5 research outputs found

    Analysis of temperaturepain sensitivity in patients with consequences of the cervical spinal cord injury

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    Background. The standard neurological assessment in patients with long-term consequences of spine-and-spinal cord injury and severe neurological deficit does not allow to accurately identify changes in sensitivity that determine the level, degree and nature of spinal cord injury, as well as to evaluate the minimal dynamics of these disorders with different treatment options. As a result, an objective instrumental assessment of the sensory sphere in the long-term period of spinal cord injury has not lost its relevance.The aim. To conduct an instrumental study of the temperature-pain sensitivity condition in patients with partial gross damage to the cervical spinal cord in the long-term period of the disease (type B on the ASIA scale).Methods. We examined 23 patients with consequences of vertebral fractures of the cervical spine in the late period of traumatic spinal cord disease, Grade B on the ASIA scale ASIA. The clinical analysis of sensitive disorders was performed according to ISNCSCI and ASIA scales. While studying the temperature-pain sensitivity the threshold of thermal sensitivity and the threshold of pain from hot were determined in СIV–SI dermatomes on the right and on the left using an electricesthesiometer.Results. The examined patients had hypesthesia of heat and pain sensitivity, hyperesthesia of pain sensitivity, thermoanesthesia and thermoanalgesia. The degree of changes in the temperature-pain sensitivity depended on the topographic localization of dermatomes. The more distally the study area was located from the level of damage, the more pronounced the disorders were. In 30.4 % of patients, the pain sensitivity from hot in the chain of dermatomes from CIV to SI was preserved on at least one side. The combination of thermoanesthesia with thermoanalgesia was observed in 69.6 % of cases in dermatomes with ThVII and distally.Conclusions. The instrumentally registered level of the temperature-pain sensitivity disorder did not correspond to clinically determined localization of sensory disorders. The range of discrepancy ranged from 2 to 12 dermatomes, with defining the sensitivity subclinical deficit over the area of clinical sensory disorders

    Psychological Factors of Competitiveness of University Graduates in the Current Labour Market

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    In the article the problem of the lack of a holistic theory of competitiveness is being examined. The aim of this article is to identify the main psychological factors of competitiveness of university graduates in today’s labour market and to build on this basis a holistic image of the phenomenon of psychological substructure of competitiveness. The author justifies the idea that, the pivotal psychological factor of competitiveness is stress resistance. The author analyzes the works devoted to the concepts of competitiveness and the labor market, as well as works that reveal the psychological factors of competitiveness. The importance of the formation and development of stress resistance of future university graduates to increase their competitiveness in the labor market is proved.Рассматривается проблема отсутствия целостной теории конкурентоспособности. Целью работы является выявление основных психологических факторов конкурентоспособности выпускника вуза в условиях современного рынка труда и построения на их основе целостного образа феномена психологического обеспечения конкурентоспособности. Обосновывается идея о том, что стержневым психологическим фактором конкурентоспособности является стрессоустойчивость. Автор анализирует работы, посвященные понятиям конкурентоспособности и рынка труда, а также работы, выявляющие психологические факторы конкурентоспособности. Доказывается важность формирования и развития стрессоустойчивости будущих выпускников вузов для повышения их конкурентоспособности на рынке труда

    Connection between the self-actualizing personal potential and the emotional burnout of teachers

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    The problem of influence of personal potential on emotional burning out is considered. The aim of the work is to identify the specific features of the connection between the self-actualizing personal potential and the emotional burnout of teachers. The main content of the study: an analysis of works on the personal potential of teachers, self-actualization and emotional burnout. The author comes to the conclusion that the self-actualizing potential contributes to the active process of resistance to burnout and self-realization in the professional activity of the teacher.Рассматривается проблема влияния личностного потенциала на эмоциональное выгорание. Целью работы является выявление особенностей связи самоактуализационного личностного потенциала и эмоционального выгорания педагогов. Основное содержание исследования составляет анализ работ, посвященных личностному потенциалу педагогов, самоактуализации и эмоциональному выгоранию. Автор приходит к выводу, что самоактуализационный потенциал способствует активному процессу сопротивления выгоранию и самореализации в профессиональной деятельности педагога

    The Influence of Students’ Personal Qualities on the Success Achievement Motivation

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    The problem of the fragmentation of ideas about the psychological qualities that influence the development of the student success achievement motivation is considered. The aim of the work is to identify the main element of the psychological support of the student success achievement motivation. The author analyzes the work on the psychology of student motivation and success achievement motivation. As a result of the study, the author identifies a number of key personal characteristics associated with a high success achievement motivation.Рассматривается проблема фрагментарности представлений о психологических качествах, влияющих на развитие мотивации достижения успеха студентов. Целью работы является выявление системообразующего элемента психологического обеспечения мотивации достижения успеха у студентов. Автор анализирует работы, посвященные психологии мотивации студентов и мотивации достижения успеха. В результате проведенного исследования выделяется ряд ключевых личностных характеристик, связанных с высокой мотивацией достижения успеха у студентов