150 research outputs found


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    Investment attractiveness of the Russian manufacturing industry under sanctions and restrictions

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    The effective industrial development in Russian industry plays a leading role in the country’s economy. The article is devoted to the study of the direction of effective investment in the Russian industry at the present stage of economic development, in particular manufacturing. The purpose of the study is to assess the volume of investments of the Russian manufacturing industry in difficult conditions of re-equipment and reconfiguration of production processes for import substitution. The dynamics of manufacturing industries in various areas of production in the country is considered. The factors that have a positive and negative impact on the effective development of the Russian manufacturing industry in recent years have been identified. Based on the conducted research, a general conclusion is formulated that it is expedient for the country to make investments for the effective development of the manufacturing industry

    Analysis of the Russian industry development in the context of import substitution

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    The effective development of Russian industry plays a leading role in the country’s economy. The article is devoted to the study of the effective development of the Russian industry at a difficult stage of countering sanctions and the conditions of import substitution. The author explores the development of Russian industrial production in the regions in modern realities and the prospects for its development in the context of import substitution. The introduction presents a scientific literature overview of the research economists studying the problem of industrial production, and formulates the goals and objectives of the work. The purpose of the article is to assess the state of the Russian industry in the difficult conditions of re-equipment and reconfiguration of production processes for import substitution. The dynamics of indices characterizing industrial production in various areas is considered. The factors that have a positive and negative impact on the effective development of Russian industry in recent years have been identified. Based on the conducted research, a general conclusion is formulated that it is expedient for the country to support industrial production for its effective development

    Discrimination of Biomass Burning Smoke and Clouds in MAIAC Algorithm

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    The multi-angle implementation of atmospheric correction (MAIAC) algorithm makes aerosol retrievals from MODIS data at 1 km resolution providing information about the fine scale aerosol variability. This information is required in different applications such as urban air quality analysis, aerosol source identification etc. The quality of high resolution aerosol data is directly linked to the quality of cloud mask, in particular detection of small (sub-pixel) and low clouds. This work continues research in this direction, describing a technique to detect small clouds and introducing the smoke test to discriminate the biomass burning smoke from the clouds. The smoke test relies on a relative increase of aerosol absorption at MODIS wavelength 0.412 micrometers as compared to 0.47-0.67 micrometers due to multiple scattering and enhanced absorption by organic carbon released during combustion. This general principle has been successfully used in the OMI detection of absorbing aerosols based on UV measurements. This paper provides the algorithm detail and illustrates its performance on two examples of wildfires in US Pacific North-West and in Georgia/Florida of 2007

    Nonthermal radiation of rotating black holes

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    Nonthermal radiation of a Kerr black hole is considered as tunneling of created particles through an effective Dirac gap. In the leading semiclassical approximation this approach is applicable to bosons as well. Our semiclassical results for photons and gravitons do not contradict those obtained previously. For neutrinos the result of our accurate quantum mechanical calculation is about two times larger than the previous one.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures; 2 references added, few typos correcte

    Comparative Analysis of Aerosol Retrievals from MODIS, OMI and MISR Over Sahara Region

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    MODIS is a wide field-of-view sensor providing daily global observations of the Earth. Currently, global MODIS aerosol retrievals over land are performed with the main Dark Target algorithm complimented with the Deep Blue (DB) Algorithm over bright deserts. The Dark Target algorithm relies on surface parameterization which relates reflectance in MODIS visible bands with the 2.1 micrometer region, whereas the Deep Blue algorithm uses an ancillary angular distribution model of surface reflectance developed from the time series of clear-sky MODIS observations. Recently, a new Multi-Angle Implementation of Atmospheric Correction (MAIAC) algorithm has been developed for MODIS. MAIAC uses a time series and an image based processing to perform simultaneous retrievals of aerosol properties and surface bidirectional reflectance. It is a generic algorithm which works over both dark vegetative surfaces and bright deserts and performs retrievals at 1 km resolution. In this work, we will provide a comparative analysis of DB, MAIAC, MISR and OMI aerosol products over bright deserts of northern Africa

    Radiation of Quantized Black Hole

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    The maximum entropy of a quantized surface is demonstrated to be proportional to the surface area in the classical limit. The general structure of the horizon spectrum and the value of the Barbero-Immirzi parameter are found. The discrete spectrum of thermal radiation of a black hole fits naturally the Wien profile. The natural widths of the lines are very small as compared to the distances between them. The total intensity of the thermal radiation is calculated.Comment: 11 pages; few comments and a reference added; one more reference and a comment on it added; a note added that the natural widths of the lines are very small as compared to the distances between the

    Analysis of MAIAC Dust Aerosol Retrievals from MODIS Over North Africa

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    An initial comparison of aerosol optical thickness over North Africa for year 2007 was performed between the Deep Blue and Multi-Angle Implementation of Atmospheric Correction (MAIAC) algorithms complimented with MISR and OMI data. The new MAIAC algorithm has a better sensitivity to the small dust storms than the DB algorithm, but it also has biases in the brightest desert regions indicating the need for improvement. The quarterly averaged AOT values in the Bodele depression and western downwind transport region show a good agreement among MAIAC, MISR and OMI data, while the DB algorithm shows a somewhat different seasonality