12 research outputs found


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    The conducted research in modern conditions allows to allocate such classes in society as rich, average, poor and beggar. Stratification is basing on four criteria, established and justified by the author. The offered technique of social stratification includes 34 indicators, grouped in four blocks. Its transparency, clarity of reflection of vital realities in concrete indicators and availability of information on the specified criteria provide practicality of its realization in life. By results of the conducted survey of 200 experts (as of 01.01.2019), classes are represented in the following order of types and ratios: rich 7-9 %, average 20,9 %, the others ā€“ poor and beggar classes. Unfortunately, the trend of increasing reduction of the middle class in Russia and exhaustion of its potential is observed


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    In article it is proved and specified fundamental categories of the economic theory such as Ā«economyĀ», Ā«marketĀ» and Ā«the pricing mechanismĀ» a misinterpretation of which conducts to the reader's delusion. The main arguments and the author's arguments in contents of these terms taking into account new realities in market economy are adduced


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    In article it is proved and specified fundamental categories of the economic theory such as Ā«economyĀ», Ā«marketĀ» and Ā«the pricing mechanismĀ» a misinterpretation of which conducts to the reader's delusion. The main arguments and the author's arguments in contents of these terms taking into account new realities in market economy are adduced

    Cooperation and subcontracting enterprises as a form of deepening the process of integration within the Eurasian Economic Union

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    The article considers such forms of integration between enterprises as subcontracting and cooperation, designed to increase the industrial potential, activate the processes of restructuring industries and move them to a qualitatively new level. The purpose of the study is to identify the features and trends of the process of integration of enterprises through the mechanism of subcontracting and cooperation within the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) and to substantiate the prospects for its further development.The paper describes the degree of development of national subcontracting markets in the countries that are part of the Eurasian Economic Union, and identifies the features of national systems for supporting cooperation and subcontracting processes. The authors carry out the analysis of the dynamics of cooperative supplies between the EAEU member states in the sectoral context, as well as the analysis of structural shifts in trade in intermediate goods in the context of the participating countries. The latter found a shift in the final links of the cooperative chains of product value formation in the EAEU space, which indicates the deepening of integration processes. The article considers the problems of information, financial and regulatory support for the development of subcontracting and cooperation. The paper determines the reasons that hinder the integration processes in the EAEU. The results of the study can be used in the development of an industrial strategy and integration policy in the Eurasian space

    The features and factors influencing the effectiveness of advertising activities and TV companies of Sughd region of the Republic of Tajikistan

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    The essence of television advertising has been considered and the main factors, that can affect the efficiency of advertising activities of companies, have been identified. During the study, the rating of TV companies operating in the Sughd region of the Republic of Tajikistan has been determined, indices of conformity of these channels to the target audience by sex and age categories have been found. Also, by the analysis of viewing time in the context of age and gender of TV viewers, the time of the best out of advertising on the air has been set, that is, the time interval when the maximum number of viewers gathers at their TV sets. For the study region, prime time is in the morning from 6:00 to 8:00, in the evening-from 18:00 to 22:30.It has been established that the performance of TV advertising is influenced by the cost of one spot of advertising. Therefore, it has been evaluated and the rating of state and independent television channels by audience has been determined, and the technology for calculating advertising costs, which determine the effectiveness of advertising activities of companies, has been proposed.Peculiarities of organization of effective advertising activity of companies of Sughd region of the Republic of Tajikistan on oligopolistic market of body and radio services have been revealed. A methodology for calculating indicators characterizing the main factors affecting the efficiency of advertising activities of companies in the Sughd region of the Republic of Tajikistan has been developed.The results of the study can be used in the processes of planning and developing the broadcasting network of TV channels, as well as with success can be applied by players in the market to obtain the best effect of advertising on their products. In addition, the results of the study can be used for the purpose of state regulation of the oligopolistic market of TV and radio services in the Republic of Tajikistan

    Investment attractiveness of the regionā€™s development pole: methodology and analysis

