20 research outputs found

    Характеристика пациентов с активным онкологическим процессом и венозными тромбоэмболическими осложнениями, получающих курс химиотерапии (по данным реальной клинической практики ГБУЗ «МГОБ №62 ДЗМ»)

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    Introduction. Pulmonary embolism (PE) accounts for about 10% in the mortality pattern among cancer patients, which is the second most frequent cause of death.Aim. To identify and characterize patients with active cancer and VTEC receiving chemotherapy (CT) based on the retrospective review of medical records provided by Moscow City Oncology Hospital No. 62 (MCOH No. 62) for the period from 01.2018 to 04.2020.Materials and methods. Medical records of 3,912 patients receiving chemotherapy treatment cycles in the departments of MCOH No. 62 were reviewed. 227 (5.8%) patients in whom the underlying disease course was complicated by VTEC were selected. Sites of primary tumours, n (%): stomach – 37 (16.3); colon and rectum – 36 (15.9); uterus, cervix, ovaries – 31 (13.7); lungs – 23 (10.1); kidneys, ureters and bladder, testicles – 19 (8.4); pancreas – 18 (7.9); soft tissues – 14 (6.2); mammary gland – 13 (5.7); lymphoma, myeloma – 8 (3.5); Ear Nose Throat (ENT) tumours – 7 (3); others – 21 (9.3).Results. The majority of patients (176 (77.5%)) had a sum Khorana score <3, 51 (22.5%) patients had Khorana scores ≥ 3, which corresponds to a high thrombotic risk. 29 (12.7%) patients died. The hospital physicians assessed the causes of death as follows: 16 patients died from pulmonary embolism, of which 13 (81%) had a sum Khorana score <3; 13 patients died due to progression of cancer.Conclusions. VTEC most commonly occurred in patients with gastrointestinal cancer (32.2%) and genito-urinary system cancer (22.1%). Half (54.5%) of VTEC occurred in the first 3 months of chemotherapy treatment. The Khorana scale is non-perfect in ‘real-life’ clinical practice (only 22.5% of patients with verified VTEC had a high thrombotic risk, and 81% of patients who died due to PE had a low and medium risk of VTEC).Введение. В структуре смертности онкобольных на тромбоэмболию легочной артерии (ТЭЛА) приходится около 10%, что является второй по частоте причиной смерти. Цель исследования. На основе ретроспективного анализа медицинской документации МГОБ №62 за период с 01.2018 по 04.2020 г. найти и охарактеризовать пациентов с активным раком и ВТЭО, получающих химиотерапию (ХТ). Материалы и методы. Были проанализированы случаи лечения 3 912 пациентов, получавших циклические курсы ХТ в отделениях МГОБ №62. Были отобраны 227 (5,8%) пациентов, у которых течение основного заболевания осложнилось ВТЭО. Локализация первичной опухоли, n (%): желудок – 37 (16,3); толстая и прямая кишка – 36 (15,9); матка, шейка матки, яичники – 31 (13,7); легкие – 23 (10,1); почки, мочеточники и мочевой пузырь, яички – 19 (8,4); поджелудочная железа – 18 (7,9); мягкие ткани – 14 (6,2); молочная железа – 13 (5,7); лимфома, миелома – 8 (3,5); опухоли лор-органов – 7 (3); другие – 21 (9,3). Результаты. Сумма баллов по шкале Khorana < 3 отмечалась у большинства пациентов – 176 (77,5%), ≥ 3 баллов по шкале Khorana – у 51 (22,5%) пациента, что соответствует высокому тромботическому риску. Умерли 29 (12,7%) пациентов. Оценка причин смерти, по мнению лечащих врачей: 16 пациентов – от ТЭЛА, из них у 13 (81%) сумма баллов по шкале Khorana < 3 баллов; у 13 пациентов причина смерти – прогрессирование онкологического заболевания. Выводы. Чаще всего ВТЭО возникали у больных раком ЖКТ (32,2%) и раком МПС (22,1%). Половина (54,5%) ВТЭО возникали в первые 3 мес. ХТ. Шкала Khoranа несовершенна в реальной клинической практике (только 22,5% больных с верифицированным ВТЭО имели высокий тромботический риск, а 81% больных, умерших от ТЭЛА, имели низкий и средний риск ВТЭО)

    Active current converter mathematical model and control

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    The paper represents totally controlled switches based active current rectifier working in a PWM mode vector mathematical model. Active current rectifier has certain advantages output current management, energy recuperation, supply line power factor management and forming near sinusoidal line currents. Developed model can be used for electrical drives vector control system synthesis. Represented approach also can be applied to current source inverter operating mode analysis. The simulation results are presented. It is well-known that frequency converter based 011 current source inverter (CSI) is advisable for alternative current electric drive (ACED) operating in heavy dynamic conditions. But conventional rectifier circuit design does not afford electromagnetic compatibility with supply line. The problem can be solved by replacing normally used thyristor rectifier by active current rectifier (ACR) based on totally controlled power semiconductor switches. Such switches implementation allows to realise PWM commutation algorithms that gain recuperation, near sinusoidal line consumption currents and power factor management. Nowadays there are a lot of papers dedicated to active voltage converters' (AVR) controller synthesis [1-5], but active current converter operating mode examination and description is insufficient. The paper represents the three-phase bridge ACR working in PWM-mode mathematical model development results. © 2000 IEEE

    Novel generation of energy saving industrial AC electric drive based on TSDFC with PWM

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    The paper is dedicated to the development of the novel energy saving speed adjustable ac drive with two-stage direct frequency converter (TSDFC) which provides sinusoidal input/output currents and recuperation. Paper describes the two-step control strategy based on the analysis of the TSDFC properties and the problem decomposition. This strategy was realised in the 7.5kW laboratory setup and first in the world 110kW experimental-industrial induction motor drive. The results of experimental study are presented. ©2007 IEEE.IEEE Industrial Electronics Societ

    Determination of the half-life of243Cm

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    Design of two-component direct frequency converters for AC drives

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    The design of a new type of frequency converter is considered: a two-component direct frequency converter, permitting direct reversible conversion of ac energy, with sinusoidal grid and load currents; this design is free from the switching conflicts of matrix-type direct frequency converters

    Coordinate PWM control strategy of the two-stage direct frequency converter

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    The paper is dedicated to a two-stage direct frequency converter (TSDFC) power switches control based on coordinate PWM strategy. It presents an algorithm of the modulating functions synthesis which assures network currents and output voltages equal to their reference values under the condition of no DC smoothing filter. The simulation results of the TSDFC operating with an equivalent RLE-load and induction motor are presented. The proposed control strategy is also applicable for the matrix direct frequency converter. © 2003 IEEE

    Coordinate pulsewidth modulation in the control of direct frequency converters for AC drives

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    Coordinate pulsewidth modulation is considered for the control of power switches of matrix and two-component direct frequency converters (DFC) in ac drive systems. The synthesis of modulating signals yielding the specified output voltages and sinusoidal grid currents for converters with no intermediate smoothing filter is discussed. Simulation of DFC operation with an RLE load and an asynchronous motor is undertaken

    PWM control of direct frequency converter in AC electric drive system

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    The paper is dedicated to the problem of direct frequency converter (DFC) control in AC electric drive system. The general two-step control strategy based on the coordinate PWM is presented. The developed DFC control system provides converter output voltages and input currents parameters equal to their reference values. The control system synthesis, taking into account a distorting influence of real power switches commutation process on the DFC commutation function, is conducted. The results of experimental study of operating modes of induction motor drive, fed by the two-stage DFC, are presented