nu)}_{1/2}(Se) > 2.36\,10^{24} yr. and T1/2(0Îœ)(Xe)>1.21 1025yrT^{(0\nu)}_{1/2}(Xe) > 1.21\,10^{25} yr. These results are the first from a new generation of Shell Model calculations reaching O(108^{8}) dimensions

    A Full PFPF Shell Model Study of a~=~48 Nuclei

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    Exact diagonalizations with a minimally modified realistic force lead to detailed agreement with measured level schemes and electromagnetic transitions in 48^{48}Ca, 48^{48}Sc, 48^{48}Ti, 48^{48}V, 48^{48}Cr and 48^{48}Mn. Gamow-Teller strength functions are systematically calculated and reproduce the data to within the standard quenching factor. Their fine structure indicates that fragmentation makes much strength unobservable. As a by-product, the calculations suggest a microscopic description of the onset of rotational motion. The spectroscopic quality of the results provides strong arguments in favour of the general validity of monopole corrected realistic forces, which is discussed.Comment: 30 pages, LaTeX with epsf.sty, 14 Postscript figures included and compressed using uufiles. Completely new version of previous preprint nucl-th/9307001. FTUAM-93/01, CRN/PT 93-3

    Capture of Solar and Higher-Energy Neutrinos by Iodine 127

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    We discuss and improve a recent treatment of the absorption of solar neutrinos by 127{}^{127}I, in connection with a proposed solar neutrino detector. With standard-solar-model fluxes and an in-medium value of -1.0 for the axial-vector coupling constant gAg_A, we obtain a 8{}^8B-neutrino cross section of 3.3×10−42\times 10^{-42}, about 50\% larger than in our previous work, and a 7{}^7Be cross section that is less certain but nevertheless also larger than before. We then apply the improved techniques to higher incoming energies that obtain at the LAMPF beam dump, where an experiment is underway to finalize a calibration of the 127{}^{127}I with electron neutrinos from muon decay. We find that forbidden operators, which play no role in solar-neutrino absorption, contribute nonnegligibly to the LAMPF cross section, and that the preliminary LAMPF mean value is significantly larger than our prediction.Comment: 13 pages + 3 postscript figures (attached), in RevTex 3 , submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Shell Model Monte Carlo studies of neutron-rich nuclei in the 1s-0d-1p-0f shells

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    We demonstrate the feasibility of realistic Shell-Model Monte Carlo (SMMC) calculations spanning multiple major shells, using a realistic interaction whose bad saturation and shell properties have been corrected by a newly developed general prescription. Particular attention is paid to the approximate restoration of translational invariance. The model space consists of the full sd-pf shells. We include in the study some well-known T=0 nuclei and several unstable neutron-rich ones around N=20,28. The results indicate that SMMC can reproduce binding energies, B(E2) transitions, and other observables with an interaction that is practically parameter free. Some interesting insight is gained on the nature of deep correlations. The validity of previous studies is confirmed.Comment: 22 pages + 7 postscript figure

    Influence of saturation properties on shell-model calculations

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