13 research outputs found

    Digital Media Image of Business University Professor

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    Digitalization of business and society inevitably affects almost all spheres, and education is not an exception. New high-tech tools and solutions are rapidly coming into this industry, without which further development and implementation of the educational process is no longer possible. Today target audience of any educational organizations is informationally advanced and prefers to source useful information from social networks, often making business decisions based on it. Such conditions put forward new requirements for educational organizations to increase their activity in social networks and, above all, to form a digital image. Professors are the face of any educational organization. Inasmuch as they are the subjects who directly interact with students, their personal digital image plays an important role in shaping corporate image of the university. Relevance of this article is in the research of the digital image process formation by professors of business universities, which are the flagships and market-oriented subjects of local higher education.The article aims to identify the current state of forming the digital image of teachers of entrepreneurial universities in social networks. To achieve the goal, the article discusses the features of an entrepreneurial university and the characteristics of its corporate image, shows the need to form a teacher’s digital image and identifies strategies for such formation in social networks. The study of the activity of Russian entrepreneurial universities’ teachers in social networks was carried out and the comparison of the results with the similar activity of foreign universities’ teachers was made

    Assesment of childen`s dental health in nizhny tagil using the european dental health indicators (EGOHID)

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    The article discusses method for assessing dental health in children of Nizhny Tagil using the system of "European global Oral Health Indicators" (EGOHID). The prevalence and intensity of caries and other indicators of dental health are determined. The data from a subjective survey included in the methodology of the EGOHID system correlate with the results of an objective examination.В статье рассмотрен метод оценки стоматологического здоровья у детей города Нижний Тагил с помощью системы «Европейского глобального определения индикаторов стоматологического здоровья» (EGOHID). Определены степени распространённости и интенсивности кариеса и других показателей стоматологического здоровья. Данные, проведенного субъективного анкетирования, входящего в методику системы EGOHID, коррелируют с результатами объективного обследовани

    Study of knowledge and motivations on professional oral hygiene among doctors and patients

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    The article analyzes the level of awareness of doctors and patients in matters of professional oral hygiene. The data obtained in the course of practical research are compared with those available in the literature. The authors come to the conclusion that there are certain gaps in the knowledge of both doctors and patients on the issues of professional oral hygiene, which, in turn, necessitates the creation of unified clinical guidelines for this procedureВ статье анализируется уровень осведомленности врачей и пациентов в вопросах проведения профессиональной гигиены полости рта. Полученные в ходе практического исследования данные сравниваются с аналогичными, имеющимися в литературных источниках. Авторы приходят к выводу: существуют определенные пробелы в знаниях как врачей, так и пациентов, по вопросам проведения профессиональной гигиены полости рта, что, в свою очередь, обусловливает необходимость создания унифицированных клинических рекомендаций по проведению данной процедур

    Appraisal of child quality of life with pathology of hard tissues of teeth

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    The article assesses the quality of life in children with pathology of hard dental tissues at the age of 3-10 years. Diseases of hard dental tissues in children are an important problem in pediatric dentistry. In the course of the study, a deterioration in the quality of life was revealed in children with pathology of hard dental tissues in comparison with healthy children. The worst indicators of quality of life were observed in children with systemic enamel hypoplasia. To improve the quality of life of children with pathology of hard dental tissues, timely and high-quality treatment is necessary.В статье проведена оценка качества жизни у детей с патологией твердых тканей зубов в возрасте от 3-10 лет. Заболевания твердых тканей зубов у детей являются важной проблемой детской стоматологии. В ходе проведенного исследования было выявлено ухудшение качества жизни у детей с патологией твердых тканей зубов по сравнению со здоровыми детьми. Наихудшие показатели качества жизни наблюдались у детей с системной гипоплазией эмали. Для улучшения качества жизни детей с патологией твердых тканей зубов необходимо своевременное и качественное лечение

    Analysis of the time spent in the work of the medical registrator sp usmu is conducted

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    The article examines the time allocation of medical receptionists in the dental clinic. A registry is the first step in the system of medical care. Analysis of the registry organization is crucial while planning activities aimed at the improvement of the quality of dental care. The objective of the article is to optimize the work of medical receptionist in accordance with the principles of "lean production".В статье представлен анализ распределения рабочего времени медицинского регистратора на манипуляции, условно разделенные на категории «полезные», «условно-полезные» и «временные потери». Выявлены особенности работы медицинских регистраторов стоматологической поликлиники. Предложены пути оптимизации рабочего процесса с помощью систем «бережливого производства»

    Interdisciplinary conference «Oral cavity - mirror of the organism»: on the way of increasing quality of education

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    In this article, topical aspects of improving the quality of education at the dental faculty are discussed by conducting an interdisciplinary conference "The oral cavity - mirror of the organism".В данной статье рассмотрены актуальные аспекты повышения качества обучения на стоматологическом факультете путем проведения междисциплинарной конференции «Полость рта – зеркало организма»

    Clinical study of restorations from different groups of filling materials used to restore temporary and permanent teeth in children

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    This article focuses on the effective and quality treatment of dental caries in temporary and permanent children’s teeth of different ages. The characteristic features of various groups of filling materials are analyzed. A clinical study of restorations using the Ryge index has been conducted. As a result of the study, data were obtained on the most frequent localization of caries in temporary and permanent children’s teeth, on the frequency of use of different groups of filling materials at the dental reception, on the quality of restorations of them.Исследование посвящено вопросам эффективного лечения кариеса во временных и постоянных зубах у детей разного возраста. Проведено клиническое исследование реставраций при лечении кариеса с помощью индекса Ryge. В результате исследования получены данные о наиболее частой локализации кариозных полостей во временных и постоянных зубах у детей, о частоте применения разных групп пломбировочных материалов на детском стоматологическом приеме, дана оценка качества реставраций из различных пломбировочных материалов

    Children’s trauma of teeth

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    The purpose of the study is to develop a questionnaire and conduct a questionnaire of parents (knowledge of the algorithm of actions in case of dental trauma in a child).Цель исследования - разработать анкету и провести анкетирование родителей (знание по алгоритму действий при травме зубов у ребенка)

    Methodics of prediction of caries in children from 0 to 5 years with the mobile app

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    The aim of the study is to reduce the incidence of caries among children 0-5 years old by creating a technique for predicting caries.Цель исследования - снизить частоту распространенности кариеса среди детей 0-5 лет с помощью создания методики по прогнозированию кариеса

    Image of a University Professor: Students’ Views and Priorities

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    In the light of transformations, which happen in the contemporary society in general and in the higher education sphere in particular, the practical and theoretical significance of the problem of University professor image making is growing. The purpose of this paper is to find out what today’s students think about their professors, which parts of their images students find the most important and prioritized. To this end, an experimental research of student’s opinions about university professor’s image was carried out. This paper provides the analysis of its results. The method of research consisted of oral and written interviews, as well as interviews in social networks. The analysis resulted in considering key features of the image of a contemporary university professor and in giving recommendations on the technology of positive image making. The paper shows that the dominant features of the image are professors’ professionalism and expertise in a specific subject area, their pedagogical competence as an ability to implement productive educational process and an emotional intelligence. The paper contains many practical examples which show the legitimacy of students’ priorities in part of image features of their professors