534 research outputs found

    Contextual approach to quantum mechanics and the theory of the fundamental prespace

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    We constructed a Hilbert space representation of a contextual Kolmogorov model. This representation is based on two fundamental observables -- in the standard quantum model these are position and momentum observables. This representation has all distinguishing features of the quantum model. Thus in spite all ``No-Go'' theorems (e.g., von Neumann, Kochen and Specker,..., Bell) we found the realist basis for quantum mechanics. Our representation is not standard model with hidden variables. In particular, this is not a reduction of quantum model to the classical one. Moreover, we see that such a reduction is even in principle impossible. This impossibility is not a consequence of a mathematical theorem but it follows from the physical structure of the model. By our model quantum states are very rough images of domains in the space of fundamental parameters - PRESPACE. Those domains represent complexes of physical conditions. By our model both classical and quantum physics describe REDUCTION of PRESPACE-INFORMATION. Quantum mechanics is not complete. In particular, there are prespace contexts which can be represented only by a so called hyperbolic quantum model. We predict violations of the Heisenberg's uncertainty principle and existence of dispersion free states.Comment: Plenary talk at Conference "Quantum Theory: Reconsideration of Foundations-2", Vaxjo, 1-6 June, 200

    On possible violation of the CHSH Bell inequality in a classical context

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    It has been shown that there is a small possibility to experimentally violate the CHSH Bell inequality in a 'classical' context. The probability of such a violation has been estimated in the framework of a classical probabilistic model in the language of a random-walk representation.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figur

    Classical Signal Model for Quantum Channels

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    Recently it was shown that the main distinguishing features of quantum mechanics (QM) can be reproduced by a model based on classical random fields, so called prequantum classical statistical field theory (PCSFT). This model provides a possibility to represent averages of quantum observables, including correlations of observables on subsystems of a composite system (e.g., entangled systems), as averages with respect to fluctuations of classical (Gaussian) random fields. In this note we consider some consequences of PCSFT for quantum information theory. They are based on the observation \cite{W} of two authors of this paper that classical Gaussian channels (important in classical signal theory) can be represented as quantum channels. Now we show that quantum channels can be represented as classical linear transformations of classical Gaussian signa

    Generalized probabilities taking values in non-Archimedean fields and topological groups

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    We develop an analogue of probability theory for probabilities taking values in topological groups. We generalize Kolmogorov's method of axiomatization of probability theory: main distinguishing features of frequency probabilities are taken as axioms in the measure-theoretic approach. We also present a review of non-Kolmogorovian probabilistic models including models with negative, complex, and pp-adic valued probabilities. The latter model is discussed in details. The introduction of pp-adic (as well as more general non-Archimedean) probabilities is one of the main motivations for consideration of generalized probabilities taking values in topological groups which are distinct from the field of real numbers. We discuss applications of non-Kolmogorovian models in physics and cognitive sciences. An important part of this paper is devoted to statistical interpretation of probabilities taking values in topological groups (and in particular in non-Archimedean fields)

    An analog of Heisenberg uncertainty relation in prequantum classical field theory

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    Prequantum classical statistical field theory (PCSFT) is a model which provides a possibility to represent averages of quantum observables, including correlations of observables on subsystems of a composite system, as averages with respect to fluctuations of classical random fields. PCSFT is a classical model of the wave type. For example, "electron" is described by electronic field. In contrast to QM, this field is a real physical field and not a field of probabilities. An important point is that the prequantum field of e.g. electron contains the irreducible contribution of the background field, vacuum fluctuations. In principle, the traditional QM-formalism can be considered as a special regularization procedure: subtraction of averages with respect to vacuum fluctuations. In this paper we derive a classical analog of the Heisenberg-Robertson inequality for dispersions of functionals of classical (prequantum) fields. PCSFT Robertson-like inequality provides a restriction on the product of classical dispersions. However, this restriction is not so rigid as in QM. The quantum dispersion corresponds to the difference between e.g. the electron field dispersion and the dispersion of vacuum fluctuations. Classical Robertson-like inequality contains these differences. Hence, it does not imply such a rigid estimate from below for dispersions as it was done in QM

    The quantum measurement process in an exactly solvable model

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    An exactly solvable model for a quantum measurement is discussed which is governed by hamiltonian quantum dynamics. The zz-component s^z\hat s_z of a spin-1/2 is measured with an apparatus, which itself consists of magnet coupled to a bath. The initial state of the magnet is a metastable paramagnet, while the bath starts in a thermal, gibbsian state. Conditions are such that the act of measurement drives the magnet in the up or down ferromagnetic state according to the sign of szs_z of the tested spin. The quantum measurement goes in two steps. On a timescale 1/N1/\sqrt{N} the off-diagonal elements of the spin's density matrix vanish due to a unitary evolution of the tested spin and the NN apparatus spins; on a larger but still short timescale this is made definite by the bath. Then the system is in a `classical' state, having a diagonal density matrix. The registration of that state is a quantum process which can already be understood from classical statistical mechanics. The von Neumann collapse and the Born rule are derived rather than postulated.Comment: 7 pages revtex, 2 figure

    Pseudodifferential operators on ultrametric spaces and ultrametric wavelets

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    A family of orthonormal bases, the ultrametric wavelet bases, is introduced in quadratically integrable complex valued functions spaces for a wide family of ultrametric spaces. A general family of pseudodifferential operators, acting on complex valued functions on these ultrametric spaces is introduced. We show that these operators are diagonal in the introduced ultrametric wavelet bases, and compute the corresponding eigenvalues. We introduce the ultrametric change of variable, which maps the ultrametric spaces under consideration onto positive half-line, and use this map to construct non-homogeneous generalizations of wavelet bases.Comment: 19 pages, LaTe
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