33 research outputs found

    Breakdown dynamics of a horizontal evaporating liquid layer when heated locally

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    Breakdown of liquid layer when heated from a localized hot spot was investigated experimentally. Water and ethanol were used as working liquids with a layer thickness of 300 μm. Basic steps of the breakdown process were found and mean velocities of the dry spot formation were determined. The formation of residual layer over the hot-spot before the breakdown has been found for both liquids. The creation of a droplet cluster near the heating region is observed when using water as a working fluid. It was shown that evaporation is one of the general factors influencing the process of layer breakdown and dry spot formation as well as thermocapillary effect


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    Peculiarity of Synthesized Smart Management Control System (SSMCS) PV-3 with regard to Vanyukov Process at copper production Zapolyarny branch of OJSC «Mining and Metallurgical Complex “Norilsk Nickel”» is use of universal description of complex multifactor model in the form of semantic network on specific restricted vocabulary. That is substantially decreased dimension of subject area without losses of semantic with retention of operability of all their elements. Application of tailor-made method of acquisition and formalization knowledge in analytical expression allows perform convolution of multivendor on its physical nature information into polynominal model exactly for given process, phenomenon or object. There was showed efficiency of application of SSMCS PV-3while execution concept of management on the base of «principle of settlement of conflicts» in industrial conditions.Особенностью синтезированной интеллектуальной автоматизированной системы управления (ИАСУ) ПВ-3 применительно к процессу Ванюкова на медном заводе Заполярного филиала ОАО «ГМК “Норильский никель”» является использование универсального описания сложной многофакторной модели в виде семантической сети на специфичном ограниченном словаре. Это существенно снижает размерность предметной области без потери семантики с сохранением функциональности всех ее элементов. Применение уникальной методики извлечения и формализации экспертных знаний в аналитическое выражение позволяет производить свертку разнородной по своей физической природе информации в полиномиальные модели именно для данного процесса, явления или объекта. Показана эффективность применения ИАСУ ПВ-3 при реализации концепции управления на основе «принципа разрешения конфликтов» в промышленных условиях

    Gastroduodenal bleeding in patients with acute cerebrovascular accident

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    INTRODUCTION. Gastroduodenal bleedings often occurs among patients with cerebrovascular accident (CVA). The frequency, causes and treatment tactics for bleeding from the upper gastrointestinal tract (GIT) in this group of patients have not been sufficiently studied. There were no well established guidelines of treatment for this group of patients, that could be a reason for high mortality. The OBJECTIVE of the study was to improve the treatment outcome of gastroduodenal bleeding cases in patients with cerebrovascular accident (CVA) by using conservative and endoscopic methods that could be used to stop bleeding and developing tactics of treatment in this category of patients. MATERIAL AND METHODS. There were 105 patients with cerebrovascular accident (CVA) and signs of bleeding from the upper gastrointestinal tract in the study. Patients were admitted to the St. Petersburg City Mariinsky Hospital from 2013 to 2018 years. Patients were divided into 2 groups, regarding the type of cerebrovascular accident (CVA): patients with ischemic stroke and patients with hemorrhagic stroke. All patients underwent esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) during 2 hours from identifying the signs of bleeding. RESULTS. In this study, we analyzed medical files and records of patients with diagnosis of ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke, who were admitted to St. Petersburg City Mariinsky Hospital from 2013 to 2018 years. During the observation of patients with diagnosis of ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke, 7483 patients and 1919 patients respectively were treated in the clinic. Among these patients, 58 patients were with diagnosis of acute stroke with ischemic type and 47 patients with acute hemorrhagic stroke in combination with bleeding from upper parts of a GIT. The frequency of the upper GI bleeding was 0.77 % (58 of 7483) in the group with ischemic type of stroke; in the group of patients with hemorrhagic stroke, gastroduodenal bleeding was diagnosed in 2.45 % (47 of 1919) cases. CONCLUSIONS. Endoscopic treatment of gastroduodenal bleeding in cases of ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke was the method of choice. The combined endoscopic hemostasis method was preferred. To achieve hemostasis in cases of superficial lesions of the mucous membrane of the upper gastrointestinal tract and acute ulcers of the gastroduodenal zone in combination with CVA, Argon plasma coagulation (APC) was effective. It was possible to combine APC with other methods of  endoscopic hemostasis that improved the results of treatment and reduced the risk of recurrent bleeding. If bleeding was from chronic ulcers of the stomach and / or duodenum, the method of clipping was effective in combination with APC and / or with injection method. When signs of recurrence of bleeding appeared, all patients with CVA should have undergone esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) and hemostasis by endoscopic methods. All patients with CVA and gastroduodenal hemorrhages combination should have undergone anti-ulcer drug therapy

    Gravity measurements in the Moscow gravity network

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    <p>The metrological local precise gravity networks are created to calibrate relative gravimeters, to test<br> absolute gravimeters (AG) and to improve methods of performing and processing gravity measurements.<br> We report on the gravity measurements campaign in the Moscow Gravity Network in Spring 2015. The<br> major goals of this campaign were to determine:<br> • linear scale-factors for relative gravimeters,<br> • gravity at all stations w.r.t. International Comparisons of Absolute Gravimeters (ICAG2013),<br> • offsets of the AG which did not participate in Russian–Finnish Comparisons of Absolute Gravimeters<br> (RFCAG2013).</p


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    An analysis of 293 victims with cardiac and pericardium injuries was made. Cardiac complications could appear suddenly and be registered on any stage of treatment process. They differentiated by character and duration of wound process. Pericarditis took place in 288 patients. The syndrome of system inflammation reaction was noted in 47,9% of patients, a sepsis (sometimes severe sepsis) was in 14,3%. Complications in postoperative period were determined by posthypoxic and hemic hypoxia, coagulopathy. They were manifested by myocardial ischemia and thromboembolic complications. An acute myocardial infarction took place in 29 (9,8%) cases and rhythm and conductivity abnormalities were in 23 (7,8%) patients. The circulatory failure with clinical picture of pulmonary edema was developed in 12 (4,1%) cases. The lethality consisted of 44 (15%) patients