19 research outputs found

    Increasing the Level of Professional Competence Using a Virtual Educational Environment

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    The article addresses the issues of creating a virtual educational environment using special equipment. The 3DVista Virtual Tour program was chosen as the development environment for the virtual tour, using features related to e-Learning and automatic integration with LMS Moodle. The virtual space of the created educational environment provides an opportunity for the existence of various forms of educational communication, based on the capabilities of modern teaching tools and modern information and communication technologies, allows you to provide conditions for improving the quality of education, exchanging of views, and mutual consultation. The use of web-quest technology will allow young people to shape their common understanding of the profession, realize the demands placed on professionals in this sphere, will contribute to identify their personal and professional interests and aptitudes, and will also help schoolchildren and students to make independently and consciously their professional choice This technology fosters the development of communication skills and a more intensive exchange of information in the process of learning or mastering new academic material. All this ensures an increase in the level of professional competence of schoolchildren and students

    Astrometry at the RTT150 telescope within the international collaboration between KSU (Russia), TUG (Turkey), and NAO (Ukraine)

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    Modern astrometric projects require precise positional measurements of objects down to magnitude 20m–22m. For ground-based observations, this is possible by the use of astrographs with apertures 1 meter or more with precise tracking using long exposures and precise timing. The multifunctional astronomical complex RTT150 (the 1.5-m Russian–Turkish Telescope) is appropriate for such purposes

    Математическая модель подключения оптимального числа потенциальных потребителей тепла к тепловой сети

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    In the modern world, the efficient use of energy is an extremely important aspect of human activity. In particular, heat supply systems have significant economic, environmental and social importance for both heat consumers and heat supply organizations. The economic status of all participants in the heat supply process depends on the efficiency of the functioning of the heat supply systems. The reliability of the functioning of systems depends on vital processes such as the work of hospitals and industrial enterprises. With such a close network communication, reliable and efficient operation of power supply systems is critical. In this article, ways to improve the efficiency of heat supply systems are considered. A mathematical model for improved planning of heat supply systems by connecting the optimal set of new heat consumers is presented. For each single customer, when there is an alternative option for connecting this consumer to the existing heat network, it is possible to choose the only optimal solution. This becomes possible due to the restrictions and the procedure for selecting variants from a subset of binary variables corresponding to alternatives. The procedure for finding the optimal number of consumers for connection to the existing heat network is presented, which is the rationale for increasing the number of existing consumers of the heat network. The testing was carried out and the results of the mathematical model by an example of test heat networks are presented. Directions of further study of increasing the efficiency of heat supply systems and integrating the presented mathematical model with modern software complexes are determined.В современном мире эффективное использование энергоносителей является крайне важным аспектом человеческой деятельности. В частности, системы теплоснабжения имеют значительное экономическое, экологическое и социальное значение как для потребителей тепла, так и для теплоснабжающих организаций. От эффективности функционирования систем теплоснабжения зависит экономическое состояние всех участников процесса теплоснабжения. От надежности функционирования систем зависят жизненно важные процессы, такие как работа больниц и промышленных предприятий. При такой тесной сетевой коммуникации критически важно безотказное и эффективное функционирование систем энергоснабжения. В данной статье рассмотрены пути повышения эффективности работы систем теплоснабжения. Представлена математическая модель для планирования работы систем теплоснабжения путем подключения оптимального множества новых потребителей тепла. Для отдельно взятого потенциального потребителя, каждый раз, когда возникает альтернативный вариант подключения этого потребителя к существующей тепловой сети, возможно выбрать единственное оптимальное решение. Это становится возможно за счет наложения ограничений и процедуры отбора вариантов из подмножества бинарных переменных, соответствующих альтернативам. Представлена процедура поиска оптимального числа потребителей для подключения к существующей тепловой сети, являющаяся обоснованием для увеличения числа существующих потребителей. Проведено тестирование и представлены результаты работы математической модели на примере тестовых тепловых сетей, сконфигурированных на основе ручного ввода основных условий и параметров работы. Определены направления дальнейших исследований по повышению эффективности систем теплоснабжения и интеграции представленной математической модели с современными программными комплексами.         