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    The aim of the study is to develop scientiļ¬c and methodological provisions for assessing the investment attractiveness of the regionā€™s development poles and their approbation on the materials of the Sughd region of the Republic of Tajikistan. At the same time, a methodology should be developed for determining and justifying the capital investment objects with the highest return of the regionā€™s development pole and growth point. The main objective of the research paper is to assess the investment attractiveness of the development poles as objects that most eļ¬€ectively use the regionā€™s limited resources. The research methods are based on the principles of system-complex, deterministic and causal approaches in combination with the principle of dynamism. In relation to the Tajik regions considered as quasi-economy, the following range of indicators has been substantiated and proposed: the regionā€™s enterprises production total proļ¬tability; market conditions (the industry production volumes dynamics and the development poles); competitive situation (the large competitors number in the region); the ratio of proļ¬table and unproļ¬table enterprises; average labour productivity; the growth locomotives presence in the region. Based on the accounting and analysis of these indicators, a comparative assessment of the investment attractiveness of the North Development Pole and the food industry of the Sughd region of the Republic of Tajikistan has been carried out. It has been proved that the investment attractiveness of the development pole is 2.3 times higher than the investment attractiveness of the food industry chosen as a base for comparison. The results of the study can be used in the regional investment policy development processes and state regulation of spatial development


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    Criteria of allocation of development poles and growth points in the regional economy have been proved. Technique of allocation of potential development poles and growth points based on the account of multiplicative effect in vertically diversified enterprises has been developed. It has been revealed and quantitatively estimated that the higher attractiveness of the development poles in the regional economy is due to the synergetic effect, which is manifested in the diversification and modernization of production in the compactly located territory of the region. A map of poles and growth points in Sughd region of the Republic of Tajikistan has been compiled and it has been proved that a development pole has been formed in the region, located in the North of Khujand and in adjacent to it B. Gafurovsky and J. Rasulovsky districts. It is called the ā€œNorth development poleā€ and is at the stage of maturity of the life cycle, as it fully characterizes the market relations that function in the development pole. The results of the study can be used in the development of investment rating and typology of the countryā€™s regions, social policy and state regulation of spatial development


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    The research of theoretical and methodological issues of assessing the quality of the economic space of Russian regions has been conducted. The concepts of economic space and its quality, institutional environment of economic space have been substantiated. In order to determine the integral indicator of the standard of living and the quality of the economic space, the method of a systematic approach has been applied, which allowed the authors to justify and identify the system-forming indicators of the quality of the ec onomic space and the features of the relationship between them. The developed method of assessing the quality of economic space at the meso-level allows you to form a rating of investment attractiveness of the subjects of the Federation and determine the integral indicator of the quality of life of the population of the regions. The results of the study can be used in the development of investment rating and typology of Russian regions, implementation of social policy and state regulation of spatial development

    Tajikistanā€™s business sector for years of independence: problems and development models

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    The purpose of the study is to develop strategic priorities for the development of the business sector of Tajikistan based on the analysis of the structure of the economy of the republic and its dynamics, as well as the use of economic and mathematical modeling of the object under study. The article identifies the main obstacles to the development of the business sector, including: inefficient functioning of management institutions and the market; insufficient development of human capital; underdeveloped industrial and social infrastructure, as well as the legal framework governing the relations of the state, business, labor, etc. Based on the use of statistical methods of analysis, in particular the method of principal components, two important strategic vectors of development of the business sector aimed at economic diversification have been identified. The first direction involves the development of industry and construction with the participation of the state in the form of public-private partnership, increasing the production of import-substituting goods based on its own resources. The second direction should be the modernization of social and industrial infrastructure, including energy. The measures aimed at improving the business climate, overcoming regional and sectoral fragmentation of the economy of Tajikistan, ensuring its sustainable and balanced development are proposed. The results of the study can be used in the development of the state strategy for the development of entrepreneurship in the Republic of Tajikistan, as well as in the process of state regulation of spatial development