    Пищевая ценность салатного лука крымской селекции

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    Relevance. Allium cepa L. is considered to be one of the most important agricultural crops in most countries of the world. High nutritional value is especially pronounced in salad onion which vegetation needs high temperature and significant insulation.Material and methods. The first biochemical characteristics are given for 9 Crimean salad onion genotypes and varieties (red onions Festivalny, Yaltinsky plus, Yaltinsky foros, Yaltinsky rybin, Yaltinsky 6А, Yaltinsky 7А, Yaltinsky 8А and yellow cultivars Kendy and Bean promine) with the comparison with the appropriate data for popular Italian sweet onion cultivar Tropea and semi-pungent varieties grown in Moscow region, Italy and Stavropol region (Zolotnichok, Cherny prince).Results. Warm climate is shown to increase the amount of antioxidants, monosaccharides and organic acids in onion bulbs. Compared to the Italian Tropea variety Crimean genotypes were characterized by higher levels of ascorbic acid (12.8±1.4 mg/100 g fresh weight) and organic acids (1.58±0.03 mg malic acid per g of dry weight), relatively similar levels of polyphenols (21.0±2.3 mg-eq Gallic acid per g of dry weight), and quercetine. (3.09±0.42 mg-eq Gallic acid per g of dry weight) and antocyanines (2.78±1.03 mg/g fresh weight). New genotypes Yaltinsky 6A, Yaltinsky 7A, Yaltinsky 8A were shown to accumulate higher levels of antioxidants. A direct correlation between the peel/inner layers ratio of antioxidant activities with the appropriate ratio for polyphenols was demonstrated (r=+0.93). A direct correlation between flavonoids content in peel and inner layers was also revealed (r=+0.83). Polyphenols and flavonoids ratios between peel and inner layers were shown to be higher for the Crimean genotypes compared to semi-pungent Moscow region varieties which indicates the prospects of utilization of the Crimean onion peel in production of functional food products with elevated levels of antioxidants.Актуальность. Лук репчатый (Allium cepa) является одной из наиболее важных овощных культур в большинстве стран мира. Высокая пищевая ценность особенно выражена в луках салатного направления, выращивание которых требует высоких температур и значительной инсоляции.Материал и методика. В работе впервые приведены данные биохимического состава 9 сортов и сортообразцов салатного лука Крыма (красные Фестивальный, Ялтинский плюс, Ялтинский форос, Ялтинский рубин, Ялтинский 6А, Ялтинский 7А, Ялтинский 8А и желтые Кендли и Bean promine) в сравнении с популярным в Италии салатным луком Tropea и полуострыми сортами селекции Федерального Научной Центра Овощеводства, выращенными в Московской области, Италии и Ставропольском крае (Золотничок и Черный принц).Результаты. Установлено, что теплый климат Средиземноморья способствует более интенсивному накоплению полифенолов, флавоноидов и высокой общей антиоксидантной активности, а также органических кислот при достоверном повышении доли моносахаров от общего количества сахаров. По сравнению с итальянским сортом Tropea крымские сладкие сорта лука характеризуются более высоким содержанием витамина С (12.8±1.4 мкг/100 г сырой массы) и сходными уровнями накопления полифенолов (21.0±2.3 мг-экв ГАК/г с.м.), кверцетина (3.09±0.42 мг-экв ГАК/г с.м.) и антоцианидинов (2.78±1.03 мг/г сырой массы). Показано, что новые перспективные сортообразцы Ялтинский 6А, Ялтинский 7А и Ялтинский 8А отличаются повышенной антиоксидантной активностью. Установлена прямая корреляция между соотношением антиоксидантной активности в шелухе/луковице с соответствующим показателем для полифенолов (r=+0.93), а также прямая корреляция между содержанием флавоноидов во внутренних и внешних чешуях (r=+0.83). Показано, что соотношение уровней накопления полифенолов и флавоноидов в луковице и шелухе крымских луков достоверно выше, чем соответствующий показатель у подмосковных полуострых сортов, что предполагает перспективность использования шелухи крымских луков в производстве функциональных продуктов питания с повышенным содержанием антиоксидантов

    Creation of a Virtual Technology Laboratory and Organization of Training for Highly Qualified Personnel

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    The article describes the technology of virtual modeling which is used as a tool to improve the quality of engineering education. The authors propose an approach to the creation of a virtual technological laboratory prototype for studying the processes of organic dyes production in vAcademia software environment. The basic programming environment vAcademia was used to create the laboratory. To create the elements of the laboratory, the tools of various systems were used such as two- and three-dimensional design systems SketchUp, AutoCAD, COMPASS-3D; graphic and video editors: Adobe Photoshop, the GIMP, Photoscape, Windows Movie Maker, SONY Vegas Pro; visual simulation tool for dynamic systems SIMUL8; software for working with tables and text Microsoft Office. The virtual laboratory was created in order to simulate the real laboratory environment and the processes produced in it, as well as to simulate the learning environment in which students transform their theoretical knowledge into practical skills. The test researches on an assessment of the quality of education, with use of the developed communicative and educational environment in the form of virtual space of technological laboratory on studying of processes of production of organic dyes, showed its increase by 15,6%

    Model of the Connecting Optimal Number of Heat Consumers

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    In the modern world, the efficient use of energy is an extremely important aspect of human activity. In particular, heat supply systems have significant economic, environmental and social importance for both heat consumers and heat supply organizations. The economic status of all participants in the heat supply process depends on the efficiency of the functioning of the heat supply systems. The reliability of the functioning of systems depends on vital processes such as the work of hospitals and industrial enterprises. With such a close network communication, reliable and efficient operation of power supply systems is critical. In this article, ways to improve the efficiency of heat supply systems are considered. A mathematical model for improved planning of heat supply systems by connecting the optimal set of new heat consumers is presented. For each single customer, when there is an alternative option for connecting this consumer to the existing heat network, it is possible to choose the only optimal solution. This becomes possible due to the restrictions and the procedure for selecting variants from a subset of binary variables corresponding to alternatives. The procedure for finding the optimal number of consumers for connection to the existing heat network is presented, which is the rationale for increasing the number of existing consumers of the heat network. The testing was carried out and the results of the mathematical model by an example of test heat networks are presented. Directions of further study of increasing the efficiency of heat supply systems and integrating the presented mathematical model with modern software complexes are determined